2012年4月9日 星期一

tera power leveling live has been not go beyond moral bounds - UYR

129770869261718750_0Xian-Xian evening news news network in shangluo (reporter Hu Liqiang) wife in the hospital, care to the gate of the hospital during her husband, only to be mistaken by plainclothes police drug addicts, then seize and turn over to an addiction to addiction found only after catching the wrong person. Who lives in Shangzhou District Shi Qingshou is 50 years old, couple opened a shop, live has been not go beyond moral bounds。 In early March this year, Ms Zhu was operated because of illness his wife, Shi Qingshou around there with care. March 4, Shi Qingshou when walking in the gate of the hospital, wants to buy the newspaper back to the ward. Just when his pocket money, suddenly rushed out of the two unidentified people in the vicinity, did not produce any document, stuffed into a car he took on. "I was terrified, thought encounterMan robbed. "Shi Qingshou says, of himself with his wife at that time doctor to 1600 dollars, had never seen such a thing, he panic while desperately struggled, crying out tera gold, alarm and ask passers-by. "On the bus they handcuffed me, broke the phone during this time also. I have been trying to explain that he was a serious man, never done a bad thing, but they just wouldn't listen。 "Shi Qingshou told reporters that the car finally came to the addiction, addiction, and examine him as to the police tera power leveling, he had the opportunity to have their stalks of beans in general clear. Police immediately on his urine test and verification of their personal situation, eventually determined to grasp the wrong person. He didn't know that his captors were Shangzhou District Public Security Bureau narcotics Brigade in plain clothes police, whenWas near to perform a task at the time, his face wax yellow thin, and informant to report suspects alike, resulting in error catching. Subsequently, the addiction leading to its channel apologized, he has just understanding the other. At about 11 o'clock that night tera gold, Shi Qingshou made contact with his family for a false alarm, and was sent to police and family Center in shangluo city hospital for treatment. "When I first sent his back painWas seriously ill, doctors say is the waist soft tissue injury. "Wife, Zhu said, the husband was first hospitalized she had not discharged, had to let old man of 78 years old to care, recently when I personally feel much better care. "Now only a janitor for the elderly at home, business stops for 20 days. "At present, Shi Qingshou in-patient treatment in hospital, on the wrist was broken by handcuffs rub the woundAfter healing, spinal injury is improving gradually, police hospitalized more than 8,000 yuan fee has been paid. Others:

