2012年1月31日 星期二

star wars the old republic power leveling 3 days slipped a total of 3% - CIW

129668732790937500_189The Huaxia Jingwei website, November 27: according to Taiwan media reports, election registration open run, Ma Caimin regulating for the first time get out of the hole, blue swtor credits, green and gap of only 0.4%. According to the latest election tracking poll shows that 90% of the voting in the will of the voters, currently Ma Wupei votes to 40.7%, British distribution of 40.3% peak, song Lin distribution is 10%, not yet decided on 9%, standRate is 82%. Under wangwangzhong polls from 22nd to scroll to complete track on the latest presidential poll, Ma Wu distribution from 44%, 41%, 3 days slipped a total of 3%, British distribution from 39%, 40.3%, climbing the rolling high points since the poll, blue-green gap is less than 1%. Song Lin distribution is maintained at 10%. 22Day headlines is Ma Ying-jeou told the Democratic Progressive Party and their agents Tsai, blue-green gap of 5% at that time, 23rd British distribution registered, Tsai momentum reached a peak of 39.8%, Ma Cai narrowed to 2%, now two British gap less than 1%. Cross-analysis found that Hwang of the supporting cast of Ma Wupei is 42%, the British with 37%, the gap between 5%;North Taiwan's advantage is still there, North-North-win 10%, peach bamboo seedling Sheng 11%; Choi South Taiwan backing, Southwest coast to win 24%, Pingtung Penghu won 15%. In addition, the 20-39 of the young group star wars the old republic power leveling, Cai Shengma 16%, over 40 years old, MA won Choi 15%. Neutral voters, 28% British furnished swtor credits, 23% nurse Ma Wu equipped. Women vote, 43% likes horses, 38% favor of Choi. Song Lin match completed on 24th election registration, support at 10%. Candidates promising, 41% malianb any chance, 32% expect small British female leader, 2% convinced that song can be elected.

