2012年4月12日 星期四

tera gold community participation in monitoring - KBE

129779321226250000_31Initial development costs associated with the school bus system guidance or central to share After intensive consultation and discussion, the school bus safety regulations (draft) of the Executive meeting of the State Council considered and approved in principle. Draft identified six thinking about school bus safety: protect near the entrance of students; the Government above the county level take overall responsibility for security management; sent truck-care students; set school bus license; gives school bus traffic priority; clear legal responsibilityEither. Although this was a huge improvement, but the most critical source of school funding and management mode of operation is unclear, school bus system is not yet established. In early February of this year, national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of education, the Ministry of Finance has held a forum on school bus work, invites East, middle and West a dozen provinces and cities County development and Reform Commission, the educational and financial sector personnel tera gold, the guidance on establishing a school bus system(Hereinafter the guidelines) listened to the views around the main policies. This exclusive was informed that the guidance has been preliminarily drawn up "operation and management mode exploration school bus suit measures to local conditions," and "school bus funding and cost-sharing mechanisms". "The guidance does not involve specific measures at the national level, adjustments will not be too great. "The above Forum participants felt that, owing to financial section involvedAnd departments, and more complex game, therefore not published. Government-led, suiting measures to local conditions, according to the aforementioned participants revealed that school bus operation and management mode of the tone or "Government-led, social participation", on the premise of upholding the public, school bus service provided by social force in the market, the Government is mainly play the role of regulators, while granting Community financial aid must�� This is since August last year, started by the Ministry of national primary and secondary schools in 6 pilot experience focus. Summing up the 6 pilot experiences, major exploration company operating under the Government-led, Government-subsidized social companies operate vehicles involved in the operation of the community, Government subsidies, government procurement of school buses for use by the Department of education a few broad categories. Guidance in the formulation of basic recognitionWith this in several ways, encouraging the Government set up an operations center under, or purchased by the Government carrier. However, what role the Government should play became a flashpoint. "Most views that should set up a special school bus companies, to operate to the market, rather than education or schools. "These participants told reporters. Tianchang city in Anhui Province Education Bureau Wu XiangguiHave suggested that non-commercial operation should be temporary and long term, "enterprise's marketing mode of operation of the company, as consumers to buy their services, the Government, by businesses to assume their responsibilities as transport users and operators of all. "At the same time tera power leveling, guidance on school bus services provide strict restrictions, driving personnel barriers, including the need to comply with the Ordinance on school bus safety,Local government audit. On this basis, suiting measures to local conditions, actual operation and management mode of exploring places. And strongly supported the city pilot. One of those tests is the largest school bus design of funding and cost-sharing mechanisms. Costs associated with central shared through financial assistance, tax breaks, grants and other financing channels for school busRequirements are such that the guidance of the spindle. But how, how tax concessions has yet to be explored. Develop guidance has been confirmed in the compulsory education funds in the budget of the general principle of school bus services, and the "central to sharing" specific provisions. Purchase school bus costs shared by the Central and local finance, school bus operating costs borne by the local finance, Some difficulty in Midwest and Eastern regions at the same time giving awards supplement. Financial support will focus on the Midwest central primary and middle schools in rural areas, and Deputy Director of the Hubei provincial people's Congress Zhou Hongyu recommends "start from the rural, step" to coincide. "Estimating regional arrangements similar to the funds for compulsory education in rural areas, East, middle and West transfer payments the proportion is different�� "The participants said. To the East, middle and West areas of different proportion of transfer payment practices, Vice President of the Institute for 21st century education Xiong Bingqi appears to be truly viable. "The key is resolved before the Midwest school bus equipped with, the next operation, as long as the transparency of the financial system, toll pricing mechanisms for public, community participation in monitoring, problem solved. "Bear cChi said. In addition to financial investment in the central part of the school bus operations will focus on "non-profits" or "profit" principle, by the local finance arranged a special subsidy, and charge a reasonable fee, by the provincial people's Government for approval purposes. This also from the pilot experience in school bus operations. In addition, the guidance in the formulation proposed for rural poor family students take school buses for free.School bus manufacturers, guidance has developed a series of financial and tax incentives. Reporters from Shandong, Hubei, Zhejiang, and Anhui Provinces learned, business tax, vehicle inspection fee for a car a year, annual examination fees add up to more than $ 10,000. "If there are no grants or concessions, small enterprises in Central and Western regions is difficult to maintain. "A car in Hubei Province Enterprise General Manager told reportersSaid. Guidance in the formulation proposed, on research and development and production of school buses, to financing and loans; exempted enterprises truck part of consumption tax and VAT; tax exempted from school bus and travel of vehicle purchase tax tera gold, and so on. Others:

