2012年4月2日 星期一

tera gold the Mongkok the night - TNT

129773160914375000_76Sweet Ding Chuncheng exposes still King of the shadow lover put on love Mission: Impossible 62,504 NetEase entertainment on March 26 by DMG entertainment media group, record, film and television media and entertainment company, Shanghai map trace television planning company, butterfly movie Ltd co-produced by the times, renowned director Stanley Kwan executive producer, directed Pan Yuanliang, Cecilia Cheung (click to watch works the priceless gift of Cecilia Cheung, film and television, the Mongkok the night),Gladys, and King sweet, and Ding Chuncheng, and Angela Chang, and Jing Bo ran. (click Watch Jing Bo ran. television works girl in a State of excitement rushed under) starring of annual love topic film shadow lover under, today exposure has a group stills, "high rich handsome" Ding Chuncheng on proud jiaoyang Lamping daughter King sweet expand violent pursuit tera gold, not only various courtship skills romantic extremely, more is and members jointly Director has a out love version of "disc in theThe Bourne Ultimatum. " Tian Jing, and Ding Chuncheng "quarrelsome lovers" and "love tips" share in the shadow lover, Cecilia Cheung and one corner ornaments, Tian Jing was played fortune in Paris (Cecilia Cheung): cousin of make-a-wish, was a daughter of the rich, Ding Chuncheng was active in the Paris social circles in either case diablo 3 gold, King sweet has a crush for a long time and effort is frequently producing surprises. Visible in theStill, when two people dancing "seemingly in harmony but actually at variance" between them has been seen to have "quarrelsome lovers", and in addition to dancing, and Ding Chuncheng also repeated the stunt. "Such as paragliding sky and landed in front of me tera gold, in fact, just ask," sweet said King Ding Chuncheng always made themselves into "human kite", "when last asked me to marry himIs this trick. "In addition, Tian Jing said Ding Chuncheng also have in mind to take her to see her most loved dolphins, various romantic Act also made her first" after the boys had seen the film and it can definitely learn to coax the girl happy. "Despite being a rich family, the daughter," high-rich handsome "the fierce pursuit, but really wish (Tian Jing ornaments) vision in the minds ofWhat kind of love, her "shadow lover" in the gap between reality and dreams of what, also will be interesting. Surprised the shadow lover exposes love "Mission: Impossible" King of sweet up "sexy undercover" "goes well with this role does not have you think," said King of sweet, make-a-wish of parents in the film on her failed marriage has been a bad influence,Ding Chuncheng "high rich handsome" romantic pursuits, she tends to be cold, "because she was afraid of love inside. "And two mild emotional but also indirectly influence the direction of Cecilia Cheung and Gladys love, Ding Chuncheng to close to King sweet no stone unturned, dance teach Cecilia Cheung not only, familiar with all kinds of manners, in order to help her try to deceive everybody, they join forcesDirector was a thrilling love "Mission: Impossible". The exposure of stills, King low chest dress up sweet "sexy undercover", according to Tian Jing said she and Cecilia Cheung wearing earrings are actually disguised the headset and microphone, cant ' help, celebrity party, along with surprisingly high-tech tools, and atangge "Mission: Impossible 4" classic dance scene in a very, Po la��badun King of sweet sexy not to lose, she laughed saying "this time, we see a love of ' Mission: Impossible '". Others:

