2012年3月8日 星期四

tera power leveling Chief spokesman Saibert - DBL

129742939238906250_385On Saturday (February 18) media released a survey showing most Greece people want this country to remain in the euro zone, but only half of the people believe the country can avoid exiting euro. After months of difficult negotiations, Greece population for the euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday (February 20) by 130 billion euro bailout,Hopes of avoiding bankruptcy next month in the country is rising.   MRB poll company performed a survey, 72.7% Greece people want to stay in the country in the euro zone warhammer gold, but only 48.8% per cent of respondents believe the next two years to do it. Survey of Greece in people, 90.6% of respondents expect, in addition to the new aid agreement reached inAusterity measures, the Government will implement in the future more austerity, 53.1% per cent of respondents claimed last week by 3.3 billion euro budget cuts are essential to avoid bankruptcy.   In addition, 59% per cent of the respondents said it considers necessary or immediately prior to the April general election. Germany Angela Merkel (Angela Merkel) Chief spokesman Saibert (Steffen Seibert) on Friday (February 17), Germany on euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday reached 130 billion euro Greece bailout agreement are optimistic, while seeking to reach Greece debt swaps. Saibert said Germany, Angela Merkel, and Italy Prime Minister El (Mario MontI) and Greece Prime Minister Papademos (Lucas Papademos) days Greece second relief held Conference calls, and to reach agreement on euro-zone Finance Ministers on Monday are optimistic. Greece, former Prime Minister George Papandreou (George Papandreou) as early as November 3, 2011 said, Greece will be caused byNew rescue force in the implementation of the European Union agreement tera power leveling, and to ensure that Greece remained within the eurozone. Papandreou, speaking to members of the ruling party, said the same day: "on October 27 (reached by the leaders of the eurozone) agreements are Greece a turning point. If you are unable to implement this agreement because of the lack of consensus age of conan gold, Greece euro-zone status at risk. ”

