2012年3月10日 星期六

world of tanks power leveling the Muslim Brotherhood - DMH

129748737010468750_380 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/world-of-tanks/">wot power leveling</a>According to Xinhua Egypt Supreme Electoral Council announced on 25th consultative meeting (upper House of Parliament) elections final results, the Muslim Brotherhood (Muslim brothers) freedom and Justice Party and the salafei of the light party before the upper House of the two major political parties. The Supreme Electoral Council President Ibrahim said at a press conference wot power leveling, the election fair and transparent, but he did not reveal the party voteThe total number of. Muslim brother said in a statement on its official website, freedom and Justice Party has won 106 seats, all eight seats on the election 180 world of tanks power leveling, ranked first.   Light party President yimade·jiafuer confirmed to Xinhua, the party won 43 seats in the upper house elections, 23.9% per cent of seats in the election, was ranked second. This consultation meetingLower turnout, according to the Supreme Electoral Council announced, turnout for the first stage of 15.4%, the second only to 12.2%.    Consultation is Egypt's legislative advisory body, a total of 270 seats, including 180 elected and the remaining 90 seats appointed by the head of State. ()

