2012年3月31日 星期六

diablo 3 power leveling very favourable to fund operations - ASK

129770904119218750_53Suspend or restrict the purchase of funds in 2007 and in the bull market of 2009, performance does significantly better than similar averages.  However, in the bear market of 2008, restriction and suspension of application of the Fund does not have a better defense than similar if the Chinese market and Chinese Wang yawei management strategies of open purchase, would you buy it? A few days ago, China baseGold opened its 4 old funds to purchase one after another, although not Wang yawei administration funds, but on March 15 after the revival of the Chinese classic mixed stocks, China Fund open only two days, purchase and convert into money amount is more than $ 60 million. This is 3 years, China Fund open for the first time the 4 old Fund purchase. As the industry's leading China fundsDue to the equity issue before, did not release new products for a long time, its old Fund in a closed state.  Why is the moratorium on purchasing? In fact, is in the paused state purchase Fund and a few on the market. According to the data, currently on the market in the moratorium on purchasing of open-end Fund with 19, for stock funds, many of them Chinese market, Chinese policy,Solid growth and Chinese prosperity star product.  In addition, there are 57 funds in a State of suspended large purchase, money funds and bond funds. It is understood that the suspended approach to purchase is a lot of open funds have been used. Because contracts have expressly agreed upon in the contract, fund managers, as appropriate, on the opening day and opening hours for the corresponding adjustmentAnd notice. "General Fund suspended considering for purchase, mainly for control of the Fund. "De Santa Fund Research Center Chief Analyst Jiang Saichun in an interview said in an interview with the business daily, the financial literacy, if too big to normally closed diablo 3 power leveling, or personal fund manager considers how large is more suitable for operation tera gold, above a certain size will be closed. For example inBack in 2007, there was only suspended in billions of Yuan of funds to purchase scale. Research fellow, Research Center has also told reporters in China diablo 3 power leveling, some fund companies select the better performance of its products, restrict or suspend the purchase early and control Fund to stabilize or even improving fund performance, developing Star. Such as the Chinese market, China Fortune SGAMDisc, Hindu society as a responsibility. In addition, the South Fund its capital preservation fund will normally be suspended during the guaranteed period to purchase, at the time of entering the next break cycle open purchase.  After its capital preservation fund conferences open to purchase from the South of market response, basically every investor eagerly purchase. In General, in order to control the scale or the pursuit of performanceWhile the moratorium on purchasing Fund, a longer period. Some funds have also temporarily closed due to short-term events.  Jiang Saichun also pointed out that the suspended funds to purchase fear investors short term arbitrage. This phenomenon quite evident in this year. This year bond fund and the International Monetary Fund suspended a large purchase, or the moratorium on purchasing "Sport one ' s oak ". Bond funds suspended after purchase, simply because new shares to thaw, prevent money concentrated purchase, check debt-based, then ran away after the listing more or less. "The IMF suspended after purchase, mainly to prevent money loose a lot of institutional money into the impact yield, split the original holders ' interests.  "Lu Xu Liping pointed out that funds research centre. Equity fundsThis year there have been suspended to prevent arbitrage funds to purchase. On February 9 this year, Eastern Wu announced the suspension of the new economy more than $ 2 million a large purchase, suspended owing mainly to their holdings of State proposed that the major restructuring of science and technology and business.  On March 1 the Fund began to restore large purchase, in which case Dali technology has resumed. Insiders pointed out that if the Fund's top holdingsUnit when there is a sharp rise in expected in the near future, most of the suspended application of the Foundation, on the one hand prevent diluted the original holders interests, on the other hand to avoid inconvenience to the Fund Manager operations.  Why open? China intends to control the size of the Fund of funds, why suddenly open to purchase it? Zeng Linghua pointed out, China Fund open to purchase is also a warm,Preparation for the follow-up to the Fund release new products. China Fund to this newspaper that the a-share markets experienced a sharp correction last year, present particularly in blue-chip stocks in the stock market's valuation is relatively low, with the long-term value of your investment.  Open the Fund to purchase in order to meet the needs of investors investment allocation equity fund. "For now, we agree that Huaxia FundPoint of view.  "Xu Liping pointed out, we also believe that a shares into a long-term investment, fund investors can become more active. This shows that the Fund open to purchase contains the fund company's perspective on future judgment. Industrial global fund its convertible bond fund had been suspended after the purchase is also open. Convertible bond Fund Manager Yang Yun told reporters, the convertible bondBut convertible bond funds requires less configuration of convertible bonds in the market no less than 30%. So when the market price of convertible bonds on relatively expensive when having to close the Fund, so as not to turn passive holding a very expensive debt.  When the market price is undervalued may also reopen. According to reporter statistics, purchase of convertible restored three times in the past period was July 2007 respectively, 2008-February and the end of February 2011. At three points, the convertible bond market are excessive down time to create investment opportunities.  From this perspective, it was done for investors that Fund open to purchase "timing". But a number of third parties have pointed out that, it was just an isolated phenomenon and cannot be generalized. Jiang Saichun pointed out that sometimes FundOpen purchase, may be the fund company is in need of expansion, and does not have to be optimistic about the future.  For example in 2008 includes many fund companies, Huaxia Fund once opened "Star" purchase, mainly because in the a-share market after the collapse of unilateral, fund companies faced a great deal of redemptions. Rational suspended funds to purchase system"Tight" feeling often limits the thermal recovery of investors to purchase the products, and other products of the same company. In theory, suspend the purchase of fund performance is really a positive event, after all, too big, or purchase, redemption of frequent, especially institutions of short term access performance is negative. However, did suspend the purchase of Fund's performance is better? ADenier open is worth following? At the end of 2009, according to a statistics, suspend or limit the application of the Fund in a bull market in 2007 and 2009, performance does significantly better than similar averages.  However, in the bear market of 2008, restriction and suspension of application of the Fund does not have shown better than similar defensive. "Is mainlyTo look at the Fund's specific situation.  "Xu Liping pointed out that for open purchase Fund, investors also were to specific analysis, such as the past performance of the Fund, recent performance, and the Fund's investment style is appropriate for themselves, and not blindly. Also point out that, compared to suspend the purchase of funds, long-term suspension of large purchase, fund investors can focus on, after all, suspendPurchase, the amount of funds you can buy, suspended by a large purchase helps fund managers stable size, controlling large Shen foreclosure, very favourable to fund operations, have some natural advantages in the performance. 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