2012年3月23日 星期五

tera power leveling cheapCapital of the era may be coming to an end. In fact - YPX

129765814571464165_67Recently, the European debt crisis for the time being was breathing, United States and is put under the spotlight again. Us continuing debt crisis and the seesaw effect of European debt, there was a surge in bond yields. As of March 15, the United States 10-year government bond yields hit highest level since October last year, 30-year Treasury bond yields hit a four-month high. The United StatesGovernment borrowing costs increased by 12% in the space of a week, at one time reversing a pattern of European debt crisis last year. Since the second quarter of last year, European debtor countries took turns being degraded, European sovereign bonds sell off sharply, global capital flows into the US bond market, including the United States dollar assets, bonds and other corporate bonds are sought after. According to base US Treasury bonds over the past 2011 second, San、sisange quarter of cumulative net inflows amounting to us $ 39.605 billion, which allows United States Treasury yields down, yields on benchmark 10-year government bonds fell below 2%, hitting a record low, continue to maintain the world's most inexpensive debt financing costs, United States Treasury bond prices were unprecedentedly overvalued. Currently, Greece debt writedowns programmePartial easing of the market for Greece panic and fear of a disorderly default, while European Central Bank through two rounds of long-term refinancing operation (LTRO) to inject liquidity into the financial system of the eurozone, in the short term have eased tensions on the bond market, market focus has been transferred: us debt prices begin to fall, bond yields soared, adding to the wind market in the futureInsurance. At present, the United States debt reached US $ 15 trillion, proportion of debt to GDP has reached 101%. The next 8 months tera gold, United States will issue $ 1 trillion of government bonds, debt to GDP ratio will reach 110%. United States total debt is quite stunning diablo 3 power leveling, by the second quarter of last year, United States households, enterprises and the Government's total debt of about 365,000Dollars, especially the outstanding government debt had accounted for 65% of GDP, was the highest level since the last century 40 's. Rising bond yields, it means that United States Government needs to pay more debt burden of costs. According to United States Congressional Budget Office predicts that United States needs to pay interest on the $ 5 trillion over the next decade, all government revenues by more than 14%Will be used to pay interest on the debt. 2013 is expected during the United States Government needs to pay interest on the debt will exceed Medicaid spending, equivalent to half of the social security expenditure, near United States defence spending in the next ten years combined. In addition, the rise in bond yields also affects United States of financial and real estate markets. United States yields on 10-year Treasury is fullBall barometer of economic and financial markets. Rising bond yields will lead United States rising mortgage interest rates, and rising mortgage rates have the potential to United States housing market impact of the new round. United States property market was at its peak tera power leveling, many financial institutions to mortgage loans packaged into different combinations, with the bursting of the bubble, most mortgage portfolios have become non-performing assets,Experiencing trouble, risk is exposed, so that this is compounded by the weak real estate market, seriously affecting the United States the momentum of economic recovery. More interesting is that future United States Treasury yield curves upward space has been opened. Judging from historical trends, current United States yields on 10-year bonds 2.28% level in 25 yearsLow 6.4% there is not a small distance from the historical average. United States long-term real interest rates rose turning point may come early. Interest rates remain at low levels in the world now, United States and other developed economies remains weak and highly indebted low credit demand of residents, central banks generally implementing stimulative monetary policy. Many people believe that low interest rates had become the norm, but I worry that, cheapCapital of the era may be coming to an end. In fact, the emerging economies have been "saving glut" not only for the United States provided significant financing resources, tanked the United States long-term interest rates. But now this is changing: excessive consumption in the global economy in the past, excessive borrowing, excessive welfare, export imbalances are being broken. A, Consumer demand is shrinking, shrinking credit, debt restructuring and the "industrialization", driven by advanced economies is expected to reduce the trade deficit, meanwhile, weaker external demand, trade exchange rate risk, stress and health trade protectionism also reduced the level of trade surpluses in emerging economies, global trade balances appear to balance on the other, return on investment, savings-Portfolio, trends in appetite for risk factors such as the level of change, will also affect the global capital flows and to curb massive capital inflows in emerging economies United States, such a situation will promote United States long-term real interest rates rose. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. InvestorsOperation at your own risk. Others:

