2012年3月25日 星期日

tera power leveling and Hu Zhaojun - GTK

129765277412656250_23Aerbin surprise arrived in even the Ghana international Derby or the first Yeah sporting March 17: the evening of March 17, aerbin to adapt to the training venues in Jinzhou Stadium in Dalian. In tomorrow's game, aerbin in Dalian will usher in a City Derby with Dalian shide. Step on the field training tera power leveling, Dalian aerbin broke the boundaries of main and alternate, but from the defensive formation, coach outside Dragon ready to send a new combination, to reach outEffect of odd to win. In addition, Lee appears on the training field-Ardy Wiranata, who in the morning just arrived in Dalian. It is understood that this very likely that Ghana international first identity showed up tomorrow. Dalian Al Hama step on field training more rich content, in order to Rob a round warm-up, group combat, offensive and defensive exercises, and so on. Ling Chang, and Yu Dabao, and Hu Zhaojun, and jinpengxiang, and Wang Jun, and Wang Hongyou, WuQing, Zhou Tong, Dong Xuesheng in a group, luoshenbake tera power leveling, Canales, sterjovski, Peter-black tower cards, Zhao hejing, Yin Lu, Sun Hao Sheng split in another group, two groups get round warm-up was in full swing. Shortly afterwards, the Group fight, Dalian aerbin once again disrupted the staff assigned, in Group combat, sterjovski, Peter-black cards, Lee-Ardy Wiranata, and Ling Chang, and Hu Zhaojun, and Dong Xuesheng, Yin Lu, and jinpengxiang, and Zhou Tong, Lei Tao wearing red combat shirt, luoshenbake, and Canales, and Yu Dabao, and Yu Ziqian, and Zhao hejing, and Wang Hongyou, Wu Qing, Sun Hao sheng diablo 3 power leveling, Wang Jun is dressed in blue confrontation shirt. Li ming was also involved in the, making up for the blue team, small defects. Group confrontation is not competitive, teams conscious of protectionPlayers who, avoid unnecessary depletion in the Derby before the. On the offensive and defensive level, Millais, and Zhao hejing, jinpengxiang, Yin Lu win back lines flow from left to right, and then click Open, the Dalian aerbin is dispatched for the first time the Defense personnel. From this we can see that the Dragon outside conscious to the rear lines for surgery, especially in locations where two Defender. The final cardNales alone and has been practising free kicks, Chile striker showed a good name, to watch the fans applauded the Fest of training. In the rear line under the situation of shortage of personnel, Lee-Dragon happy outside the return of Ardy Wiranata. It is understood that Li-Ardy Wiranata was early this morning arrived in Dalian, Ghana people most likely to appear in tomorrow's starting lineup. Others:

