2011年12月18日 星期日

Jane Zhang said of the angels of the her specifically to fans of a song

129668731970781250_370Report from (reporter LV LI red) last night, Jane Zhang singing "I'm a beast" tour at the Wukesong Stadium in Beijing railway station chorus.   Jane Zhang singing more than 30 odd songs and big show dance. The entire concert is divided into "video hits" "feelings of the past" and "not plugged in concert" "thermodynamic transformation" and "fashion" the five pillars. A beginning, Jane Zhang avatar the future womanSoldiers, wearing a metallic black armor and high heels, debut, along with a dynamic mechanical dancing, song prelude to the I'm a beast opened the concert. After the opening song swtor credits, Jane Zhang gorgeous turned blue fairy princess, brought to fans of the film the mask of the theme song of the heart and the English song of the angels. Of the heart was adapted again, refreshing,Jane Zhang said of the angels of the her specifically to fans of a song, "I did not know how the introduction of the song, but see the Blu-ray, you are like my moonlight. "Jane Zhang singing not only new album tracks from the change, also singing her classic songs swtor power leveling, the so close as far as the love of the music makes me say if we speakThe I believe caused a whole chorus of songs.   Jane Zhang singing in g said that this song is exclusive to the sadness of Beijing, bearing her six years of memories. "Thermodynamic transformation" session, Jane Zhang, wearing a golden tassel belly band sexy debut, hit songs dance, show dance, sauce were invited to stand up and dance with her. She put on the heat of the happy the bigSongs such as bile hot dance, breaking the previous impression of we think she is good at deductive love songs. She asked fans what do their jumps, fans responded with screaming. Concert special was shown a video of finless porpoise, Jane Zhang singing a song adapted from Japan Music Man Classic the little Tin and is cannot be indescribable, urge members to join the ranks of protecting finless porpoises, keeping the finless porpoise of micro-Laughing. ()

