2011年12月21日 星期三


129667889697802892_243Fujian Nanping paper stock textile holding officially by controlling shareholders. Textile holdings set a very high threshold for this transfer, requiring total assets of the transferee and 2011 1 operating income reached $ 3 billion and $ 4 billion.  However, up for the upset of 5.341 dollars per share, representing a company stocks the latest market value $ 7.29 low over three. Fujian Nanping paper mill todayDisclose textile holding company shares held by the date listed. Notice display, light textile holdings on November 25, received a letter issued by a State-owned assets supervision in Fujian province, the letters agreed with textile transfer of holdings in an open call for agreement in Fujian Nanping paper 215 million shares held by, account for the total share capital of 29.8%. The share transfer price is not less than $ 5.341/Unit swtor power leveling, that is all the subject of the transfer price is not less than $ 1.148 billion. Fujian Nanping paper mill, textile holdings currently holds 286 million shares, 39.66% per cent of the total share capital, while other shareholders do not exceed 1%, Fujian Nanping paper mill after the transfer is complete the actual controller will change. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regretSudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! For the conditions under which the parties, textile holdings set a higher threshold. Transferee of intent must have strong economic strength, its total assets as at October 31, 2011, audited not less than $ 3 billion, 2011 1 operating income of not less than $ 4 billion and registered capitalNot less than $ 800 million RMB.  In addition, the transferee of intent requires a clear business strategy. In fact, this is already the textile holding planned for the second time this year and Fujian Nanping paper introducing strategic investors. As early as April of this year, textile holding has deliberately to Fujian Nanping paper shares held by investors, introduced strategic investors through open market, which in turn form a new company buildingBamboo and wood fiber project.  However star wars the old republic, the two sides end due to some important issues cannot reach agreement within the prescribed time, and termination of operations. It is learnt that the textile buyers this holding with a view to introducing the right of transfer of the holding strength, its purpose or through equity funds and other support as soon as possible in Fujian Nanping paper "pulp fiber integration" concept of changing our performance to decline.Fujian Nanping paper mill to notice disclosure, the company in 2011 and the first three quarters, respectively in the first half net profit-$ 76.6083 million-$. Even so, institutional investors still waiting for it. End of the third quarter, the company top shareholders in circulation including a Fund, three private equity firms and two insurance funds.

