2012年4月17日 星期二

tera power leveling and wine tasting - WYQ

129788662306562500_2Shanxi fenjiu project 2.4 billion expansion of health wine industry or happen This week, as the Shanxi fenjiu (600,809, closed at $ 70.02) announced investment of 2,405,881,200 Yuan, the implementation of extension project of health wine, wine industry will set off waves again. It is reported that Shanxi fenjiu liquor in its punches on healthcare liquor of trimeresurus stejnegeri. Therefore, the daily economic news reporter observed, perhaps with the strong return of trimeresurus stejnegeri,Or will lead to the health care industry two dominating pattern of change. Wine industry veterans Li Jinfu said to the daily economic news reporter, a trend of the future development of health wine is wine, many people look good. Traditional Chinese health wine for thousands of years, first for sacrifice, civil for an ingredient added to enhance the efficacy of a dose of medicine, this traditional liquor-making technology, heritage and research explore far enough, in potentialSpace also did not play. Qi Xing Tingzhi stock food and beverage industry analysts said health wine industry on the scale of about $ 20 billion, and the size of liquor at 800 billion dollars, if they can up to 5% of liquor-making industry, so space will be large, leading companies, and sell for $ 5 billion in the future, is no exaggeration. According to the economic daily news reporterObservation, stiff wine still is expected to in short-term within stand industry first, and yedao deer turtle wine after relocation, its capacity restricting sales problem or can solved, and continues to to high-end expansion, fenjiu area to heavily input health wine project extension, and force push trimeresurus stejnegeri brand conspiracy to development, so, health wine industry future is will interpretation into three strong laid the of situation, will became industry concern of focus. Fen2.4 billion expansion of health wine the wine project "is still in the early stages of the development of trimeresurus stejnegeri, 2% health wine industry was not absolute market share, than its brand status do not match. "Wen Hongwei at the Shanxi fenjiu teleconference on April 10, 2012 describes the development road of trimeresurus stejnegeri. On April 10, the Shanxi fenjiu announced the 2011 annual report, also announced the company intendsInvesting in health wine expansion projects, investment budget for $ 2,405,881,200. Company says, the scale of project design for 60,000 tons/year commodity trimeresurus stejnegeri health scale of commodity production of fenjiu liquor wine and 60,000 tons/year, extraction, preparation, ageing, including health wine processes such as filtering, packaging, finished products storage, as well as the process of fenjiu liquor storage, packaging and storage of finished products. After the project is put into production, The annual sales income of up to $ 10,241,910,000, $ total annual profit of 2,469,460,000, investment recovery period for 4.99. As early as November 25, 2010, Shanxi fenjiu has published the announcement of, the listed company and the Group jointly financed the establishment of zhuyeqing liquor marketing company, listed companies which invested 18 million Yuan, registered capital of 90%, the GroupCompanies invested 2 million Yuan, registered capital of 10%. Chen Guiliu winner stock food and beverage analyst for the daily economic news reporters, the company established a separate marketing company of trimeresurus stejnegeri shows once again that the company attaches to the brand of trimeresurus stejnegeri, to deeper mining of trimeresurus stejnegeri health wine brand value. And group company jointly funded mainly out of channel sharingReal consideration, and marketing resources to take full advantage of the parties operate independently sell zhuyeqing, expanding market share. Wen Hongwei said that beginning in 2010, the company of trimeresurus stejnegeri is a series of action, launched three upgraded products, wine, fine wine, and previously made a distinction between varieties. According to Shanxi fenjiu annual report disclosure 2011 trimeresurus stejnegeri achieved sales revenue of $ 300 million,Trimeresurus stejnegeri new products, to more than $ 60 million. According to the research of Wen Hongwei, sales reach $ 15 million of a place in Taiyuan, trimeresurus stejnegeri a relatively good development trend, the company's goal is to strive to "Twelve-Five" late realization of $ 1.5 billion, $ 2020. Trimeresurus stejnegeri products company in addition to the traditional, launched in the fall of 2011 sugar the receptionTwo health wine, rose fenjiu and white jade fenjiu liquor, such differentiated products, positioned mainly in the young consumer group, run by trimeresurus stejnegeri company, currently contribute little, but the good intentions of the company. Analyst: trimeresurus stejnegeri great potential "good quality foundation of trimeresurus stejnegeri, from the perspective of development, its great potential in the future. "Xing Tingzhi is optimistic about the development of trimeresurus stejnegeri.Xing Tingzhi think, trimeresurus stejnegeri is becoming more popular wine classes and grades of consumer goods. Chen Guiliu is also optimistic about the development of trimeresurus stejnegeri. He believes corporate brand positioning for trimeresurus stejnegeri clear, targeted, trimeresurus stejnegeri's goal is to make healthy wine market leader. But the wine market is still in its infancy stage, or the future of the company will achieve dominance. Xing Tingzhi believes that wine isGlobal directions for the development of one of the future of trimeresurus stejnegeri can call health wine, quality fenjiu liquor as a base, no core competitor, its channel on the high-end, from marketing, trimeresurus stejnegeri through independent sales to the national market tera gold, city market, progressive rural, its continued high growth is large. Potential has yet to be played "status of health wine industry should be twoHome alone, China Jin liquor yedao deer and turtle wine, wine has been around 40duogeyi, yedao deer turtle wine, about 500 million. "Xiaozhuqing health wine industry experts on the daily economic news reporter said. Xing Tingzhi also confirmed that the 2011 Jin liquor tax revenues of $ 4.6 billion, not including taxes of about $ 4 billion. One foreign brokerages in the food and drink industriesOn the divisions on the daily economic news reporters, turtle yedao deer problem of wine is one of the major problems, solves the problem of the people, will not be $ 6, scale, but the scale of the $ 1.5 billion or $ 2 billion. He also said that the wine and trimeresurus stejnegeri both varieties cannot replace, because there are differences, and two product positioning, different value system. Investment certificateCoupons for food and beverage industry analysts said Zhu Weihua, Jin liquor tax sales exceeding $ 4 billion, depending on brands and channels dual-drive, deer yedao turtle channel is doing a good job of the wine. Golden wine of wuliangye group, Zhu Weihua said major was doing gift, but do have a general, he understood that because Terminal is not particularly profitable, Terminal price more than more than 200And less profit, so the enthusiasm of distributors is not very high. Wine industry veterans Li Jinfu said to the daily economic news reporter, a trend of the future development of health wine is wine, a lot of people good, traditional Chinese health wine for thousands of years, first for sacrifice, civil for an ingredient added to enhance the efficacy of a dose of medicine, this traditional liquor-making technology, heritage and research explore far enough, in potentialSpace also did not play. Food and beverage industry analyst Wen Hongwei said CITIC Securities, health wine future space is large tera gold, from a policy perspective, the State is to support the development of health wine, development is restricted to ordinary liquor, China liquor-making industry "Twelve-Five" plan to support the development of industry, September 2011, specifically introduced wine consumption tax rate notices, isTax reduction, to reduce the duty rate on wine from 20% to 10%. Benefits policy support, the "Twelve-Five" period, health wine industry growth rate of not less than 30%, upgrade of the trend is obvious. Three Kings pattern highlight Xing Tingzhi said health wine industry has great potential, current size of around 20 billion yuan, and the size of liquor at 800 billion dollars, if they canLiters of liquor-making industry, 5%, then the space is great, so the leading companies, sold $ 5 billion in the future, this is no exaggeration. Xiaozhuqing believes that healthcare liquor of the niche markets are growing rapidly, increasing by 30%, care a duty rate of only 10%, belonging to the health food, but liquor tax rates in more than 30%, the national industry support health wine and liquorThrough tax regulation. "Basically all of the winery, all liquors tera power leveling, including maotai and wuliangye, wine, training as a future health wine brand is, as a future star in training, is bullish on the industry, for consumers, and wine tasting, and physical health, their selling points in line with the human pursuit of health, trading up trends. "Industry expertsPointed out that: "the health care industry has been better in the civil strife, lack of standards and an ordered field, especially in the rapidly expanding wine industry. "Li Jinfu, wine was the most difficult set of standards, each recipe is different, it is difficult to define, and plenty to drink, it was Yang, some of it is cosmetic, effects are not the same, lack of standards, it is difficult toForm a very large market size, make consumers feel is unreliable, such as in the North, was also felt in the elderly include deer antlers in the liquor, health greater confidence, like Chinese medicine. However, as various leaders aiming at the wine market, the situation is reversed. Xingting Chi said China wine market needs of these companies promote trade expansion�� According to daily economic news under reporter observation, stiff wine still is expected to in short-term within stand industry first, and yedao deer turtle wine after relocation, its capacity restricting sales problem or can solved, and continues to to high-end expansion, fenjiu area to heavily input health wine project extension, and force push trimeresurus stejnegeri brand conspiracy to development, so, health wine industry future is will interpretation into three strong laid the of situation,Will be the focus of attention in the industry. Others:

