2011年12月23日 星期五

The League of Arab States

129668732783437500_173The League of Arab States (LAS) held in Cairo on the evening of 26th meeting of the economic and Social Committee after the Syria sanctions proposal, including the freezing of funds of the Government of Syria in the Arab States, stopped with Syria intergovernmental trade, these proposals will be submitted for discussion at the 27th meeting of League Foreign Ministers meeting. According to the draft resolution issued after the sanctions also include limiting SyriaLeah Government officials visited Arab countries, but restricts visits list still needs to discuss the formulation of the League; stopped flying to Syria flight; stop and Syria central banking business; stop and Syria of financial exchanges, stopping the Arab States of the Central Bank of Syria trade between Central Bank to the Government-funded. Sanctions monitoring proposal also calls for Arab States to the Central Bank AGRemittances and commercial credit the old republic power leveling, but outside Syria labour remittances to their home is not to freeze Arab country Syria internally funded project. The proposals also include the commissioning of the Arab civil aviation related sanctions Committee and the Arab Fund to track articles, specialized Arab Committee formed pursuant to the established standard lists a list of strategic goods.Arab League economic and Social Committee notes that the sanctions proposal is not included in Syria within Arab and international organizations and institutions and their staff of the League, and in the implementation of the proposals take into Syria adjacent Arab national interests. Arab League Deputy Secretary General Ahmad * this * Healy said, the sanctions proposal will be discussed at the 27th meeting of Foreign Ministers, and for increasedDelete changes. He stressed that the League is committed to cater to the Syria people. After the 24th ministerial meeting of the League announced that Syria Government deadline to sign an agreement on sending observation missions allow the League to Syria. Until the opening of the 26th meeting, Syria has not sent a representative to sign the agreement. 16th, in Morocco Rabat, the capital of the Arab League Foreign Ministers ' meeting requirementsWithin 3 days of Syrian Government signed an agreement which allowed the League to send observation missions to oversee the Syrian Government on "the Arab initiative" the implementation of the relevant provisions. But the Syrian Government in the period prior to the Secretary-General of the League Arabi submitted recommendations to adjust the mission work of the League, mainly involve observers not visits to hospitals and prisons, families of prisoners cannot meet with the opposition to anyMust Syria, accompanied by security personnel swtor power leveling, and so on. League 20th refused to accept the amendments in a statement. (Press chenconglilai)

