2011年12月27日 星期二

there are certain achievements in the field of military

129668732767187500_139Summary: later, in support of the Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Yang Shangkun, memoirs of a chuqing with indomitable perseverance will finish is complete, the book has come out in 1988. Su Yu's missing from a book chapter on top-of-Huai-Hai campaign. Su Yu had to help finish memoir of Zhu Ying said: "Huaihai campaign to get Vice President Tang to write. "Su Yu's general information in this articleFenghuangwang history channel columnist last masterpiece of Zhang Xiongwen feed generation Commander Su Yu left for posterity, was a heavy war memoirs. This more fully reflect its military academic, theoretical attainment and literacy of war's wonderful, "qi" Chi in a unique way. In a time period, of writing the memoir became a kind of old popular "fashion". These booksIn terms of figures or on its own as the main line, entrainment of many people "reveal", "update" and whether the good, is also fraught with a lot of his boasting, interpretation and addendum. But Su Yu's memoirs, but only around the war narrative, in addition to Zhu de and Chen Yi from some testimonials, rarely involving each other talk. This was Su Yu was a "moral" noble, althoughHis historical research cause some inconvenience to the later generations. The order in and outside the military to command a phenomenal book, contusion and laceration of the year and almost die in "green shoots" status. In the late 1950 of the 20th century, the early 60 's, after Lin Biao presided over the Central Military Commission, there are certain achievements in the field of military, but also engage in a lot of metaphysical things, idealism. War years and Lin Biao in a South-NorthDizhuzhongliu Su Yu was deeply confused. He said that the soul is dialectical materialism of Mao Zedong's military thinking, boils down to several fixed formula Mao Zedong's military thinking, expressed as complex processes of war brilliant commander had planned, and to these ideas to educate the next generation, playing war will harm the dead. "(Note 1) at this time, Su Yu had just been revoked totalJoint Chiefs of staff, and limit contact with the military soon, Lin Biao is probably one of his confidants swtor power leveling, often struggling to comfort and encourage. Therefore star wars the old republic power leveling, when his wife, chuqing several times and said to him: "you are not satisfied with some of the existing material, why not experience their war experiences writing? "(Note 2) Su Yu was always failing to answer. Lin Biao is have a successful official career of "red", but with milletYu is the same idea, often taking and Su Yu a cup of tea, talking. In October 1965, he offered to suyuduo to force run, see what problems or have any comments, can be reflected directly to him, interviews, phone calls, writing can be. He also repeatedly consulted Su Yu's comments on military and national defense construction. (Note 3)

