2012年3月9日 星期五

wot power leveling from Jiangsu somewhere from 11 bus - KJV

129742938812500000_129Apple fans of electronic products in China called "powder", iPhone is the favorite of the powder. In January of this year, iPhone4S listing in China, thousands of fans queued overnight in the cold, when the queue to the irritability "powder" come to blows are not uncommon between; around Apple stores are out of stock, shakes world of tanks power leveling, buy AppleChi has also been resorted to. The most spectacular is the "yellow cattle" – Grand performance in Apple's flagship store in Shanghai suffered such as locusts, "cattle", iPhone4S debut, from Jiangsu somewhere from 11 bus, loaded with 500 names "yellow cattle". According to local media reports, this group of "cattle" wore all Red Hat, plus badge andThe armband. In the "powder" all night while chasing the iPhone, Apple's native United States, also there are a lot of people come to the local Apple store, but they are not give iPhone supporters, they were to play a place where people gather for various purposes. On February 9, the United States many social groups of protesters came to the Apple store located next to the central station, New York's largest and handedMore than 200,000 people signed a petition calling for Apple "staff of factories iPhone protection in China", ethical production of iPhone. Now it was called iPhone the poison Apple, others give it a new name--iSlave. In September last year, a Hong Kong civil societies issued a statement saying heWere found, one in Zhengzhou wot power leveling, the capital of the company owned by Foxconn, its production and living conditions of workers and the Chengdu plant as bad. Our GDP by investment, by low-cost labor pull. The saying goes, what compensation deficiency, lack of envy, of course. We are most lacking creativity, the most sophisticated manufacturing deficiency, and apples for us, it's "innovation"A synonym for. But on the "Apple", we seem to complement Dafa. Last October, Godfather of Apple Steve Jobs at his death, many countries reported on his death was lukewarm, Japan the Yomiuri Shimbun on Steve Jobs's death by the mainstream media, not on mainstreaming; United Kingdom media generally low key, only a message is placed on the front page of the financial times, but it is onlyIn the form of newsletters published in the small column. Take a look at our media, a long and tedious document, infinite to increase. Yeah, looking back at media coverage of remembrance-the godfather of Apple sharp images, imaginative articles in solemn remembrance article, title, thought a succession of sth Reflect the way, iPhone4S the herd of cattle in the Chinese listed flurry, and Steve Jobs passed awayRelevant, and stir about in the media. IPhone is close to us, Apple is far away from us, so can only "seek" assembled "apples" of Foxconn. In 2010, the company announced that it would move the main line from Shenzhen to the Mainland, many cities quickly joined the ranks of scrambling for Foxconn, wherever the Foxconn Chairman Terry GOU,Governor went to the airport to greet, Chengdu, Wuhan, Zhengzhou Foxconn Foxconn Foxconn sth   Have sprung up, stares. "As a top manufacturing companies in China, Foxconn China plant to provide the primary worker's salary has been far higher than the minimum salary level set by the local government, our worker production and living conditions are better than in other similar enterprisesSth "every time when a volley in the overseas, Foxconn would" hurt "so to say. And for the purposes of our present level of social development, Foxconn is probably not a bad choice, but while we choose Foxconn wot power leveling, manufactured with dignity can be selected at the "Apple"; the sale with dignity "apples"; consumption with dignity "Apple" sth

