2012年4月9日 星期一

tera gold but possession of gold has no interest - SMC

129773932959843750_170From the point of the economic cycle, United States ten-year government bond rate surge means that the economic recovery is expected to strengthen, foundations are shaken loose monetary policy. Bonds bear stock market development opportunities and putting pressure on the long-term trend in gold prices. The recent United States ten-year Treasury bond yields rose markedly tera gold, from March 6, this yields nearly 30 basis points,High reaching 43 basis points. Market participants also proposed to explain the phenomenon of many technical, policy and economic factors, the following I will rise in bond yields the relationship between gold prices and raised several points of view. Loose commitment or shake tera gold, interim bad Gold's recent United States announce economic data continues to improve, not only manufacturing industry booming, consumer confidence steady returnRaising and continued recovery in the labour market, is the most important, real estate data is beginning to improve. National Association of real estate developers announced jointly with the Wells Fargo Bank, United States real estate home builders sentiment index remained at the highest level in 5 years. Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) reports that January house price index from the flat. February gauge of future construction building permits hit 2008 years since October. These reports show that United States real estate market is steadily improving. Real estate market is the first Domino fall of the subprime mortgage crisis, economic recovery is finally a short Board. Real estate market improve to strengthen United States Foundation for economic recovery and on the necessity of the continued easing in the market also began to have doubts. In August last yearUnited States Federal open market Committee meeting, the Fed Announces ultra low interest rates will remain at least through 2013 years, later in the session in January this year to extend the period of 18 months to the end of 2014. Bond market expected before or at the end of 2014 in advance of the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, driving yields up. Current yield on ten-year government bonds have been returned to 201August 1 year low interest rate before the Declaration of the level. Loose monetary policy is the mainstay of the medium-and long-term gold price upward, from the beginning on September 21 last year, around a new round of monetary policies and the easing of monetary policy discussions have not stopped, suddenly down on gold prices. If the bond market expected, improvement in economic data forced the fed to cancel the maintenance lowInterest rates until the end of 2014 commitments, the medium-and long-term price trends in gold is really, a pressure. Dow to go hot, cold gold famous theory of Merrill Lynch investment clock display, economic cycle is divided into 4 stages: early recovery �C expansion; later in the thermal-expansion-; contraction of stagflation--early; recession--contraction of late. During the recession phase tera power leveling, bondsIs the best choice, while in the recovery phase, stock is to be the best investment options. Goldman Sachs ' recent studies also show that interest rate increase in the early stages of growth, is likely to ease the stock valuation. Goldman Sachs Pite��aobenhaimo, Chief Global Equity Strategist, said, "given the current valuation, we think it is time to bond to say goodbye,And then buy, because we believe that stocks will exhibit the upward trend in the coming years ". As of now, the Dow has climbed for six consecutive months, have access to more than 7% per cent in the first quarter. In recent days the Dow to a correction, but market observers think it is caused by increased profits during short bounce, Outlook still has upside. However, thisIn gold and is not necessarily a good news. Although Golden haven assets in favor of the economic crisis, but possession of gold has no interest, dividends, and higher storage costs. When the stock market boom, gold investment compared to the less than begin to reflect. Historical results show that long-term negative correlation between Dow Jones and gold prices, the Dow rose 100 o'clock, price per ounce of gold will fall $ 2.7, which fully embodies the crowding out effect of stock market on gold market. Summing up the above, from the point of the economic cycle, United States ten-year government bond rate surge means that the economic recovery is expected to strengthen, foundations are shaken loose monetary policy. Bonds bear stock market development opportunities and posed to long-term trends in goldPressure. (Author: industrial futures) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

