2012年3月13日 星期二

world of tanks power leveling Beijing - YRJ

129747321522656250_8On January 21, the Beijing municipal environmental protection monitoring Center site begin external concentration data of published research on PM2.5 monitoring hours. It is learnt that besides Beijing, at present world of tanks power leveling, Guangzhou, Wuxi PM2.5 monitoring data have been released. , Nanjing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Xiamen, Wuhan, Hefei, and liuzhou Hang Yongshao, Kingswood, and so a total of 14 cities have begun monitoring the PM2.5, and planned to announce.   Becomes China's first foreign monitoring of PM2.5 data are published in Zhejiang Province. Responsible person of the Beijing environmental protection Bureau said that Beijing planned for 2012 built over more than 30 years of PM2.5 monitoring stations. "We also draw lessons from international practice, focused on publishing an average of the city from the past world of tanks power leveling, now to publish all monitoring stationsThe data so that the public can understand the situation to their living area air quality; published by the daily to publish only a 24-hour average each monitoring station data of various pollutants per hour; tips for improving air quality information published language, making it closer to the public. "(Beijing world of tanks power leveling, February 25) original science and technology daily transfers from zhongxinwang

