2012年3月31日 星期六

diablo 3 gold we divide on this issue is needed - SGD

129765921282237500_10He started years Twelve-Five rate: from the five-year worries More than 30 years reform and opening up, China's economy has made a success of the world's attention, what is? Looking back on the "Twelve-Five" of the first year of 2011, this year's evaluation of economic development should be how? Adjustment of economic structure in China, policy makers have made a number of years, the reason why there are difficult to break? In this regard, which was held on March 17 at the Beijing "China development high-levelForum 2012 "Annual Conference, Party Secretary and Deputy Director of the State Council Development Research Center, Deputy Director of the central financial and economic leading Group Office of Liu He says, China's economic rise is due to fully learn the" cultural revolution "lessons, stick to promote market economy reforms, adhere to the implementation of open, correct play to the role of the Government, insist on the reform path with Chinese characteristics. On the same occasion, the economicScientists, research fellow, development research center of the State Council Wu Jinglian said that 2011 has achieved certain results, but invested a lot, the cost is too high, "from the year valid, but in five years, I was worried about. "The new members of the Central Bank's monetary policy Committee, yingyi Qian, Dean of Economics and management, Tsinghua University, pointed out at the Forum, what the economic structural adjustment has been difficultTo break through, and roots in the transformation of the Government lags behind. In the current European debt crisis, recovery of the world economy is not out of context, must insist on promoting the reform of market economy in China, is the unanimous view of the three participants. The annual meeting was approved by the State Council, organised by the development research center of the State Council, China Development Research Foundation to host. Since its establishment in 2000, ChinaDevelopment Forum has held 12 sessions in a row. The time for the annual meeting March 17, is the "two sessions" after the closing of the first State-level international forum, is the Chinese Government diablo 3 gold, international organizations and international business leaders and important dialogue platform between Chinese and foreign scholars. China's economic success cannot be attributed to the State monopoly capitalism success "according to some scholarsPractices of the financial crisis, successful Chinese economic success into State monopoly capitalism model, I personally think that this view may not be very realistic, is prone to misleading. "Caixin, it was reported, for some of the practices of scholars under China's response to the financial crisis, summarized as the success of the model of State monopoly capitalism economic success in China, Liu He said," I personallyBelieves that this view might not be realistic, are also prone to misleading. "Liu crane explains that in the process of dealing with the international financial crisis, when the global economy is in free fall, had to carry out a large-scale direct intervention by the Central Government, have made great achievements, but there are also some problems. These interventions are only short-term approach to respond to crises, and notTo summarize and explain the practice of economic development in China for more than 30 years. China's success in economic development in the past, Liu He further pointed out that the five factors may be worthy of attention. From a historical point of view, China's reform and opening up in the ten years of the so-called "cultural revolution", after the "cultural revolution" negative effect of reflection and to get out of lessons to promote theDevelopment of the country. Because ten years from 1966 to 1976 the "cultural revolution", precisely because at that time the Chinese economy to the brink, making China's firm had to give up the political line, under the leadership of Mr Deng Xiao-ping's economic construction as the Center, determined to choose the road of reform and opening up. 1th factors referred to this are Liu crane. 2nd factorAre placed on the background. Liu He believes that China has unswervingly implementing opening up, occurs after the revolution in the third, it's just caught up with the rising labor costs in developed countries of transnational corporations in the world after reconfiguring resources opportunity, rich labor resources, through hard struggle to improve their own lives of the broad masses of strong demand, China's economyAccess to scarce capital and suitable advanced technology at that time, rapid integration into the world economic system, obtained its own comparative advantage, and become the world's manufacturing center. Incentive system of arrangement, China attaches importance to market mechanisms played an important role. "Although in the initial stages on the relationship between plan and market has been debated extensively, but in fact reforms successfully testJust follow the most basic rules of the market economy. This rural household contract responsibility system in China and is adequately reflected in the reform of State-owned enterprises. This mainly includes the definition and protection of property rights, recognition and incentive motivation of people's material interests, determined by market based price signal what to produce and how much. In a growing number of industries to promote fair competition, achieving theDiversification of structure. "This is Liu crane when it comes to 3rd. In the course of China's economic success, Government has played a role? Liu He 4th factors were "properly play a role that should be played by the Government". He said that in China, we have always regarded relations between China and the market are complementary, in the different levels of economic development and the business cycleAt different stages of the complementary situation there is a great difference between the two, but somehow, the Central Government maintain macroeconomic stability and policy guidance on structural change of direction has been playing an important role, while gradually reducing its direct intervention in economic activity. At the same time, local government economic development a lot of energy, thus formation of local economic competition is important to national development is also referred toBoost. "Of course, we divide on this issue is needed swtor credits, requires objective understanding. "Liu crane added. On the 5th, Liu He believes that China chose the path of reform with Chinese characteristics. On the premise of maintaining social and political stability, China's reform has always been aware of the unified leadership of the Central Government and combination of grass-roots enthusiasm,Reform in order to control, without a massive "shock therapy". Government-led economic unsustainable and buried a lot of hidden "' Twelve-Five ' the first year of the invested too much, the cost is too high, with the transformation of mode of economic development in such a way, is not sustainable. "" After a strong Government, a large State-owned enterprises, massive investments to promote economic development in experimental�� This kind of experiment has now concluded. "Liu crane on" State monopoly capitalism ", he said on the same occasion" I agree ". He believes that China's "Twelve-Five" the first year of, certain achievements in economic development mode, but put too much, the cost is too high, with the transformation of mode of economic development in such a way,Is not sustainable. He said, the reason is institutional obstacles have not eliminated, in favour of innovation system has yet to be established. Why is there such a situation? Wu Jinglian said, State monopoly capitalism, the main content is to rely on a strong Government and a strong State sector, to the State-owned economy to control the economy, using powerful resources to invest, to promote economic development"This view, we do not agree with. "Caixin, it was reported, he said:" the stones also said China now, I do not quite agree. In 1994, foreign-exchange reforms is by design. Tax and finance system reform of 1994. Problem now is on top design questions. As Liu crane said, also argued the other way (Roads of State monopoly capitalism). "Wu Jinglian pointed out, two years on, which is a road there is a lot of discussion, but it should be noted that concluded the conditions have been fulfilled. After a strong Government, a large State-owned enterprises, massive investments to promote the economic development of the experiment. This experiment has now concluded. "Miracle such as high-speed rail, I'm not in any particularEvent, but it's in such a development way. Some other places, also achieved rapid growth in this manner, but covered up problems are exposed. "He said, through theoretical discussions and practical experience, which really is the conclusion can be drawn. In response to the forum moderator on "Twelve-Five" rate the first year of the issue, he said, "from year toValid, but in five years, I was worried about ". He said that doing good is "95" and "Twelve-Five" with the Government leading the way to advance is not sustainable, and planted a lot of hidden dangers. "Structure" difficult to break through its origins in government transformation hysteresis "structural adjustment of China, must promote deep reforms, and the Government must be adjustedPeople and enterprises, and relationship marketing. The task is not completed, structural adjustment is very difficult. "At yesterday's Forum, yingyi Qian also spoke of their" Twelve-Five "during the reform point of view. Yingyi Qian, the necessity of adjusting the economic structure, from leadership to enterprises to economics, awareness is consistent, but has encountered great difficulties in the practical implementation, efficiencyFruit is not obvious. China's proposed restructuring was 16 years ago, the "Twelve-Five" plan it again as the core content, visible structural adjustment difficult. Structure adjustment of China, must promote deep reforms need to adapt the Government and residents, and businesses, and market relations, "the task is not completed, structural adjustment is very difficult. "Yingyi QianThat economic structural adjustment has been difficult to break through, roots in the transformation of the Government lags behind. For example, he said, on March 14 tera gold, five times at the closing session of the national people's Congress on the Government work report, the implementation of the budget for 2011 and 2012, the Supreme Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate work report of the budget vote. The "Twelve-Five" plan of budget implementation in the first year, and 2012Budget, "vote, and abstain from voting is highest, surpassed those of the Supreme Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate report, add up to 20% per cent of votes. This is a very high figure. "Yingyi, reflecting the deputies on the Government's budget problems of great concern and fear. In 2000, revenues of $ 1.3 trillion, after 11 years of 2011 years, over HK $ 10.3 trillion, huge increase in nominal value. "Government or of other countries in the world will rejoice, but in China, the meaning is quite different. "2011 2010 has increased 24.8% revenue ratio, very large increases, beyond the established budgetary 15.6%. Part of the budget was increased, the actual revenue than budgetedIncrease of more than 1 trillion yuan. But, still has $ 850 billion deficit last year. 2012 budget deficit still have $ 800 billion, $ 50 billion less than the 2011 remains expansionary fiscal. Yingyi Qian pointed out that this precisely reflects the more than 10 years China has continued expansionary fiscal, behind it is the State, the Government strengthened control over resources. "KnotStructure adjustment is not ideal, but should also focus on institutional difficulties, challenges and barriers, must promote deep reforms to speed up fiscal and taxation system reform, revision of Government and local residents, and business, and market relations. "Yingyi said. Others:

