2011年12月27日 星期二

ensure library quality standards are met. In addition to passenger cars "facelift"

129668731684843750_139Next spring, even if the "green car" temporary road passenger, also for "face".   Yesterday, reporters learned from the railway sector is currently being made to the national railroad passenger special, in addition to safety, quality, capacity, there are image and service standards, and ultimately next year during Spring Festival passenger cars "an entirely new look and the eyes light up" targets. Railway Department, Special focus on refurbishment of damaged doors, Windows, seats, lights, air conditioning, toilet, bathroom, and so on, ensure library quality standards are met. In addition to passenger cars "facelift", the Ministry also asked to create train good sanitary conditions. Railway station maintains cleanliness acceptance criteria will be developed, strictly coach of dispersion management to stop passengers throw rubbish outside the car. Ensure that bedding replacement andCleaning operation time, ensure toilets are equipped with toilet paper, addressing horizontal passenger train swtor power leveling, skin, air conditioning passenger train air conditioning cleaning problem with low quality. In addition, in order to meet the passenger demand for Pu-speed passenger, the Ministry intended to be purchased before the end of 500 buses. 11,924 AC380V air conditioner bus power supply the old republic power leveling, regulation of 2,230 inter-Bureau Express green car。 (Reported by reporter Chen Lin) ()

if the missed opportunity of reform

129667889755927892_393At present, the risk in a significant increase in the global economy, but on the whole a second recession is unlikely. In 2012, 2013, the global economy will face greater risks. Main problems in Europe 2012, 2013, the main issues are in the United States. 2012 European economic growth could be negative, this is a global economic situationGreater challenges. United States economic growth in 2012 is expected to be around 2%, but in 2013 may drop to zero or even negative growth.  We need to pay close attention, even if the world does not appear a second recession, we still need to prepare for a crisis. United States economic recovery with setbacks main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) ran away some unit cut meat certainly regret burstSoaring gospel is not likely in a move investors: to entangle the stock saved!  United States economy could maintain slow growth in the coming years, did not rule out 2013 into a recession. The global financial crisis caused by subprime mortgage crisis. Figure 1 shows the financial position of the major countries in the world, countries many of the problems, such as Greece, and Italy, and Portugal and the United StatesCountry.  Almost all developed countries have debt crisis could break out, and easier to break out of the debt crisis in the public debt and fiscal deficit accounted for countries with higher proportion of GDP. United States economic recovery with setbacks is due to the nature of the crisis led to the balance sheet of the root causes of recessions, out of the process of the financial crisis is the process of gradually repair their balance sheets. ARelief can often be classified as Government, financial, other residents and enterprises in four departments. "Nature's balance sheet recessions" refers to the balance sheets of all major sectors of the economy suffered a serious injury, so after the recession ends, each Department scrambling to repair their balance sheets and reduce leverage, unwilling to continue debt. Departments, including the business no longer is to maximize profit forObjectives, but rather to lower debt levels for critical tasks.  Characterized by inadequate aggregate demand, traditional monetary policy effects is limited. United States to achieve economic recovery, enterprise that is relatively healthy balance sheet to support residents, Governments, financial institutions, three patches of the balance sheet, which will be a tortuous and protracted process. United States economy is unlikely to 201And 2 will be able to get better. United States economy faces a long deleveraging process, aggregate demand subdued. United States Government's high deficit, debt, restricting flexibility for fiscal policy, is not conducive to supporting economic development. Currently lack of significant new economic growth points. Therefore, in the first quarter of 2011 economic growth began to emerge marked slowdown, wasMacroeconomic factors are reflected in the inevitable result of economic growth. At present, the United States residents gradually increasing deposits, banks were also becoming in the process of deleveraging, debt ratio decreased significantly, while the United States Government's balance sheet has expanded substantially. The so-called stimulus, which is the degree of impaired balance sheet through an increase in Government, to fix three additional sector assetsBalance sheet. United States will still be long under pressure to reduce total debt.  We did an initial calculations, if the repair to healthier levels until 2018, which performed a one-term President under the ruling of the time to complete. Enterprise sector, United States business investment remains a key factor in driving economic recovery. But as companies hold large amounts of cash in the hands, andAnd expectations of future growth prospects uncertain, therefore enterprises do not have plans to further increase investment, the United States economic growth process of a certain degree of inhibition. If confidence is to increase investment, improving job market. Even if the United States experienced a century of crises, but United States enterprises profit is unexpectedly well, this has not happened before. We forecast2011 p 500 earnings for 15% positive growth, month was 2012, China 2011, all a-share earnings growth may be 15% in 2012, only around 10%. The financial sector, has been effectively restored after the financial crisis on the balance sheet, risk-resistant ability. But because of the lack of corporate loan demand, andPeople, and Enterprise deposits increasing United States commercial bank credit and savings gap increased, and is not conducive to sustained economic recovery.  In addition, from the macro level, United States M2 increase the larger, but increasing the money supply does not cause inflation, because the corporate investment willingness is not strong, money multiplier fell, leading to failure of monetary transmission mechanism. The Government sector, United States Government debtLevels and the budget deficit will remain high, bonds will be about $ 6 trillion in the next 10 years.  The Obama administration's plan to cut the deficit in the next 10 years the total amount of approximately US $ 2.5 trillion, which could in the next 2 years on pulling down the GDP exceeds 2%. In short, United States economy could maintain slow growth in the coming years, did not rule out 2013Recession possible.  European debt crisis prolonged if Italy, and France's problem from getting worse, may be banking system crisis. Outbreak of the debt crisis in Europe stems from the differences between the countries is too large, and lack of effective policy coordination mechanisms among the countries. Euro-zone labor costs of serious Division, did not conform to the theory of optimum currency areasPieces. Unemployment of the Member States are very different, may take a decade to reach a new equilibrium. These differences significant symbiosis between countries within the eurozone, on the importance of effective coordination mechanisms in policy swtor power leveling, including fiscal transfers, but which is not be achieved under the present situation in Europe. When setting up the European Union at that time, Germany worried about excessive reliance on other countries than Germany, so deliberatelyMade the EU into a small government.  EU spending at their disposal only 1% per cent of EU GDP, and these 1% of GDP but also poverty alleviation in Africa, for missions, large translation teams, and so on, so there are not enough funds for the financial transfer payment. The European Central Bank is not a conventional Bank, for this we need to deeply understand. When the design of the European Central BankWait, try copying the Germany Central Bank model, the target is a stable currency and stable inflation. Now Germany largest economies, economic growth is the best, face the problem of inflation, and for the other countries concerned were facing problems of deflation. If you want to take care of Germany the interests, the European Central Bank will raise interest rates, but taking care of other countries should cut interest rates. Therefore, mechanisms for coordinating policies in the euro zoneProblem is very difficult to resolve. European Bank to "European pig five" has a huge exposure, tightening of funds, which recently received some attention.  If Italy, and France's problem from getting worse, risk is further increased, may be banking system crisis. If Germany pays now address the euro issue, there are three main disadvantages. First, Germany cutToo much money. Second, lost the chance to reform, such as Italy after World War II has been relying on devaluations, inflation came, no real reforms, Portugal, and Spain, too, the Greece problem is more serious. So much of the crisis do not reform, if the missed opportunity of reform, the problem may be bigger. Third, if Germany now solved this problem,Appreciation of the euro against the dollar would significantly, this would damage Germany interests can also damage the euro-zone interests. If the eurozone collapse, there are three main disadvantages. First, Germany as the heart of the eurozone countries, indifference, the political cost is very large. Secondly, Germany withdrew from the eurozone, Mark's hands, in the short term may be 30% per cent against the dollar, making Germany bearCan't.  Third, other EU countries are Germany irresponsible practices of hostility, all countries are implementing protectionist the old republic power leveling, Germany's exports will be a great shock. Therefore, euro collapse or rely solely on Germany tide is unlikely to be a eurozone problem solving Germany's best option. What would be the end result? I think it will pump the bellows-like, when asked about theQuestions go to the cliff pulling back, and the problems of countries themselves.  Therefore, the European debt crisis will become a persistent problem.  2012: China preparing for crisis even in the absence of a second recession, China's environment is challenging next year. The future, United States, Europe's two largest developed economies will be extremely loose monetary policy, suchExternal environment will impact how emerging markets and China's economy, this is a very worthy of our attention. In 2012 there will be some emerging market countries twin deficits. 2011 currency has problems in some emerging market countries, such as India and Korea national currency exchange rate depreciation cent in September 2011. If emerging markets shuffle, 2012 financial market risk higher than in 2011. 2011 events three exceeded expectations in financial markets. Overall, 2011 overseas hedge funds are not easy to make money, except those that sang the air State funds and other emerging markets. Why not make money? First, the oil market in 2011, there is a big adjustment, United States through regulatory measuresEffects of compression of the oil market speculation space. Second, the gold market in 2011, squeezed out the water. Third, the currency market speculation the high Swiss franc and Yen also unsustainable. Of course, overseas also does anyone really believe that China's economy is a big problem.  This shows that the market is still not optimistic for 2012. Overall, I think the global economy 2012May not be a second recession. Compared to United States, Europe will face greater risks. Because of financial and political election-related reasons, United States 2013 will become more serious. Now markets to China's attention more and more, including some negative attention.  Therefore, even in the absence of a second recession, China's environment is challenging in the next two years. We need to startPreparing for the crisis.

there are certain achievements in the field of military

129668732767187500_139Summary: later, in support of the Central Military Commission Vice Chairman Yang Shangkun, memoirs of a chuqing with indomitable perseverance will finish is complete, the book has come out in 1988. Su Yu's missing from a book chapter on top-of-Huai-Hai campaign. Su Yu had to help finish memoir of Zhu Ying said: "Huaihai campaign to get Vice President Tang to write. "Su Yu's general information in this articleFenghuangwang history channel columnist last masterpiece of Zhang Xiongwen feed generation Commander Su Yu left for posterity, was a heavy war memoirs. This more fully reflect its military academic, theoretical attainment and literacy of war's wonderful, "qi" Chi in a unique way. In a time period, of writing the memoir became a kind of old popular "fashion". These booksIn terms of figures or on its own as the main line, entrainment of many people "reveal", "update" and whether the good, is also fraught with a lot of his boasting, interpretation and addendum. But Su Yu's memoirs, but only around the war narrative, in addition to Zhu de and Chen Yi from some testimonials, rarely involving each other talk. This was Su Yu was a "moral" noble, althoughHis historical research cause some inconvenience to the later generations. The order in and outside the military to command a phenomenal book, contusion and laceration of the year and almost die in "green shoots" status. In the late 1950 of the 20th century, the early 60 's, after Lin Biao presided over the Central Military Commission, there are certain achievements in the field of military, but also engage in a lot of metaphysical things, idealism. War years and Lin Biao in a South-NorthDizhuzhongliu Su Yu was deeply confused. He said that the soul is dialectical materialism of Mao Zedong's military thinking, boils down to several fixed formula Mao Zedong's military thinking, expressed as complex processes of war brilliant commander had planned, and to these ideas to educate the next generation, playing war will harm the dead. "(Note 1) at this time, Su Yu had just been revoked totalJoint Chiefs of staff, and limit contact with the military soon, Lin Biao is probably one of his confidants swtor power leveling, often struggling to comfort and encourage. Therefore star wars the old republic power leveling, when his wife, chuqing several times and said to him: "you are not satisfied with some of the existing material, why not experience their war experiences writing? "(Note 2) Su Yu was always failing to answer. Lin Biao is have a successful official career of "red", but with milletYu is the same idea, often taking and Su Yu a cup of tea, talking. In October 1965, he offered to suyuduo to force run, see what problems or have any comments, can be reflected directly to him, interviews, phone calls, writing can be. He also repeatedly consulted Su Yu's comments on military and national defense construction. (Note 3)

cyan zelkova tree species composition

129668731793281250_224International online news: November 26, 2011, Guandu Town in wushan County, Chongqing styling as "Chinese Dragon" landscape sketches completed. According to reports, the landscape by local folk artists Liu Bin design is complete, total employment more than more than 400. "Dragon" about 24 metres long star wars the old republic power leveling, about 8 meters wide, whole green from Millennium short, red elm the old republic power leveling, cyan zelkova tree species composition,More than 200 square meters. "Chinese Dragon" Bonsai, gardening at home more, and tree planting, in the form of puzzles to complete "Chinese Dragon" green design, and extremely rare for such a large scale. ()

Win7 medium upgrade to 131 minutes

129667677894677892_5Is required for Windows system when installing before taking a long time, and now Microsoft has already committed, the problem will be completely solved in Win8. Microsoft installation and deployment team member Pierre in its published by the post said they Win8 installation experience and raw performance will be improved the old republic power leveling, not only to let Win8 more stable, but also faster and moreEasy to use. Win7, Pierre Win8 installation time is expected, install the new Win7 clean version should at least be 32 minutes, while Win8 at least in just 21 minutes. During the upgrade, Win7 medium upgrade to 131 minutes, Win8 42 minutes; severe Win7 upgrade requires 188 minutes, Win8 46 minutes; Win7 Super upgrade 513 minutes, Win8 as long as 52 minutes. Win8 installation issues with Microsoft taking into account the needs of two types of users: those who want to be able to "automatic" installation systems and the other is when you reinstall the system, you need to use the new feature control hard disk and partition. For the first type of user needs, wIn8 developer preview release has been initially achieved. The installation media, in addition to using the DVD disc or USB flash drive to install Win8, users can also download and install over the network star wars the old republic power leveling, even in the future to the new system can be upgraded online. ����Installation over the network by means of integrated product key directly, eliminating manual steps to enter. In addition, MicrosoftDevelopment can allow Win8 upgrades more streamlined tool, which consolidates the Win7 Upgrade Advisor. User upgrade Win8 will have one "end-to-end" processes, at least as long as can complete the upgrade click 11.

30 minute match and choose the day of the war the remaining complement match

129668763178593750_324CCTV5 live Primera Liga 14th round: Bilbao VS Granada November 28 (Monday) 2:45 weather: cloudy, 8-17 ℃ place: St Mace Stadium star wars the old republic power leveling, Bilbao live: CCTV5 Bilbao VS Granada (bierbao) ranking: 7 points: 17 (Granada) rank: 18 points: 9 geyapan: -1/1.5 pitch: lanada size:Big ball 2:1 some upper whorl Bilbao win Seville, racing 11 6 wins 5 remain unbeaten. Midfielder yinige·peileisi finish was replaced due to injury, the drive wheel and comeback. Midfielder hawei·madingneisi can make a separate training but coach Belsa is played over the weekend were optimistic. Absent this month 3 games Defender EikiSA-shangyu back, upper whorl suspended for the main defender of both amoleibieta, and midfielder Alberto Garcia Aspe Ituri lifted. Granada upper whorl with Mallorca's game because the Assistant Referee was hit fans rolled umbrella injury if these conditions are, gelandana goal, leading 2:1 with Sichera and kaluosi·madingsi at that time. Fans of the accident has been arrested, the investigation was released due to the age of 16,He explains that he threw umbrella entry because of getting too excited, not intentionally attacked referees. Spain Football Association decided Wednesday, Granada, punishable by a fine of 6,000 euros, 30 minute match and choose the day of the war the remaining complement match, do not allow entry of fans watching. Recent betting advice Bilbao kica, tele-heating it. However the team this season, the League only 2 net better than opponents2 balls or more (respectively per cent WINS Aoussou, 3:1 Sheng Ma Jing), victory over lack of capacity. Granada, visit Valencia 1 ball only small negative, Sevilla won more baoleng, with a certain degree strong ability, was at most a small negative by 1/1.5. Team injury: bierbaejingji injury gurpegi (fashionable) Herrera (fashionable) GranadaInjury Ye Buda (fashionable) older Boateng (fashionable) Martins (fashionable) prediction of first-episode: Bilbao (4,231) Iraizoz/Elora, and aiqizha, and San Jose, aoteneiqie/Marcos, and Iturraspe/susaaita, and Muniain, and Gabilondo/luoluntegelannada (442) Roberto fern/niaomu, and Mainz swtor power leveling, and sikuila, and HlopheRepublika/Moises, and Forlan-Rico, Abel, and Chamorro/Hayhoe, Uche recently drove: Bilbao 4 win 3 flat 3 (nearly 10), 4 WINS 1 defeat (almost 5 times at home) (arena of the home team almost 4 confrontation) 76/02/08 main winning Primera Liga 75/04/20 2:1 main 1:0 win the Primera Liga 73/10/071:0 WINS negative Primera Liga Primera Liga 72/10/29 master 0:1 (the home team/team, drove in the nearly 4) 75/09/28 1:2 Primera Liga 74/12/08 cent Primera Liga 74/02/17 0:0 Primera Liga 73/03/18 centPrimera Liga home team: the trend 3 WINS 3 win 5 1 3 3 small eleven-twenty firsts (2:1) Sevilla 0.5 win big eleven-sevenths (2:2) Barcelona win 1.5 eleven-fourths (1:0), Salzburg (Alliance)-0.5 win small ten-thirds0 (1:1) xihongjingji 0 go little ten-twenty eighths (3:0) madelijingji -0/0.5 win ten-twenty fourths (1:1) tendency of 0.5/1 small disputed the win in Valencia: 1 win 2-3 defeat to win 4 to lose 2-1 in 5 small eleven-sixths main cent (0: 0) sangtandejingji-0.5 distance less than eleven-firsts (2:1) Sevilla 1/1.5 win ten-twenty sixths (0:1) Barcelona 2.5 win small ten-twenty thirds (0:2) xihongjingji 0.5 distance small ten-sixteenths main cent (0:0) madelijingji 0.5 win small ten-seconds (0:1) 1.5 small home team won the next race in Valencia twelve-seconds main Artmedia Petrzalka Bratislava Lian twelve-fifths Mallorca Primera Liga disputed the future tournament twelve-fifths main Zaragoza Primera Liga twelve-twelveths kHzPrimera Liga

2011年12月26日 星期一

what is justice

129668682395312500_75Kang Xiaoyang: recently, someone cursed those shorting China concept stocks of "evil". I do not understand why different trading direction became evil. Property is the profit of capital, if this is also known as evil, what is justice? The ancients: Hee Hee in the world, all triumph; all the hustle and bustle in the world, both for profit and to. This is marketing, not Church, separately from the air, butOriented differently, doesn't matter positive or evil, and have no need to raise to a higher plane of principle and two-line struggle. Cai Xuebin: over the years, the "short" seems to be being given a role of villains power, this force scary and mysterious, and revealed by listed companies to enlarge the potential risk of shorting gain. Although it's controversial, but it is an integral part of the spur market force, forcing companies to optimize the company'sQuality and reduce fraudulent behavior. PNC capital Mr Tommy CHEUNG: shorting is no problem. The problem is that my own side short, seemingly neutral, specious report, this approach more shameless. Wind018: gorgeous package hidden behind a large number of financial fraud and insider dealings, logic is a matter of short. Wang Renping: financial marketsIs not part of the moral category. Financial t plus 0: well said! arbitrage regardless of good or bad, just trading habits the old republic power leveling, tastes, or different styles, a lot of people respect Palestinian old God, called cable old crocodile swtor power leveling, without any reason, all capital markets, but black cat white cat. Generic game theorists: culture in Chinese stock market is basically no short thoughts. One can only be profitable markets rose,Will always be a paradise for money. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

combined cross country

129668648130468750_83 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">the old republic power leveling</a>Combined cross-country network recently edited learned from the Shenzhen huatai billion source 4S shop swtor power leveling, end of Santa Fe ((combined cross country)

the only way for achieving sustainable development. "Mr Li noted that

129668574436250000_6 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Li keqiang: economic transformation of energy saving and environmental protection are an important breakthrough According to voice of the news and newspapers summary reports, Vice Premier Li keqiang yesterday (26th) at the Sixth comprehensive speaking at the opening ceremony of the Forum of Sino-Japanese energy-saving environmental protection pointed out that at present Europe's debt crisis continued to ferment, face depressed growth and price rises intertwined in many countries, more likely long-term downturn in the world economy. Faced with such a situation will require innovative development model, pushingStrong sustainable and balanced growth. In this process, enhancing energy conservation and environmental protection, and integration into the economic and social aspects, is a strategic choice and urgent task. Li keqiang said: "strengthening energy saving and environmental protection is an important breakthrough with economies in transition, but also conducive to form new growth points, on the development of market demand can be created, provided new impetus; enterprise upgrading, promotionOperating efficiency; the residents can improve environmental quality, improving the quality of life. This is why China crack the bottleneck of resources and environment, the only way for achieving sustainable development. "Mr Li noted that, to promote energy-saving environmental protection throughout the whole process of China's modernization. Li keqiang said: "we will take the industrial optimization, engineering, innovation and other means to pushEnergy saving and lower consumption, reduce the total amount of pollutants, speeding up the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly production methods and consumption patterns, to a new level of quality of economic growth. "Vice Premier Li keqiang also met yesterday to attend the Forum of Sino-Japanese energy-saving environmental protection integrated Japan Economic Minister Edano edano. Mr Li pointed out that Japan should be removed from the transformation of world economic developmentPotential and the reality of both economies, strengthened in green and low carbon, resource recycling economy, energy, high technology the old republic power leveling, such as exchanges and cooperation in the field, creating new growth points of cooperation, promote economic development, the people's benefit.

Panoramic network CITIC Securities analyst Pi Shun Sunday

129668642067031250_27Panoramic network CITIC Securities analyst Pi Shun Sunday, November 27-in the "best Analyst Summit 2011 new wealth" swtor power leveling, said that the media culture in October the old republic power leveling, surging prices, this money-making opportunities are the first wave, second wave and third wave of the future. He said the second wave and third wave rally driving force is the country needs, the people's needs andEconomic restructuring.  These three factors in the medium and long term would only exacerbate, rather than slow down. Pi Shun obtained "the ninth best analyst in new wealth" communication and cultural industries for first place. (Panoramic network/Chen Danrong) Pi Shun speech at the Forum site (photo: Lei)

Panorama real estate network

129667864432021642_305 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Panorama real estate network, November 25-the who (002285) said on Friday in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange investor relations interactive platform, the company's costs are mainly labor costs, the company's staff size and matches the scale of business of the company is a basic the old republic power leveling, but in order to deal with the current market situation, the company will not affect the company under the current scale of business premises, reducing the number ofPersonnel, control their costs. (Panoramic network/Zhou Bei)

to organize your headphone cords

Quirky Raises $16 Million For Social Product Development Platform | TechCrunch. Quirky, a social network for product development, has raised $16 million in Series B funding? led by Norwest Venture Partners with RRE Ventures participating in the round. This brings Quirky's total funding up to $29 million (Quirky quietly raised $5 million earlier this year). Quirky, which is brainchild of serial entrepreneur Ben Kaufman (he's behind mophie and kluster), is a platform for product ideas that are born on napkin doodles and in other unorthodox ways. The site tries to use crowdsourcing to develop the product, by engaging participants in collaborating on every aspect of product creation – from ideation the old republic power leveling, design, naming, manufacturing, marketing, to sales. It's sort of similar a social network for product development.Here's how it works. Quirky lets users submit their product idea for $10. Users can also vote, rate, and influence other people's product ideas. Every week users can post ideas on quirky to be rated by the quirky community. After a seven day evaluation period, the Quirky community chooses one product from the pool of submitted ideas to move forward through the process. Quirky's community engages and contributes to every part of the product's development, weighing in on everything from naming to logo selection to packaging.Products range from Pivot Power (an alternative to the power strip) to Wrapster (to organize your headphone cords) to Fender (an iPad bumper). Quirky's products aren't just sold online; the startup landed retail deals with Bed Bath And Beyond and OfficeMax. Kaufman tells us that the company is averaging 60 products a year, and expects the Quirky community to make over $1 million on the site's products in this year alone. He adds that the new funding will be put towards building out the team, especially focusing on hiring in the product development and design areas. And Quirky is actually going to star in a new reality series on the Sundance Channel, set to debut at the end of August.You can check out the trailer for Quirky's show below: Crunchbase QUIRKY Company: quirky Website: quirky.com Funding: $23.3M Quirky engages participants to collaborate in every aspect of product creation - from ideation, design, naming, manufacturing swtor power leveling, marketing, right on through to sales. Learn more. Quirky Raises $16 Million For Social Product Development Platform | TechCrunch.

2011年12月25日 星期日

research institutions and hedge funds

129668732797968750_204Muddy water company focus media issued by the 79-page report, focus media Vice President Ji Hairong Tan Chen: we had no preparedness. Muddy water in "hunted" repeatedly succeeded in overseas listed companies of China, Chinese companies also turn pale at the only mention of sth. terrible. Carson, founder of muddy water company * Bullock, 35 years old this year. In 2005, Bullock graduated in legal professional learning, Then they came to China. Muddy water company's Web site said, Bullock is a familiar legal entrepreneur, and muddy water's research team is one of those familiar with Chinese business rules. Muddy water companies with operational headquarters in Hong Kong, has an Office in Shanghai. However, the address of muddy water company set up headquarters in Hong Kong is really a secretarial service companies of Hong Kong's name, HunWater company is just one of the secretarial services company's customers. According to the China business newspaper reporter has learned that in Hong Kong, service company to provide customers with company registered address of the Secretary, Deputy Director, independent telephone services, the annual fee is usually between 2000 to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. In this sense, muddy water company is a downright "leather bagCompany ". Muddy water short the focus process the old republic power leveling, segmented memories later, there was requested by the business officer of suspicious staff constantly look for a lot of information and data that you want to talk about cooperation swtor power leveling, and nothing came of it. In fact, muddy water tends to start shorting institutions such as research on media such as Barron's found objects, and these Chinese company insider, competitor and intermediary companiesAnd so, you are likely to become its information reporting. "They may employ Chinese civil investigation agencies, investigation and evidence collection. "Familiar with United States capital markets told reporters," such as standing at the gate of the Chinese enterprises, and see how much your business trips, to determine the true and false of enterprise business. Or direct your clients to do surveys. "The people are claimed to reporters that, these to be business executives from competitors and third party intermediary's executives also have the potential to become the object of investigation. Muddy water in questioning another listed company of China channel, told the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) report says, according to media information, the actual number of buses owned by this company than theirClaims to half or less. Study on turbid water, it is through telephone consultation the Chinese high speed channel sales and media buyers to confirms this fact. Shorting the company's profit, one industry veteran persons who spoke on condition of anonymity told reporters that this kind of company is common practice to find "problem company", selling the company's stock, established positions, and then publishShort reports profit in the company's share price fell. "In the whole process as there was a significantly interest, including law firms, auditing firms, accounting firms, research institutions and hedge funds, and so on. "Once the object is short the institutions will start analysis" prey "earnings last releases report using social networking in an attempt to negativeCome let the target company's shares have plunged to their short and gets a windfall. Short generally maintain close relations and hedge funds, such as muddy water companies and institutional investors, hedge funds on Wall Street and Associates, paid to the selected institutions to provide their research reports. "Hedge funds after receipt of the report will, generally, secretly buying stock, reported after the release of meet the crackdown on stock price, ifGong, both sides get the windfall would be extremely significant. "This is not willing to disclose the names of senior industry insiders said.

but also by Chinese heat holding of 80

129668731676875000_122Zhang Yi Wu thinkers Zizek on October 9 in the "occupation of Wall Street" speech during the operation, which actually refers to China's "through the drama", he thought "this is a good sign for China: people still dream of another way out.   "He also thinks that the West today has lost his ability to dream like that. The theorist in New York's progenitorCurti Park speech while in China, called the jingxin step by step through the play's major television stations hit, but also by Chinese heat holding of 80 swtor power leveling, generation of viewers.   It became popular once again confirmed China's young audience has surfaced, became the center of contemporary culture. In November, a low-budget movie of the lovelorn 33 days suddenlyBecame popular, a dozen days of box office has more than 200 million Yuan. The film has been sought after by microblogging in young people, in a Chinese only large can exceed the million box office have worked wonders on the market.   Many of the lines also sought after by young audiences, I personally observed the young cinema audience response. From this two-part drama, they are all from white collarLeading romance story begun to attract young women, but points to a time of unique imagination. The jingxin step by step is the actress Zhang Xiao after the break and boyfriend, incredibly through the Qing dynasty Kangxi, into a girl if XI after a series of romances. In this show, across the face the world offers imaginative strategies. Youth is notTo put them in the past in the past, provide alternative ideas. Strength about crossing the $literal the life experiences of China's generation y, and China, as legends and memories of the great empires of history left by tiling together, before China today's platform and powerful and brilliant modern hybrid. Individual life break the restrictions of time, plunge into the modern Chinese without the advent ofState, and can co-exist such symbiosis, led to a series of new stories. This imagine is unimaginable in modern Chinese culture, it can belong to only one bid farewell to the modern times of sadness and modern, just for the future of the present society. This "cross" is a form of "return" into the future by means of approaches, feelings and spirit of the complexCase requires a "past of the past" to respond to, "in the past of the past" let Zhang Xiao's Romance "the past" lost weight, her new possibilities through to expand. The disappointment in 33 days of Huang Xiaoxian had no chance to cross to the Qing dynasty, but her short time in 33 days they also experience the transcendence of past memories. Those classic modern emotional outburstSo broken, causing mental and life intense pain, making her into a desperate and confused. But the old King in his works is extremely powerful: "time heals everything. "The film by Huang Xiaoxian 33-day experience, showing the energy of the time. Yellow in the help of his colleague Wang Xiaojian, finally regained a new impetus to their life. Here time and "passing through"Returns the past, it is "now" show "process" sense the old republic power leveling, Huang Xiaoxian out of the past, no longer be specific past wound. In fact, this is also a "return", that is, a relationship before returning "before" pure State. Time is also here with unprecedented flexibility, it is not linearly into the future, but33 days of the adoption of the predicament return some sort of "original" State. This two-part television drama comes from the famous Internet novel, the novel has been quite popular. Whether it is "clear in" or "cure" are links to a different concept of time in the past. Works from generation y, generation of young people today, from a completely different perspective to focus on time. HeTheir significance from the perspective of patterns is that they are not qualified himself in the world, but look for a time in China's internal strength, this time is not linear, but through imagined get multiple times. We have never seen the kind of modern time to focus on, and this focus also has different paths of thought and expression. All over the world face theDifficulties and problems facing the troubled by lack of imagination of the world, which come from the imagination of young people in China is an interesting exception, it prompts in the midst of China's rapid economic growth, imagination began a surge can occur. It Zizek theorists of the keen attention is not accidental, it prompts us to clear China has yet to be explainedAn intelligent imagination, deserve our serious consideration. Source: journal published in the December 1, 2011 global 23rd issue of the journal global authorized use, other media if you want to reprint, please contact the Publisher. ()

a lot of rapid development of the commodity futures exchange

129667864479209142_426This reorganization will be led by past Commerce, led to the SFC Editor's Note: in order to promote the healthy and steady development of China capital market, the Commission recently launched intensive six initiatives. This special launch series, each of these initiatives conducted in-depth analysis and interpretation. On 22nd and 23rd respectively launched the bond market calling for chess policies still need to accelerate the speed and the source controlCharged with insider trading capital markets "rodent" escalation of action, today published its reports revamp correlation analysis of trading venues. In recent years, some areas to advance the interests and the development of commodity markets, successively approved the establishment of various types of transactions. Despite being "hundred lights on", but because of the lack of standardized management, some transactions has exposed a large financial andSocial risks.  To address this situation, the State Department yesterday issued a State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision, to guard against financial risks, and standardize the market order, maintain social stability. Reporter Xia Qing in recent years, in the name of financial innovation, the national exchange sprouted. Due to the lack of the necessary regulatory CommissionTubes, traded many exchanges in operational mode, Member, there are a lot of problems in areas such as information asymmetry.  Some exchanges were illegal price rigging, shareholder, misappropriation of client funds, volume events such as running away. "These issues such as development spread down, vulnerable to systemic, culture, financial risk, and even affect social stability" for the exchange ofLike, regulators said. Straighten up Exchange the chaos-ridden situation yesterday, the State Council promulgated the straighten up all kinds of exchanges, effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision). The decision called, established led by the SFC, the departments concerned to participate in "straighten up all kinds of exchanges, joint meeting of departments for" System. It is understood that the decisionHas been forwarded to the various provincial property rights trading institutions, will commence in the near future on the reorganization of the various trading floors to prevent trading venues as "wrap around". Multiple Exchange chaos incomplete statistics, scattered around the country Exchange has exceeded 300, trades are more than hundreds of species. Trades included not only rare and precious metals, works of art,Financial assets, ownership, carbon emissions, including agricultural products, pharmaceutical products, and to top it, put it on Chinese painting, garlic, ginseng, fruits, red pepper, silk became the Exchange transaction. Of the 300 "financial innovation" feature in Exchange, most attention is the "cultural exchange", this cultural art as transactions is the subject of such transactions. Text ExchangeImplementing of share trading, commonly known as "art shares".  Earlier, Tianjin cultural art Exchange, truly shares blew a storm shares wealth with works of art, run so far, although questioned by market volatility, but still difficult to stop the crazy chase of capital on such exchanges. Members of the industry, art investment are niche markets. Now become "goldInclusive innovation "experimental field, investors could be split with shares owned works of art, radical departure from the general law of art investment.  The purpose of which is not in the art, but for hot sites for having a greater fool, the outcome will impact the entire investment markets and financial order. Financial commentator Tan said the rules established by the Tianjin Exchange intends to manufacture more than real estate market gone madAsset bubbles, you should shut down the Tianjin Exchange. Tan believed that Tianjin Exchange hype is real never deliver warrants. Cultural art cut into certain shares being traded, is actually a trader has a real part of the interest. Warrant different from General, ownership of works of art with indivisible, art after the share of market transactions,Is in fact a game of virtual funds will never achieve real drumming spent game.  Securities of listed companies and General differently, the art of pricing with a reasonable degree of subjective color, there is no fundamental constraints the old republic power leveling, each share price can be fired into the sky from fundamentals, bubbles much greater space than the shares of a stock exchange. Also in Tianjin, Tianjin your goldBelong to exchange operations mode confusion, transaction information is transparent, highly speculative to high attention to public opinion. Tianjin precious metals Exchange, on December 30, 2008, the Tianjin in precious metals Exchange agreed by the Tianjin Municipal Government, approval of the Finance Office, Binhai airport economic zone was established, registered capital is 10 million Yuan. Set up two years later, the so-calledMarket maker, deferred fee system, highly leveraged transactions has been widely questioned. It is understood that starting from February 2010 trial, within a year trading hours, number of customers has more than 10,000 households, the cumulative turnover of 280 billion yuan. Received in accordance with a bilateral six out of 10,000 fee standards, as of mid-March, exchange fees alone income of 840$ 0.  Tianjin claimed to be present on the precious metal Exchange approved by the State only a market maker model (OTC) gold, silver and other precious metals trading market. In General, the market maker's strength is the key, usually after years of trading practices are recognized in the market to become a market maker. Market maker system requirements for internationally market maker quotes the independent, and daysTianjin and precious metal exchange market makers must be compulsory land sale after the exchanges quote prices. Being a market maker is not independent quote swtor power leveling, the quotation system is mainly with reference to international market prices, and Exchange Unified quote price. In addition, it is understood that the Tianjin customers if you want to position the night of the precious metals Exchange, must pay their contract size two out of 10,000/day funds thawGeneral costs, that is, extension fees. This approach greatly increases the cost of investors.  If you don't want to pay this fee, investors intelligence frequent operation and exchanges through the rule will be able to charge more fees. Unreasonable system design, make confident investors greatly dissatisfied with the Tianjin precious metals exchange regulation of legitimacy and rationality in the massSuspects being put forward.  Exchange-there are many similar. For example carbon exchange.  Carbon exchange, that is enterprises through such a platform, will itself be able to run out of polluting carbon dioxide emissions trading, which have a constraint on business, achieve the purpose of environmental protection. In September 2008, Tianjin emission rights exchanges to set up,Become China's first comprehensive emissions trading institutions. Carbon exchange to set up, at one time was considered a milestone in China's emissions reduction undertakings. Since China and other developing countries do not bear legally binding greenhouse gas limits control obligations, exchanges hope to promote voluntary carbon emission reductions.  In fact, most of the carbon exchange and no substantive business. CountryEnergy and environment, Institute of development and Reform Commission, energy and climate change research centre Xu Huaqing pointed out, China is now targeting or in units of GDP emission intensity, so "Twelve-Five" possibility of establishing national carbon emission trading market in the late little more optimistic estimates, should also be around the year 2025. In this projection, carbon exchanges are now fullA dozen years in advance. "Rectification work is necessary on Exchange", capital Research Center Director Liu jipeng, CUPL. On one hand, a lot of rapid development of the commodity futures exchange, on supervision Division, however it is not clear, this speculative, risk, and social impacts. The other hand, exchanges such as the Tianjin Exchange, you are actually holdingOn behalf of financial innovation, cannot be split, share, and a variety of transactions, securitization of centralized price bidding, traded, or even set up Exchange.  These days exchange trades, had actually entered the scope of securities, but management are the blind spots in this regard, it also contains a big social risks. Straighten up compliance according to law, in fact, as early as"Exchange" before, all commodities electronic marketplace is to regulate the absence of the first "beneficiaries".  As of December 2010, the electronic trading of commodities market in China has more than 200. It is understood that the electronic trading market these goods began in 1997, by the then Ministry of domestic trade (MOFCOM) approval, the State economic and Trade Commission eightEstablishment of a new joint demonstration spot trading patterns, through networking and e-commerce platform built, on the corresponding article in spot or long-term ordering have a market. At present, this type of market management norms and legal basis primary was introduced in July 2003, of the commodity code for electronic transactions and in August 2004 the national people's Congress passThe law on electronic signatures. Since 2009, also were established around electronic trading market for commodities. Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shandong, Shanxi, Hunan, Chongqing has formally established a commodity such as electronic trading market, and further expand the scope. At present, coal, rubber, corn, rice, rare metals, AppleEdible oils, sugar, cotton, steel, and so are overwritten. Industry experts say, commodity electronic marketplace, in the name of e-commerce, such as trades like A single spark can start a prairie fire spread to a variety of farm and sideline products, coupled with no corresponding physical delivery capability, and spot demand decoupling of virtual volumes, blind spots, agents for the margin supervision Commission, on behalf of the customer malicious brush single does notRegulating business, slide it to the pure speculative trading floors at the same time, burying many financial risks. First of all, blindly copied and not end up competing, ignore market laws and regulations.  Due to the profit-driven, some local governments are keen to develop the local market, to the exclusion of market regularity and government supervisory responsibility of the building itself. Second, irregular speculation and excessive speculation. CommoditiesElectronic marketplace dominated by forward trading, some market organizers often fails strict management and one-sided pursuit of trading volume, expand the size of the market, there has been violation of speculation and price risks of deviation, the corner, to the market traders brought a serious loss and compliance. Finally, capital risk transactions. Tripartite regulatory system is not strictly regulate the client money, very susceptible to being cityField organizer's conversion, misappropriation, or even risk abscond with the money.  2008 Chinese exchanges after Guo Yuanfeng abscond with the money, the legacy of a deposit of $ hundreds of millions of black holes have been unable to solve. Electronic trading of commodities markets also face straighten up. In accordance with the decision, it is necessary to step up the formulation of measures for administration of commodity trading markets, ensure forward trading of commodities marketSequence return to the spot market. Joint meeting of all departments concerned must, in accordance with the Division of responsibilities, strengthen communication, interaction and support each other, dutifully do their work. Financial institutions shall not be unlawful for securities and futures trading activities to provide underwriting, account setup, hosting, money transfer, sale, investment advice, insurance agent services; has been providing services of financial institutions, should promptly carry out self-examination since Qing dynasty,Good work.  Official said, the Securities and futures trading directly related to the economic and financial security and social stability, from product design to trade arrangements, must strictly comply with the financial and securities management standard, and approved the establishment of trading venues according to the law, which is based on common principles of the protection of investor interests around the world. However, the industry believes,Rectification cannot be permissible. Shanghai commodities exchange (CCBOT) Chairman Fei Jian said the current widely used commodity trading market "such futures" forward trading, forward trading can improve the efficiency of resource allocation. Insofar as agriculture is concerned, modern agricultural trade is the biggest problem of agricultural products growing region has no right to sell, there is no pricing power,Forwards electronic transactions can help in the rational flow of agricultural products.  Forward trading therefore cannot all be killed off.  Specification of local interest require adjustment on the Exchange, most pressure of local government. The decision is not the first time on Exchange consolidation. As early as 2009, the State administration for industry and commerce ", No. 232" calls for "national ban newVertical forward trading of commodities markets ". Early in 2010 by the Ministry of Commerce, the CBRC and the SFC in six ministries jointly issued a specification for the forward trading market rectification work guidance.  Around the building "exchanges" warm hard to reduce. The reason, Central University of finance and Professor he Qiang said they appeared, with soils of flood of liquidity, with the real economyDifficult background of investment, with local Government on the demands of the financial centre, due to poor information distribution environment, there are goods of own financial impulse. Beijing technology and business University, Director of the Securities and Futures Institute Hu Yuyue believe that excess liquidity and Exchange around the internal needs of the market is, of course, the persistence of a factor, but even more important reason is that local governments are stronglyBoost. Exchanges often accompanied by local government for the establishment of interest and with the Executive of color, and built some kind of trades of the Exchange, may mean that the local will master this trades of prices. In addition, the construction of local government is keen to Exchange because Exchange set up form the aggregation effect, not only to attract huge capital flows, and if Exchange bigGood for associated storage, logistics and other industries, pulling on the local economy is comprehensive.  Therefore, Hu Yuyue believes that Exchange contains too much interest in it, issued by the State Council to rectify it now, it must meet the resistance of local government. However, before, had already started management, such as Shanghai, Shandong's Exchange capital has closedTight, even cleaned up a number of exchanges.

I think China to loosen policy sooner rather than later. "Frank Gong

129668688750312500_15Recently, the JP Morgan Asia Pacific managing director Frank Gong pointed out that the opportunity to lower the deposit rate by the end, along with the deposit and reduction in the rate of the a-share market is expected to raise a couple of the great bull market, not just the wave of the rally. Deposit rate cut could lead to a bull market the old republic power leveling, "China's stock market rises there's nothing wrong. "Frank Gong believes China's much-needed development of direct financing and fundingThis market, which requires stock tie and the effect of making money, agricultural products in stock market development can avoid idle speculation, avoid capital flows are very reluctant to see the Government's housing market. "In the global economy rapidly deteriorating situations, I think China to loosen policy sooner rather than later. "Frank Gong, rapid worsening of the current European debt crisis had already spread to Germany, the European purchasing managers ' indexFar below the 50% recession and economic boundaries. He also stressed that China's economy is a downstream manufacturing economy, commodities for China is cost. If the global economy is not good, very low pressure of commodity resources swtor power leveling, this is a very good economic growth opportunities. I often speak of crisis of the world, China, issues around the world, United States Europe's economic growth problems, Commodity resource does not come up. Very cheap commodity resource environment, which is positive on China's economy is very important. He believes that next year the inflation rate will return to below 4%, GDP at around 8.3%, in this case reserve at least from the current 21% to 18%. If the reserve ratio cut occurs and may be a good few yearsThe great bull market, not just the rally. Bullish on financial, medical and Metro specific to an industry stocks, said Frank Gong, often in the near future to promote the two tectonic plates, one is the financial sector, is a medical, pharmaceutical industry, along with associated arising from Metro investment sector. "Financial industry not just a cycle industry, there is a long-term growthPotential of a sunrise. "He represents the current Financials valuations are very low, overall GDP proportion of service industry in China at present is 42%, over the next decade China GDP rose from $ 6 trillion to us $ 24 trillion, value-added space is so great that services proportion is expected to rise to 60%, while financial services are services of the Board. In addition, compared to United States direct financingProportion of the total financing of 60%, this proportion is only about 20% in China, there is a huge space for development. Other industries are medical and pharmaceutical industry, he believes that is likely to repeat the glory of ten years of real estate. Current medical, pharmaceutical industries account for 3% proportion of GDP in developed countries usually in-15%. He is also optimistic about Metro investment in traditional industries sector。 Suggested that MTRC's investment is of green environmental protection, investment, reduces road car, addressing road congestion problems.

Panoramic network/Chen Danrong

129668642067031250_27Panoramic network CITIC Securities analyst Pi Shun Sunday, November 27-in the "best Analyst Summit 2011 new wealth", said that the media culture in October, surging prices, this money-making opportunities are the first wave swtor power leveling, second wave and third wave of the future. He said the second wave and third wave rally driving force is the country needs, the people's needs andEconomic restructuring.  These three factors in the medium and long term would only exacerbate the old republic power leveling, rather than slow down. Pi Shun obtained "the ninth best analyst in new wealth" communication and cultural industries for first place. (Panoramic network/Chen Danrong) Pi Shun speech at the Forum site (photo: Lei)

2011年12月23日 星期五

and Canada

129667864369209142_144High international oil prices, stimulate oil company continued to expand production, increased exploration and development. From this influence, oilfield technologies service market economy to improve. Transformed from equipment suppliers of oil and gas development-related technical services Jerry shares (002353, closed at $ 71.77), haitong securities believes that it will benefit from the progressive prosperity of unconventional oil and gas development in domestic market and the seaOutside the expansion in the market for technical services. Short-term benefit from complete fracturing equipment orders for Jerry shares the long-term growth of logic, haitong securities believes that overall, from a transition to integrated technology service providers, equipment vendors from several product and service transformation integrated products and services, the market potential is huge. From the development of products and services provided by the company, the company provides a range of products from the mostEarly pressure pumps, natural gas compression equipment, liquid nitrogen fixation of equipment to expand to coiled tubing operations to downhole tools, providing technical services from the initial pumping operations, cuttings for reinjection of expanded business to cementing services, fracturing and acidizing, coiled tubing operations services and radial drilling services. With the gradual expansion of product range, the company of technology services gradually increased and service capabilitiesGradually built its technology services business market is expected to gradually turn. In addition, since fracturing equipment is key to shale gas development equipment, benefiting United States shale gas development in large outbreaks in 2010, 2011, haitong securities company's estimated fracturing equipment orders after the dramatic growth in the first half of 2010 and 2011, equipment deliveries will peak in 2011 and 2012 years to come, this will also constitute a company's short-term earnings growth momentum. Transition services are the key highlights of haitong securities believes that transformation service is a key aspect of the company, which will share a progressive prosperity of unconventional oil and gas development in domestic markets, overseas expansion of the technical services market. Penglai, while related technical service business suspension technology in 19-3 oilfield service sector revenues affect the short-term, Radial drilling, but as fracturing and acidizing, coiled tubing and other new services fast, technical service sector revenues are expected to gradually expand. Young successfully won the bid of the company on October 6 announcement made underground working oil company service marks the end of overseas marketing technology services achieved initial progress. Share the progressive prosperity of unconventional oil and gas development of the domestic market. According to United States energy informationDepartment of the 2011 world shale gas resources in a preliminary assessment of the report shows that world shale gas of recoverable resources of more than 200 trillion cubic feet of State of a total of nine, China has 1275 trillion cubic feet of recoverable resources ranked first in the world, followed by United States, and Argentina, and Mexico, and Australia, and Canada swtor power leveling, and Libya, and Algeria and Brazil;Tube of shale gas resources in China has great potential the old republic power leveling, but mostly of shale gas resources in China belong to the continental, and non-United States Marine shale gas, exploration and development and capacity-building is quite difficult. In addition of coalbed methane in the mining industry is seen as risk factors, but as a kind of vast reserves of clean energy, coal-bed methane has a huge potential for development; developed coal-bed gas exploration and development technology matures, domesticCoal-bed gas development has been under way for several years. According to media reports, led by the National Energy Board developing shale gas and coalbed methane-related planning is expected to be released during the year, and PetroChina have Weiyuan drilling in Sichuan China first evaluation shale gas wells, and was gas fracturing. Subparagraph horizontal drilling and fracturing techniques are unconventional oil and gas development and key core technologies from the country technical services market developmentPoint of view, coal-bed gas fracturing progressively increases in demand, and radial drilling for shale gas development and paragraph fracturing services has great potential, the company relies on equipment and services, in the first-mover advantages are expected to share the progressive prosperity of domestic unconventional oil and gas development. Haitong securities company expects 2011 ~2013 year EPS at $ 1.77, 2.6 per cent and $ 3.19,'S closing price of $ 72.3 estimate, corresponding 2011 PE ~2013 years 40.8 times times, 27.83 times times and three times respectively, maintained a "buy" rating, 2012 by 30 times year PE for 6-month price target of $ 77.95. Haitong securities

no less. "Said Lin Jiang said.

129667837424365392_3021th page: "outflow of hot money," raised wide concern exchange rate or best time 2nd page: arbitrage funds inflow Hong Kong 3rd page: reform or the best time in October, China's foreign exchange loss of $ 24.892 billion, for the first time in 4 years, raising widespread concern. Public opinion and "hot money" outflows are directly related.CICC this estimate in October of "hot money" out of China's size is about $ 180 billion. Reporter of the China business survey found that international capital away from the field at this stage, but the outflow is not, because the majority of international funds and do not want to give up the Chinese market. A certain proportion in the outflow of funds associated with China's emergence this year of emigration.In fact, betting on Yuan revaluation of "hot money" is not mass departure, but many air forces close. "Now more than ever is good timing for expansion of renminbi against the US dollar volatility.   "Industrial Bank (601,166), Chief Economist, Political Commissar of Shandong said. Wealthy immigrants led some outflow of funds, "private enterprise bosses of emigration since the end of last yearBrewing, then it is not clear the old republic power leveling, since the second half of the year, which began to pick up speed. "The Deputy Director of the Center for studies of Sun Yat-sen University, Hong Kong and Macao-Pearl River Delta said Lin Jiang told reporters. "This year, many wealthy immigrants, are actually investment migrants. The money other than through formal channels, more are transferred through underground channels overseas. "Said Lin Jiang told reporters that triggered migrationTide is due this year business survival plight worse than 2008. From the end of 2010 from the sharp jump in raw materials, labor, rental companies so far, while renminbi continued to appreciate, export orders and fewer profits, many private enterprises into the red, "it might as well close down immigrants", which is a realistic choice for many owners of private enterprises. Said Lin Jiang said that selecting immigrants this year, the mainIf the issue of confidence this year enterprises in domestic economic environment also allow some room for survival are squeezed, some private enterprise bosses lost faith. "Private enterprise of the year ' financing difficulties ' with the Regal capital flight somewhat. "Said Lin Jiang said that wealthy immigrants capital flight brought about by increased private enterprise's financing difficulty. "Regal funds siphoned underground banks, available funds in the marketRelatively reduced.   The "hurun joint Bank of China (601,988), private banks issued the 2011 China's white paper on private wealth management concluded – China tens of millions of rich preparing emigration. China Merchants Bank (600 swtor power leveling,036) and Bain consulting firm conducted jointly survey also revealed: China has more than 10 million Yuan investmentAsset rich, some 60% not taking into account investment migrants, is almost completed immigration procedures and individual groups of investable assets of at least 100 million Yuan, is even more apparent: some 27% people have already completed the investment immigrants to further 47% this part of the population are considered investment migrants. This part of migration and plans of the Regal,They take away funding channels are mainly through the underground. Underground data has no authoritative statistics. "This money should not be underestimated. Although a central to reduce the pressure of foreign exchange reserves to encourage foreign investment, not less funds flowing out, but private enterprise bosses emigrate from underground Bank outflows of money not less than the regular channels flowing out. I suspect that ' underground ' outflow of moneyThan ' ground ', no less. "Said Lin Jiang said.

The League of Arab States

129668732783437500_173The League of Arab States (LAS) held in Cairo on the evening of 26th meeting of the economic and Social Committee after the Syria sanctions proposal, including the freezing of funds of the Government of Syria in the Arab States, stopped with Syria intergovernmental trade, these proposals will be submitted for discussion at the 27th meeting of League Foreign Ministers meeting. According to the draft resolution issued after the sanctions also include limiting SyriaLeah Government officials visited Arab countries, but restricts visits list still needs to discuss the formulation of the League; stopped flying to Syria flight; stop and Syria central banking business; stop and Syria of financial exchanges, stopping the Arab States of the Central Bank of Syria trade between Central Bank to the Government-funded. Sanctions monitoring proposal also calls for Arab States to the Central Bank AGRemittances and commercial credit the old republic power leveling, but outside Syria labour remittances to their home is not to freeze Arab country Syria internally funded project. The proposals also include the commissioning of the Arab civil aviation related sanctions Committee and the Arab Fund to track articles, specialized Arab Committee formed pursuant to the established standard lists a list of strategic goods.Arab League economic and Social Committee notes that the sanctions proposal is not included in Syria within Arab and international organizations and institutions and their staff of the League, and in the implementation of the proposals take into Syria adjacent Arab national interests. Arab League Deputy Secretary General Ahmad * this * Healy said, the sanctions proposal will be discussed at the 27th meeting of Foreign Ministers, and for increasedDelete changes. He stressed that the League is committed to cater to the Syria people. After the 24th ministerial meeting of the League announced that Syria Government deadline to sign an agreement on sending observation missions allow the League to Syria. Until the opening of the 26th meeting, Syria has not sent a representative to sign the agreement. 16th, in Morocco Rabat, the capital of the Arab League Foreign Ministers ' meeting requirementsWithin 3 days of Syrian Government signed an agreement which allowed the League to send observation missions to oversee the Syrian Government on "the Arab initiative" the implementation of the relevant provisions. But the Syrian Government in the period prior to the Secretary-General of the League Arabi submitted recommendations to adjust the mission work of the League, mainly involve observers not visits to hospitals and prisons, families of prisoners cannot meet with the opposition to anyMust Syria, accompanied by security personnel swtor power leveling, and so on. League 20th refused to accept the amendments in a statement. (Press chenconglilai)

does not intend to expand in foreign exchange reserves

129667840545927892_347Global economy are competition who is the ugliest, resulting in huge countries exchange rate turbulence. When there is no direction in the market, is the best time of RMB exchange rate to increase two-way volatility. Appreciation of the Renminbi must not be under pressure, it is in China for manufacturing bring ruin upon oneself, China also cannot let the Renminbi exchange rate still intact. Therefore, expanding the fluctuation interval to be the best approach. From EUR and USD exchange ratePrice, currently on the market has not knows what currencies may not be unilaterally rising or falling trend. On November 23, 1.3341 fell to EUR/USD closed a six-week low, because Germany poor bond sales, Germany staged sell from buy farce planned EUR 6 billion 10-year bond auction, eventually sold only 3.644 billion euro, Germany's Central Bank was forced to buy the remaining near 40% bond-investor panic mentality against the euro further expanded. Euro not homeopathy fall, Beijing time on November 24 at 7 o'clock, euro-dollar gradually reverted to 1.3381. K-line stretched to months, has gone through three rounds of the euro can be seen very significant fluctuations from 2008 to the end of the yearFall and the collapse of the November 2009 to May 2010, April 2011 fall so far. Starting early last year, European debt crisis intensified in the second half of this year. The strange thing is, the euro fell and not out of unilateral, but after a wheel fell, followed by a massive increase, and shock, while the maximum distance of 1.6 have IAMBut the rally still can reach the height of 1.5. It shows that investors generally panic on the global economy. Investor attention to the European debt crisis, the euro, investors eye occasionally glance at United States debt disputes, deficit of us $ party struggles give investors dare not go chasing rising dollar. In volatile markets, investors apart from preserving the euro or European debt short, in relation toWas let go long on the yen and Swiss francs, this is really a coward--not the worst, only more rotten. However, unwilling to be fish of Japan and Switzerland's Central Bank, announced suddenly intervened in currency, betting encounter gunnin ' Phoenix Suns explosive cartridge. Expanded two-way volatility of Renminbi exchange rate the best reason is that the market formation stability of the renminbi is not expected. This year, against theDollar parity rate the largest increase has more than 4.6%; since the third quarter, exchange-rate flexibility is significantly increased. Calculated according to the Bank for international settlements, the third quarter of 2011 swtor power leveling, nominal effective exchange rate appreciation of the Yuan 1.58%, 4.24% real effective exchange rate appreciation. After the national day holiday this year has been more than 6 weeks time, the Yuan central parity against the dollar of the weekTrojan were mixed-213, 134, 338 basis points respectively, 125-152 and-231, and unilateral move up 6 July this year compared to the situation, prospect of RMB's appreciation has been signs of weakening. Market for Yuan love/hate, see Europe, the United States, such as China and India forced appreciation, betting on Yuan; fear that the real economySoft, and shorting the currency. There is no doubt that, at $ 3.2 trillion in foreign reserves in the hands of China, also increases the pressure of RMB appreciation in the world. But this is political pressure rather than market pressures. Since the second quarter, offshore renminbi spot to go down and always lower than the domestic market, foreign investors doesn't think much of the description of RMB. Outflow of funds gradually within cityOctober's new financial institutions Exchange fell for the first time in nearly 4 years, in the case of foreign direct investment and foreign trade surplus remains, notes significant increase in the speed and scale of capital outflow in China, short of RMB and China's economic strength is growing. The other hand, due to the weakening of the domestic economic situation, October purchasing managers ' index below 50 per centShowing economic contraction expected strong. Under the current situation, as long as China doesn't launch massive stimulus, RMB exchange rate cannot be increased substantially, the maximum may be related to the euro, relative to from dollar fluctuations. Forced in front of the problem is that due to the European debt crisis in Europe in the world to withdraw funds, funds of about $ 1.6 trillion in Asia may withdraw, increasedAdd Asia's deleveraging in the financial sector risks. At this point, in Asia, including China financial pressure will only increase, not diminish. Therefore, relax bi-directional wave, will never cause a drastic appreciation of the single. Neighbouring India rupees has been pushed to a record low, exchange rate pressures following short-term downside was its future possibilities. RMB exchange rate in the market good active spreadBig band the old republic power leveling, is a sign of confident self. On November 19, Premier Wen Jiabao said China is paying close attention to recent changes in the RMB exchange rate, it would allow two-way volatility of exchange rate flexibility. Now US dollar spot rate difference between the selling price and the purchase price shall not exceed the trading price of 1%, while the interbank foreign exchange market the dollar against the Yuan trading in Bank of AmericaTransaction price 0.5% up and down within the range of a floating, expanding 1 time or even twice times, appreciation of the Renminbi will not unilaterally and then crash. Premise is that the Government did not pursue GDP to stimulate the economy, does not intend to expand in foreign exchange reserves, not to act as a Savior of the world economy. (Daily news)

either Center jiazuliqi

129668763051562500_53Jiangsu without fear of foreign aid to defect jiazuliqi back to the NBA is also difficult to find work Yesterday, the NBA both employers and employees after 15 hours of negotiations, framework agreements had been reached. This message is CBS expert Ken·boge, ESPN confirmed by expert kelisi·paermo and others. If employers and employees eventually agreed, the new season will United States Christmas broke out. For the majority of NBA fans, this is a big good news for CBA, may have been a nightmare sth Jiangsu without fear of Dan·jiazuliqi return to the NBA (information) CBA became frightened foreign aid to defect early precedent when the ocean when the other side of the news, I believe that many CBA team bosses are starting to worry about: has signed with the team's NBA big-name stars would have left the mind? They alsoFeel at ease to do one season in the CBA? Due to NBA halt affected this season more CBA teams have successfully signed up a number of NBA service of big-name players, Zhejiang J.R. · Smith, Foshan jielade·GELIN, guangsha weiersen·qiandele, kenyang·Mading, Xinjiang, and has just joined the team in Guangdong Brookes, whoBefore the halt is not optimistic, therefore with the CBA's team has signed contracts, these contracts are committed to play for one season. But now halt the end of the message has been confirmed by a number of experts, in this case these big-name foreign aid would remain in the CBA to play it? Even if compliance with contracts to stay, whether they are willing to really investAfter playing this season for the CBA's team? In fact, this worry is definitely not there, in the previous few seasons had the events of foreign AIDS fled in the Middle: 2007 team of Yunnan's foreign aid because of dissatisfaction with Jones basket punishment early repatriation of the ADPL; 2006 Zhejiang foreign aid Kevin directly left the team in the CBA truce period; before 2003 in ShaanxiForeign aid Lassou West team quietly dropped from the race Eve sth Contract is waste paper "restraining order" no match "Yin-Yang contract" from a technology perspective, NBA high cards are fully return to the NBA can abandon CBA. On the surface, baskets have been blocking their road back to the NBA, basket previously set forth: to NBA players for gold in China must be a free agent.After "foreign aid restraining order" new additions made, want to further limit these players, check force must be in the form of the undertaking for one season in the CBA. In accordance with the note, NBA player if not of Chinese nationality to leave the CBA in the Middle, it is necessary to sign a notarized "bond", guarantees its season in the CBA remaining time shall notLeague to play for other countries (of course, including the NBA), in addition, because of injuries to leave, you must also have the authority specified by the official CBA League medical institutions, and the player injury diagnosis and identification issued by a doctor. But what about the fact? If the player is forced to were laid off, he was not able to go to other leagues looking for a job? Basket of a restraint order may be "Yin-Yang"To resolve. Clubs could have signed an official contract and this player, and then sign a private contract, when the player wants to leave the CBA with the way he avoided layoffs "guarantee" section, so the note completely basket into a dead letter. According to this reporter has learned that does have a CBA clubs seeking yin, and NBA high cardSign this unequal Treaty. In other words, the NBA ended after the halt, CBA has big-name foreign aid to defect, or not remains to be seen. Southern steel won't have to worry about nobody to end NBA halt jiazu barely, double hung, Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Foshan Club is bound to, such as panic, who can guarantee that they are under big foreign aid to the CBA through a seasonThen? Of course, among the crowd trouble, certainly not our Jiangsu Nangang Club, the reason is simple, two in foreign aid the old republic power leveling, either Center jiazuliqi, also plays Collins, think back to the NBA, I am afraid, are hard to find work. It is for this reason, southern steel tall upon hearing the NBA may halt the end of the message and act very calm. One person ClubSaid to reporters: "selected jiazu such foreign aid, at that time we also take into account the NBA might halt the end, vote for him would be more reliable, even the NBA broke out, possibility of his return is unlikely. He was older, competitive State in decline swtor power leveling, and secondly, even if he went back to earn money does not necessarily have to stay in the southern steel. "In some way said, nBA ended halt, for the southern steel Club also is a good thing, if some of the top clubs appear foreign AIDS fled, causing internal chaos, southern steel team is bound to improve your rankings. Of course, want to halt not only the end of NBA clubs at Nangang, Xinjiang guanghui seems to hope that the NBA broke out. Because, as long as the NBA, in Guangdong Province "China's foreign aid "Yi will definitely leave, Brooks is also possible to go back. Reporter diao Yong

2011年12月21日 星期三

plays in the development of advanced cultural construction of corporate culture

129667573172968750_39 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/star-wars-the-old-republic/">star wars the old republic</a>Traffic report from city construction trade unions ' women workers ' committees before women cadre training courses, strengthen capacity-building for women cadres. From system unit nearly 50 Trade Union cadres accepted the women workers ' organizations of women workers, safeguarding women workers ' rights and other aspects of training. Through presentations swtor power leveling, women cadres to further understand the women workers, such as protection of collective contracts signedAction method for the project. On the basis of this training, city traffic Director Zhou Wei asked trade unions ' women workers ' organizations at all levels of the system to be creative, based on the construction characteristics of the transport industry and women workers ' needs active carriers, plays in the development of advanced cultural construction of corporate culture, employee trade unions ' women workers ' organizations. Lee appearance

I'm going to get five. "Huang Qianhui says the teacher in charge

129668642215156250_29News | Campus | College entrance examination topics | Articles by | Civil service | Self-study examination | Textual research on | Textual research on the Division | Class 46 blog | Forum | Face to face, editor | Hot spot activity training | Study abroad | Enrollment education newsCentre-> News-> print the body font size: size of share: 2011-11-27 07:33:29.0 Zhao jinsong female students suffering from heart disease to study user-initiated Mo Cuiting to study heart disease 2,119 news group-life activities education/enpproperty--> MoTsui Ting illness: keep learning in the classroom.   Reporter Zhao jinsong photo taken in Bobai County-Ning Tan in a 16-year old junior girls Mo Cuiting, was checking out this September with "heart of mitral valve closed strictly" her tenacious spirit of studying, have touched many people. The morning of November 24, the fourth section after class star wars the old republic, Mo Cuiting did not rush to cafeteria meals, but the teacherThe lecture carefully combed over, summarized in the key on a laptop. "I particularly cherish every day learning time.   "Mo Cuiting said that she would like to continue your studies. From the age of 12, Mo Cuiting felt swtor power leveling, like other children do not: small strength, walk slowly, too much heavy work, and even her favorite badminton nor to play. In September this year, school groupsExamination of weaving, she was told the heart murmur. Mo Yongde her father took her to the hospital, confirmed her daughter suffered from cardiac mitral valve closure is not strict.   Doctors told him that her daughter's illness must be operative as soon as possible, otherwise it is hard to live, cost at least $ 80,000. Mo Yongde home their principal sources, rely on farming for a few minutes and temporary workers. In March this year, he was one year old sonBrain product of iliac, to give children heal, home owed more than $ 20,000 of debt. Because no money, Mo Yongde drug opened only one month, took her daughter home. Medicine will soon finish, Mo Cuiting increasingly pale, malaise. She said: "I am afraid, heart of her classmates jumped three times, I'm going to get five. "Huang Qianhui says the teacher in charge, taking into account the CUI TingNow health, schools mobilize her to go home and rest, but she was pressing to adhere to the class.   She wrote in the diary is full of boundless love and sorrow to the school. After users upload Mo Cuiting dogged studying online, moved a lot of friends. The night of November 14, users launched online "group life" love activities call for dedicated $ 15 per person. As at24th, has 245 friends took part in the "coupon", some more than 20 public contributions by bank transfer in Yulin, Ning launched contributions TAM Lieutenant Colonel League is also in the whole school, has raised more than 6,000 yuan. At present, Mo Cuiting donation activity continues to relay. (Reported by reporter Zhao jinsong) transferred from the South China Morning Post

up 7.75%

129667889713115392_284Wang yawei stocks oubite (300,053) late yesterday confirmed that "hand in hand with the Chinese Aerospace Science and industry College, wants to try out things" message. Prior to this, Internet stock oubite and military concept of dual gem has received four new lines in a row, up 7.75%, beat the broader market over 9%, the unit throughout the day yesterday was bucked up 3.62%, new report 1$ 0.01.   Said profit contribution difficult to predict the main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regret having sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! According to the Commission website on November 23, China Aerospace Science and industry's College recently signed a strategic cooperation agreement with oubite, agreements between the two sides in the Internet technologyAnd applications, product development and marketing of building strategic cooperation partnership.  This message is published, oubite stocks start volume increases, turnover from cent on November 22 to uplift 46.04 million hand yesterday the stock price from $ 9.27 contrarian washed up on the above $ 10. Europe bit announcement yesterday evening, confirming the company wholly-owned subsidiary in BeijingOubite Control Engineering Research Institute has worked with the China Aerospace Science and industry of hospitals signed a strategic cooperation agreement, but remained "cautious" swtor power leveling, said "the strategic cooperation agreement only for the framework agreement, on specific issues in specific cooperation projects between the two sides still need further discussion in a formal contract and clear. And the signing of this agreement not 2011 operating results for the company have a big shadowRing. Given the significant uncertainties Internet market is, therefore, the agreement on corporate profit contribution is difficult to predict the future. "People in the industry were of the view that oubite is currently specializing in embedded SoC chip and system integration, with considerable technical superiority and market advantages, and most of its major orders from the fields of Aeronautics and Astronautics. This cooperation, representativesCompany to dabble in Internet of a substantive action and backed by China Aerospace Science and industry of hospitals this "tree". Wang yawei held nearly a year until spring Europe bit climbed three homes of China Aerospace Science and industry, who will be most happy?  Star Fund Manager Wang yawei is certainly one of them. Report shows last year, Wang yawei steered China strategy "coming out" oubite, 55.990,000 shares, becoming its largest circulation shareholders. First quarterly results showed that Chinese market also appeared, with 600,000 units. At the end of the second quarter, euro-bit implementation of 10-10, Chinese market and Chinese policy together holding 2.2723 million shares, oubite top circulation of institutional shareholders in shareholders list only Wang yawei management of these funds. To the end of the third quarter star wars the old republic, ChinaPolicy, the Chinese market two funds are the holding company of 1.12 million unit and 1 million shares, was ranked eight and tenth largest trading stock shareholders.  In addition, private-equity products and huafu growth trend, remarkable 17th respectively 2.92 million and 1.2 million units of the Fund, as the new sixth and seventh-largest shareholder. According to the analysis, like oubite in this high-concept-amount easierDaily amount in the current market environment of shrinking bucked the stronger.  7.75% the past four sessions of gains well above those for the same period 1.45%-big city, Internet concepts under the aura, the future is expected to force a breakthrough. Periodic report showed that companies maintain steady growth in the first half, net profit of $ 16.05 million, an increase of 17.52%; the first threeQuarterly net profit of $ 24.17 million, an increase of 2.86%. Even though net profit growth of 2.86% appear bad, contrast-8.78% at the end of last year but has been improved.

and business strategy. The same day

129667864423115392_282Panoramic network, November 25-the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Friday said swtor power leveling, the Committee will be held on November 30 star wars the old republic, 2011 Conference, auditing jiajia food group's starting applications. Jiajia food group company limited plans to sell 40 million shares on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, after the release of total equity at 160 million shares. Company is a collection of the InstituteDevelopment, production and marketing of large condiment enterprises, implemented "jiajia" soy sauce dominated the series, vinegar, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate and edible vegetable oils, and other categories of marketing channel for collaborative development, and business strategy. The same day, in Zhejiang Province of Saint Angelo garment company limited the application of additional audits will also accept the SFC. (Panoramic network/Thunder)


129667889697802892_243Fujian Nanping paper stock textile holding officially by controlling shareholders. Textile holdings set a very high threshold for this transfer, requiring total assets of the transferee and 2011 1 operating income reached $ 3 billion and $ 4 billion.  However, up for the upset of 5.341 dollars per share, representing a company stocks the latest market value $ 7.29 low over three. Fujian Nanping paper mill todayDisclose textile holding company shares held by the date listed. Notice display, light textile holdings on November 25, received a letter issued by a State-owned assets supervision in Fujian province, the letters agreed with textile transfer of holdings in an open call for agreement in Fujian Nanping paper 215 million shares held by, account for the total share capital of 29.8%. The share transfer price is not less than $ 5.341/Unit swtor power leveling, that is all the subject of the transfer price is not less than $ 1.148 billion. Fujian Nanping paper mill, textile holdings currently holds 286 million shares, 39.66% per cent of the total share capital, while other shareholders do not exceed 1%, Fujian Nanping paper mill after the transfer is complete the actual controller will change. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) unit fled to cut meat must regretSudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved! For the conditions under which the parties, textile holdings set a higher threshold. Transferee of intent must have strong economic strength, its total assets as at October 31, 2011, audited not less than $ 3 billion, 2011 1 operating income of not less than $ 4 billion and registered capitalNot less than $ 800 million RMB.  In addition, the transferee of intent requires a clear business strategy. In fact, this is already the textile holding planned for the second time this year and Fujian Nanping paper introducing strategic investors. As early as April of this year, textile holding has deliberately to Fujian Nanping paper shares held by investors, introduced strategic investors through open market, which in turn form a new company buildingBamboo and wood fiber project.  However star wars the old republic, the two sides end due to some important issues cannot reach agreement within the prescribed time, and termination of operations. It is learnt that the textile buyers this holding with a view to introducing the right of transfer of the holding strength, its purpose or through equity funds and other support as soon as possible in Fujian Nanping paper "pulp fiber integration" concept of changing our performance to decline.Fujian Nanping paper mill to notice disclosure, the company in 2011 and the first three quarters, respectively in the first half net profit-$ 76.6083 million-$. Even so, institutional investors still waiting for it. End of the third quarter, the company top shareholders in circulation including a Fund, three private equity firms and two insurance funds.

2011年12月18日 星期日

60.830.23%8.94% Asia

129668763124218750_208Outcome analysis of bets popular color 126: pay attention to the Levante remained in the doldrums Levante VS Gijon grade: 10 euro and indemnity: 60.830.23%8.94% Asia: 61% footwall cent on zucai for the current period are more popular in Europe and indemnity and the Asian plate competition small, only three, namely, AC Milan VS Chievo, Levante VS Gijon and Bi Erba VS Glannaz, one of AC Milan and Bi Erba ballIn one or more balls, big heat may not be winning. Only Gijon, yield half a plate, in the case of heat, cold swtor power leveling, not low chance of. Levent aggressive early trend this season, win the climax of a wave of 7 consecutive victories, once ranked in the points standings. However, the team itself ultimately limited, and 6 and 7 in the First team players over the age of 30, isDifficult to keep a steady state. Now that Levent had suffered 3 season, the next likely recovery team in the Middle character. Gijon starts early manifestations are more general, but has a more obvious rebound momentum nearly 5 League unbeaten took 3 WINS 2. Current handicap adjustment but also for Levante confidence. Early primary made half a high water, now returned toHemisphere swtor credits, and the water level is rising. Jin Baobo, Ming Sheng and Vita-German companies will raise the water level of the home team to 1.9 per cent. In this case, Levent home to cold-proof. Sports leader special sections NetEase declined reprint!