2012年3月10日 星期六

wot power leveling about Internet advertising business in 2012 - MZU

129756341077343750_28Fenghuangwang in Beijing announced on March 7, 2011 fourth-quarter and full year financial reports. Results showed that in the fourth quarter ending December 2011, fenghuangwang net advertising revenue of RMB 150 million Yuan, an increase of 100.5%. IV quarter total revenues increased to 280 million Yuan, an increase of 77.2%. Fenghuangwang IVQuarterly net profit increased to 35.6 million Yuan, an increase of 210.5%.   After the release of results, fenghuangwang CEO Shuang Liu COO Li Ya CFO Liu Qianli management held a conference call in March 7, interpretation of results, points, and answer a question by analysts and investors. The main earnings conference call are as follows: Deutsche BankAnalysis of the architect Alex Yao: about Internet advertising business in 2012, what kind of growth forecasts of the business? Categories of expenditure structure of the expected key advertisers. Companies on how the growth of paid-for services, especially mobile value-added services?   China Mobile's management what impact changes? Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: first of all, I2012 online advertising business is expected to be the overall growth of 70% per cent, one of the most important sectors include electric car energy dissipation wot power leveling, and so on. In the area of e-commerce, more rapid growth of the previous year, 2011 growth tends to sound. We estimate that this year will continue solid growth momentum. But compared with other competitors, we have a very good customer base.2012 ad budget allocation of the auto industry will continue to remain the same or slightly lower. But online advertising budget into the auto industry will be increased.   Therefore, we expect in 2012 comes from the automotive industry will work with our 2012 advertising revenue growth year-70% in the overall growth is expected to remain consistent. Extinction, due to customerAdded to the online advertising budget as a whole, and television media budget shift, we expect that the fast-moving consumer goods advertising growth was strongest.   In General, automotive advertising will continue to grow stronger, reached the level of our expectations, eliminating growth most, advertising and e-commerce growth rate or lower than the average growth rate. We believe that in the 2012, we will continue to win Internet advertising market share taken from other portal sites. News video and wireless advertising business to achieve rapid growth. In fact, the last quarter of 2011, our share of mobile Web advertising service reaches 4%, only 2% in the third quarter. We believe that 2012 wireless advertising will continue to grow, but in overall revenue shareSingle digits, because our other business incomes are growing.   In 2011, the online advertising business for our five industries are the fastest growing car rose 22% growth in food and beverages cent electricity financial and IT sector growth 10% growth and 8%, respectively. Morgan Stanley analyst Gillian Chung:Introducing the development of wireless advertising plans, as well as how many of the total ad revenue from mobile platforms? Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: 2011 four-quarter advertising revenue from mobile Internet in 4%. We engage with many, including direct and potential advertisers, such as some international brand companies, also include advertising agency technical clothingService providers, and so on. We are working to create new patterns of mobile Internet advertising.   Mobile applications more and more widely, and radio advertising has a "precise, strong user participation, conducive to viral marketing" and other features. In addition, we would like to emphasize that mobile phone fenghuangwang (3G.ifeng.com) has over 200 million page views per day, while mobileGrowing very rapidly wot power leveling, there are more than 4 million of the high end users subscribe to our mobile phone products. Such a huge user base, and enhance our confidence in wireless advertising to achieve rapid growth.   However, because of the overall advertising revenue growth is also very fast, wireless advertising still in overall advertising revenue will be less than 10%. Macquarie analysts KAREN GU: Please tell us about the first quarter of 2012 and 2012 the year, prices of advertising and advertising inventory growth. Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: we have been published in the April 1 ad price 35% of the programme. Because half of them are based on the original promotion of advertising inventory CPT price, the other half of growth based on newAdvertising inventory. Increased through new channels and new page, fenghuangwang traffic is still growing fast. For advertisers, and allows us to achieve our excellent advertising effect of CPT price promotion.   2012 us advertising revenue growth to be still far higher than the industry. Analyst CHENYI LU: elaborate on 2012Projected advertising revenue growth in the number of advertising main number, how many average invested amount from advertisers increase (ARPA)? Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: most of the revenue growth from ARPA, and in 2011, growth in the number of advertisers will also speed up. 2011 number of advertisers only grow 11%, the main reason is because of the 2010 includes a large number of advertisers through a third party company ads, these advertisers ARPA values are relatively low, and we are not able to directly maintain the customer relationship. In 2011, from third parties, we get the reduction in the number of advertisers, more direct cooperation with advertisers. Once you have completed this transition, we are2012 is 20% per cent growth in revenue growth will come from new advertisers, of course, most of the revenue growth is still driven by APAR.   From this you can also see our where to get more market share from competitors. Analyst CHENYI LU: gross margin, gross profit margin still showed growth in Q4 and hope about usOf gross profit is expected in 2012. Fenghuangwang CFO Liu Qianli: we expect the 2012 gross profit will still be slightly increased. Gross margin higher advertising revenues account for increasingly large proportion of total income wot power leveling, will contribute to the overall gross margin growth. 2012 revenue into paid services provided (Revenue sharingFees) or distributed revenue-sharing ratio (revenue sharing payout ratio) only slightly up, so overall, in 2012, the company's gross margin will continue to grow. China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC) analyst MARTIN BAO: video advertising revenue shareLittle?   For mobile application revenue plan? Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: flat in the fourth quarter with the third quarter, percentage of less than 20%. Thanks to our wired and wireless video ad sales.   Our video advertising contribution rates in 2012 is expected to achieve growth. Fenghuangwang CEO Shuang Liu: at present,Our service strategy is to raise the market share for mobile applications improve user experience, getting more high-value target users. Profit is not our primary objective at this stage.   In view of our strong brand value, and high quality unique content, and we have full confidence in ideals become advertisers launch platform for mobile applications. Barclays Bank analyst WilliaM Huang: questions about online advertising and how to quantify changes in advertising before and after look at Chinese new year, as well as the advertisers budget situation? Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: under the influence of a variety of variables, quantitative look at Spring Festival effect on specific data more difficult. But compared to the competitor, our advertising revenue Q1 2012 year2011 Q4 decline 13%, far less than the other portals.   From the year perspective, our advertising revenue increased by 72%, well above the competition. After the Spring Festival of advertising budget more obvious, especially after the big event marketing, such as the "two sessions", our advertising the sale of performance-leading the industry. We are very confident to achieve a quarterGrowth targets.   Barclays Bank Analyst William Huang: will introduce real estate section advertising prospects? Fenghuangwang COO Li Ya: real estate and we are working to improve the quality of content, expand user groups. Our real estate

