2012年3月20日 星期二

tera gold - JNU

129748586474843750_51A few days ago, as another important result of the support of Tianjin science and technology giant tera gold, venture House officially opened operations in Tianjin.   This is established by the municipal government approved the first specifically designed for small and medium enterprises to provide investment banking services and integrated financial services platform. According to the introduction of Tianjin municipal development and Reform Commission Zhang Zhiqiang, Director, Tianjin investment mainly through the establishment of specialized intermediary counsellingStructure, used for medium and small enterprises to provide a one-to-one marketing means full track of "diagnostic" investment banking services diablo 3 gold, and effective mitigation of high-tech SMEs in the development of core challenges such as finance, human resources, management. Main release important signal (unit) of capital flows has dramatically! Free Level-2 high-speed charging power software limitedIt is understood that the venture has begun to provide SME with "package, one-on-one, diagnostic service". At present, the venture has successfully helped 3 of SME financing more than 60 million Yuan diablo 3 gold, more than for the past more than 30 SME financing services involving more than 600 million Yuan, nearly hundred SME membership development,Also helps to address the hundreds of other high-tech SMEs in the development of a difficult problem.

