2012年4月8日 星期日

tera gold 129770904107968750_37 - MSR

129770904107968750_37Internationalisation speed may be beyond imagination. Media, Wenzhou, including allowing foreign direct investment in the financial reform programme. Under the programme, piloting a person during a project must not exceed $ 3 million, a project shall not exceed US $ 10 million, a person shall not be more than $ 200 million in total for the year. Wenzhou household residents of 18 years of age, as long asNote legitimate proof of funds, investment projects, registration may apply to the Bureau of Commerce in Wenzhou City. After review by the Bureau of Commerce in Wenzhou City, Wenzhou City Branch of the foreign authority by the State release of foreign investment.  This brewing in the 2008 reform tera power leveling, in 2011 after trial was halted, now holding a potential return of financial reform. Release of foreign direct investment, foreign exchangeHuge systems breakthrough in the field. First, the base currency of exchange for anchoring systems will be corrected. Up to now, China's foreign exchange has been a valuable asset recovery by the Central Bank, while the Central Bank had to through exchange number to base currency. Which led to the result, on the one hand the Exchange account for more and more, Exchange does not use efficiency have lifted; The other is base currency amount ever, under the impact of the currency will eventually form inflation expectations, as well as a huge real estate bubble. More serious consequence is that China's currency and the domestic economy is not so much, and be led by the nose by import and export, international trade, lost the initiative in the national currencies. Foreign exchange reserves are treated as the most important security, China's capital andSoul currency markets when the dollar when filled with gold color can also hedge, now the dollar as financial war weapon, soul as dollars, equivalent to sold his soul to the Fed. Second, Chinese enterprises foreign investment flows will be thrown. Increase in terms of international trade friction, was also proceeding from the upgrade of China's manufacturing industry, foreign investment is the trend. In fact, from theChina's large base of enterprise resources such as mines, to bid for the European mechanical engineering enterprises of similar enterprises in China, or mergers and acquisitions of private enterprises overseas brand companies, three short of resources and technology tera gold, brand, is the main subject of overseas investment. Today's examination and approval system has been unable to meet the requests of the market, had a number of domestic enterprises wishing to invest in United States real estate, until the end of the approval of the parties,Projects already started, lily is cool. Tepi rely on special enterprises will not only increase the rent-seeking opportunities tera gold, will also increase the risk of China's economy, relevant departments how can we possibly know which companies in the overseas firm foundations, charms are multiple choice, the fittest of the market. Therefore, Chinese enterprises to go out, entail the approval mechanism and the reform of the foreign exchange management system, Also with the internationalization of China's financial, legal and other services. Third, the pace of renminbi appreciation will further decline. Given that domestic inflationary pressures are expected to remain high, price of raw material and labor costs rise, decline of economic growth, growth in exports, recent trends in depreciation of the Renminbi against the US dollar. From near the middle of the people's Bank of China will maintain the price at $ 6.3, orDisplays the Central Bank take price while expanding the fluctuation in the Middle, do not want to market a significant devaluation of the renminbi is expected.  Most analysts expect the Yuan exchange rate flexibility will be increased during the year, fluctuation band limit than the present level of 0.5% doubled to an estimated cent. Once the Wenzhou allowed foreign direct investment, funds across the country will gather in Wenzhou ready to sail out to sea, reproduce 2011 WenzhouFunding large-scale fishing. As a result, capital outflow not just in the context of Wenzhou, can't limit flows of household register, companies and individuals can make use of various means of stealing. We can measure total population in Wenzhou and the outflow of funds, due to the annual investment of up to us $ 200 million, once you have pushed the door open a crack, wanted to close are less likely. Foreign direct investmentThere, further expanded the currency fluctuation band against the dollar, and increasingly narrow space of a revaluation. Also there is a huge risk of China's foreign investment. Inefficient investment will allow wealth loss, led to decline in China's economic strength and credit, overseas investment by Chinese oil giant is exposes massive losses, China in some overseas markets to State-owned enterprises into private enterprise identity to voteFunding, more space in rent-seeking and asset transfer.  The other hand, the overlap with the upsurge of the Chinese immigrants, China grey capital flight, hollowed out decades of accumulation of wealth in China. Of course, even in the absence of foreign direct investment, or hinder the pace of wealth transfer and migration, tests of this credit is for the Chinese Government, from this point of view, liberalize foreign direct investment withoutEconomic loss in China. Others:

