2012年1月28日 星期六

swtor power leveling 88'19-geluosikeluoyici - MLZ

129668763071250000_95Bundesliga-Poland striker make contribution Dortmund top 2-0 win Chark-temporary NetEase sports reported on November 27: Beijing time on Saturday night Diablo 3 Gold, Bundesliga 14th round fully begun, a focus of the war, Dortmund at home against shaerke04, the Ruhr Derby is currently 92nd field integral contest between the 2nd and 4th place. Lewandowski Mariusz and Santana second half on a goal, Dortmund 2-0 Wansheng Chark04, made three consecutive victories at the League, the credits appear on the list temporarily exceed one less game Bayern, rising to the top. This match that both teams were 4,231 formation challenge, Dortmund personnel changes is large, quezhen s-Bend due to injuries, Kagawa was Secretary sitting on the bench, Christian Laettner and the blaszczykowskii appear in the starting lineup, Puerto Barrios back to the first episode swtor power leveling, laiwanduofusiPost-zhe as the frontal waist tape. Shaerke04 the main play, people take charge of Beck with Uchida Tuk, baomuyuehan, Raul, Drachsler and hengtelaer up front with a four person group. Dortmund offensive after opening very popular. The 7 minute, Piszczek Beck, crossing, blaszczykowskii ball within the closed area, small angle choushe higher than the goal. The 12 minute, Dortmund missed opportunities,Gertze after midfielder cut zhichuan, Puerto Barrios over Michal papadopulos, almost into a single campaign, but he stopped the ball too much, not can form a shoot. The 16 minute, curated Schmeer hanging into right wing free kick, heading gongmen near Lewandowski Mariusz penalty points, wuneishitaer to the ball but could not prevent loss of ball-bashing, Poland striker's 9th League goal helps Dortmund1-0 lead. 23 minutes, 30 meters from the goal strongly curated long shots. The 26 minute, Shi M left free kick crossing, Puerto Barrios header gongmen by goalkeeper confiscated. 29 minute, Dortmund nearly into another ball, blaszczykowskii Beck, crossing, access by Michal papadopulos curated errors to face the goalkeeper, but his shot was blackNeishitaer magic Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Marvin Matip robbed in front of the Puerto Barrios follow shot rescue. The 35 minute, vicious shovel down Kyle Jones get a yellow card, will also cause 5 yellow suspended for the round. 38 minutes, long shots to the right baomuyuehan top of the arc is Hummels block out. The 43 minute, Michal papadopulos blocking policy get a yellow card, will also miss the next round. First half Borussia Dortmund 1-0The lead. Edge of the second half, both without substitution adjustment. 49 minutes, Chark play counterattack, Fooks left low, Hummels robbed the rescue before the Puerto Barrios. 53 minutes, hengtelaer, Holt than plunge left foot power shot hit the side of the closed area online. 54 minute, Chark took the lead in making change adjustment swtor power leveling, Finland small Pugyi for the next Drachsler�� 1 minute later, Kyle long shots near the top of the arc. 61 minutes, Dortmund corner kick by Chark rescue, Piszczek strongly heading into the zone, Hummels flick-on header, shooting was wuneishitaer-bashing out Puerto Barrios, Santana follow shot scores, 2-0. 64 minutes, with Uchida Tuk people eat reasons shovel down to the yellow card. 2 minutes later swtor power leveling, Lewandowski Mariusz long shotsWuneishitaer fell out. 73 minutes, koubba Beck, bursting to the bottom line crossing, shooting was Marvin Matip retaining Puerto Barrios. Dortmund then Secretary replaced by Kagawa Puerto Barrios. The 86 minute Diablo 3 Power Leveling, Michal papadopulos rear plug in strong long shots, Weidenfeller double punch the ball out. Temporarily after Dortmund win Super Bayern, boarded the integral top position. Both sides played listDortmund (4,231): 1-Roman Weidenfeller/26-Piszczek the old republic power leveling, 15-Hummels, 27-Santana, 29-/7-Christian Laettner, 5 reasons Schmeer-Kyle/16-blaszczykowskii (88'19-geluosikeluoyici), 9-Lewandowski Mariusz, 11-Gertze (88'25-aowomoyela)/18-Puerto Barrios (78'23-Kagawa Division) shaerke04 (4,231): 36-wuneishitaer/22-, 14-Michal papadopulos with Uchida Tuk Diablo 3 Gold, 32-Matip, 23-Fooks, 10/13-Jones-Holtby (82'18-Jose Jurado)/11-baomuyuehan (79'8-Clifford Marica), 7-Raul, 31-Drachsler (54'20-Pugyi)/25-hengtelaer

