2011年12月23日 星期五

no less. "Said Lin Jiang said.

129667837424365392_3021th page: "outflow of hot money," raised wide concern exchange rate or best time 2nd page: arbitrage funds inflow Hong Kong 3rd page: reform or the best time in October, China's foreign exchange loss of $ 24.892 billion, for the first time in 4 years, raising widespread concern. Public opinion and "hot money" outflows are directly related.CICC this estimate in October of "hot money" out of China's size is about $ 180 billion. Reporter of the China business survey found that international capital away from the field at this stage, but the outflow is not, because the majority of international funds and do not want to give up the Chinese market. A certain proportion in the outflow of funds associated with China's emergence this year of emigration.In fact, betting on Yuan revaluation of "hot money" is not mass departure, but many air forces close. "Now more than ever is good timing for expansion of renminbi against the US dollar volatility.   "Industrial Bank (601,166), Chief Economist, Political Commissar of Shandong said. Wealthy immigrants led some outflow of funds, "private enterprise bosses of emigration since the end of last yearBrewing, then it is not clear the old republic power leveling, since the second half of the year, which began to pick up speed. "The Deputy Director of the Center for studies of Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong and Macao-Pearl River Delta said Lin Jiang told reporters. "This year, many wealthy immigrants, are actually investment migrants. The money other than through formal channels, more are transferred through underground channels overseas. "Said Lin Jiang told reporters that triggered migrationTide is due this year business survival plight worse than 2008. From the end of 2010 from the sharp jump in raw materials, labor, rental companies so far, while renminbi continued to appreciate, export orders and fewer profits, many private enterprises into the red, "it might as well close down immigrants", which is a realistic choice for many owners of private enterprises. Said Lin Jiang said that selecting immigrants this year, the mainIf the issue of confidence this year enterprises in domestic economic environment also allow some room for survival are squeezed, some private enterprise bosses lost faith. "Private enterprise of the year ' financing difficulties ' with the Regal capital flight somewhat. "Said Lin Jiang said that wealthy immigrants capital flight brought about by increased private enterprise's financing difficulty. "Regal funds siphoned underground banks, available funds in the marketRelatively reduced.   The "hurun joint Bank of China (601,988), private banks issued the 2011 China's white paper on private wealth management concluded – China tens of millions of rich preparing emigration. China Merchants Bank (600 swtor power leveling,036) and Bain consulting firm conducted jointly survey also revealed: China has more than 10 million Yuan investmentAsset rich, some 60% not taking into account investment migrants, is almost completed immigration procedures and individual groups of investable assets of at least 100 million Yuan, is even more apparent: some 27% people have already completed the investment immigrants to further 47% this part of the population are considered investment migrants. This part of migration and plans of the Regal,They take away funding channels are mainly through the underground. Underground data has no authoritative statistics. "This money should not be underestimated. Although a central to reduce the pressure of foreign exchange reserves to encourage foreign investment, not less funds flowing out, but private enterprise bosses emigrate from underground Bank outflows of money not less than the regular channels flowing out. I suspect that ' underground ' outflow of moneyThan ' ground ', no less. "Said Lin Jiang said.

