2012年4月23日 星期一

tera power leveling - CKJ

129784668122866250_143Chemical industry: waiting for the economy to pick up Main point: upward pressure on the cost of production a huge in terms of domestic conditions, we have a high degree of dependence on foreign oil consumption, increases in international oil prices will directly affect the domestic market, domestic resources, such as natural gas prices also this year there is a sharp rise in expected pressures of rising costs of raw materials for the chemical industry tera power leveling, as a whole huge; power consumption of important chemical industry productionOne of the elements, electricity price increases will be significant impact on the production costs of the chemical industry as a whole; in addition, manpower, environmental protection and other cost pressures still exist. Therefore, domestic chemical industry for now, under greater upward pressure on the cost of production. For some hard to pass on the cost breakdown of industries or enterprises, significant increases in cost will hit its operating results. XiaWeak travel demand downstream of the chemical industry of real estate, automobiles, textiles and home appliances, and other major industry climate has not improved significantly, for the chemical industry as a whole needs enormous pressure. In the short term, we still do not see the industry hopes of reversing the overall business situation occur. Investment advice: rating within the next 12 months tera power leveling, the chemical industry: a "neutral" rating. We recommend thatPoints concern: phosphorus chemical (upstream phosphorus mine resources property strengthening and resources integration); carbon black (behind capacity eliminated, industry integration); people explosion supplies (needs more stability, industry entered barriers high, industry competition ordered); fertilizer (nitrogen, and phosphate fertilizer, and potash and compound fertilizer needs is stability); textile dye (downstream for textile clothing industry, overall needs relative stability); hasAdvantages of geography, upstream resources, is in a period of rapid expansion of the company. Corresponding to focus on listed companies in Sichuan province, Mei FUNG (000731), Hubei yihua (000422), Xinghua shares (002109), neimengjunzheng (601,216) tera gold, runtu shares (002440). Others:

