2011年12月3日 星期六

"is lively

129668659937968750_81Concerns of the non-left-behind male guests love the crowd zuotengai SATO loves. Wu Zhangping. Chen Dawei. NetEase entertainment on November 27 report highlights many of the non-if you are this Saturday, from Japan's single mother zuotengai feelings has been affect so many enthusiastic audience of people. Was rejected by the male guest many times she ushered in for the first time a male guests who come specifically for her, but they have turn off the light. While the otherA male participant who makes her heart before but stick to a failed love affair, let her down again. And two choice to settle in development of the male guests to recall his wandering path, calls lack of affection and concern behind the crowd of topic, raises all the strong response. Personnel led discussions left behind the male participant hand favorite girl from Hunan Wu Zhangping,Is very simple and honest, and prospered for ten years in Shenzhen had him, finally chose to go home to engage in aquaculture, daily with lobster and snail company. Wu Zhangping disclose home farm was chosen, there is a very sad about it because, during work in Shenzhen, unfortunately mothers died because of illness, become a pain in his heart. "If I was a little more time with her, may not be so. "ReferenceIn this connection, Wu Zhangping again the season of tears in her eyes. He said: "there are many elderly people left behind in the village, children are in need of care. I'm now back home in Hunan culture, I would like to use their attempts and efforts to prove that can enrich oneself as in rural areas. On the issue of left-behind, Meng Fei (microblog) "left-home people in urban and rural areas have a lot, seasonal trips people upAs much as 200 million. United States has a dying nurse nurse asking when their biggest regret before dying, he found, most of the first two digits are the votes working too much, too little time with my family. "Female guests on deep feeling. Talking about emotional experiences, Wu Zhangping four times in love. And because home development had to give up a relationship. The other is aChongqing girls, want to be able to remain in the development of Chongqing. But old thought of his old father, Wu Zhangping eventually chose breaking up with each other. Speaking on the ideal type of girl, the big boys a little shy, "is lively, cheerful, and the margin of the eyes would be nice, the most important. "Listen to the story of Wu Zhangping, farm girls, on the 20th Zhong Yu insisted as he left the light at the end, the two successfully ledHand too Zhong Yuye expressed willingness to cooperate with him, "farmer, spring, a little sweet" life. SATO loves published criteria for spouse choosing male and female guests, particularly 23rd in the Northeast on the road to zuotengai in the pursuit of true love despite repeated failures, but she was kind-hearted, generous character also won a significant proportion of the audience's favor, whenever there is a female companion being led away, she cannot help but admire said,When the male participant made a special trip for her. At the opening of the show, she is also the first time unveiled their own spouse conditions: to be enterprising, have to be very strong, targeted above; to love, hurts my kids, I just want to be a good wife. However, that evening to the person who made the man for her guests. Graduated from Jilin province Liang Zhigang of the judicial police school is a great sense ofPeople in the Northeast, making security a few years, several thieves had caught 20. Then switched to medicine, became a member of the Chinese medicine therapists. In the life of him, love to play chess, love travel, love overtime earn more, is a good man without compromise. In terms of feelings, Liang Zhigang once had a failed marriage, there is a two-year old daughter lived with his wife. He was the non-If you are loyal fans, defeated award-winning war by award-winning zuotengai moved by the emotional confession at the scene: "I began to love after divorce was disappointed until you appear. Now I knew how to give. I don't care if you're fat, I am also very fond of children. If we are together, have something to eat, do with housework, children with love. I like you, follow me�� "He is also the scene for zuotengai bring two presents, a cute little dog doll given to her, represents true; a pair of the Tomb-map of the Yellow River on to her son and let him know more Chinese culture. SATO pan-the eyes of love was moved to tears, "I was turned down so many times, you gave me confidence, I am very grateful diablo 3 gold! "But helpless zuotengai early on against the light, the duo fondly holdAfter holding, Liang Zhigang also bless zuotengai could find their own happiness. Abundant sunshine boy body language upholding the girls denied Sun Lei was sunshine cool, playing 24 bright and good results were obtained. Ten years: and he went to United States until three years ago before he went back to China, worked as a bar singer, selling off a duck's necks, and now runs a food delivery company. Sun LeiClaiming to be from an early age with ADHD, you need medication to focus, he talked to was also danced at the scene, full of sense. Sun Lei interests broad hobby, music, motorcycles, Mixed martial arts are their stock-in-trade. His return was designed to a not very love your girl, who soon broke up. He expressed the hope that love to her, like yourself,Many hobbies, not too strong, must be very intelligent, can teach themselves a lot of things, to her looks. Sun Lei also disclosed that he was fond of children, that will also take the initiative to adopt some of the children, but no way to live with chronic children's many troubles. Although Sun Lei look comparison of self and manners not very decent, but there are still several female participants a few wrong him, entering to the maleHealth and rights, Sun Lei said insisted on selecting your heart girl Xu Zi Ting, 2nd, after some incoherent to say, said Xu Ziting Sun Lei is not mature enough, to two more fit for friends turned him down. Male guests claimed to like Meng Fei too when I was young "as withdrawing big guns from" Chen Dawei from Yantai by turn off the light, 28 years old, beautiful look to mature than his age aSome. Now a publicly traded Internet company engaged in product promotion aspects of the product works. He was also out after wandering for many years, returning home development. He also now lives very satisfied, "is still primarily need someone to take care of their parents, and I also enjoyed the home leisure life, no pressure. I recently read the let it be, Meng Fei, found with him when I was youngVery much alike. I have also not less Jingshi, youthful indiscretion, but has now figured out, that family is more important. "Chen Dawei had two emotional experience, the most impressive is his first love, and the two course consists of 12 hands, and finally completely separated because of split. Chen Dawei ideal girl to have an independent life and career, but because of the traditional familyGrowing up, he doesn't accept hunshi girls. In the eyes of his friends, Chen Dawei is an unusually careful people, are often concerned about the girls ' dress, also will take the initiative to accompany friends ' wives to dinner to go shopping. Maybe friends interview pour favor, female guests thinks he's some kind of "withdrawing big guns from" also select the turn off the light. Feelings are too strong male guests pain displacedAizhaodan, 29 diablo 3 power leveling, from Beijing, is a very artistic talent and dedication of the boys. Academy of fine arts after graduation, Zhao Dan chose to join the army. After finishing his military service, and set up a health training company to start a business. Force experiences of cultured busts out of his will, family also let him know that life is not easy. After six years of hard work later, he finally has theTheir own career. But emotionally, he was rather disappointed, he is busy with work for the year is often lax and communication between the ex-girlfriend, girlfriend bear the burden of responsibility for him to manage their daily diet, he is unmoved. Until one day, ex-girlfriend completely lost in his life, he missed his girlfriend benefits, but he ran out of ways she could not be reached. QianLeft without saying goodbye to his girlfriend does not like, "we love each other, think of sad. "SATO, love quite heart wrecker road," I want to talk to you form a warm family, I will not go away. Weight loss is your company's projects? I'd like to lose weight for you! "However, Zhao Danque can't get to his ex-girlfriend," her in front of me gentle, kind-hearted, and laundry for me to cook�� Her friend, I learned in her work turned out to be a particularly capable of superwoman. "Journey of Zhao Dan, of the non-if you are more like a self-summary and review process, also failed to show their best side on the stage, after the three rounds of short films, all the lights went on the field.

