2012年1月1日 星期日

Or for a certain level of adjustment

129667786218115392_124The stock market, who hopes to seize the "strong" stock from scratch "ride", but "strong stocks" not everyone is able to hold on, "riding" on the. Method, operating correctly FA investors naturally shared "strong stocks" good benefits brought by, on the contrary, difficult not only to produce the desired returns, maybe it's going to be "strong stocks" by "harm". Since the beginning of November, although theIndex of underperforming, but stocks still many opportunities. A case study of performance of the two cities most eye-catching Lehman photoelectric since November 1, in just 15 days, the stock rose 39.59%, interval gain the top of the two cities, outperform the index over the same period 41.74%, the "strong" features apparent. Arguably, investors whenever buying Lehman opto-electronic andHolds all the way, earnings will be very substantial, but in fact, can really achieve the stepping pace, investors who buy low and sell high are rare, the result is not satisfactory there are plenty of investors. Why participate in a "strong stocks" operation result is still difficult to achieve the benefits of it? The reason, there are mainly two: first, although some investors caught Lehman photoelectric such "strong stocks", But account in" strong unit "of market value accounted for entire market value of proportion does not high, and remaining varieties is not cross disc is fell, led overall proceeds backward market; II is apart from part funds participation has" strong unit "operation outside, remaining funds both can't buy" strong unit "also unwilling to holds low cross disc of non-" strong unit ", missed market started Shi a unit General Rose brings of good opportunities�� In addition, investors in the action "strong stocks" If there is a mindset and skills such as problem, is also important reasons with low income, mainly in two aspects: one is the "catch up". Some investors trade stocks have a habit, like buying "upward path" of the stock. In fact, the so-called "upward path" is a relative term, almost all stocks are not onlyRose does not fall, the original "upward path" is likely when it is in the end turn potential into a "down-channel", the original "down channel" may also have been on a downtrend you into "upward path," second "live". Some investors prefer to buy "active unit", but forgot to share again "live" shares have a sluggish or even turn-around time, Lehman surged in the early photoelectric Foundation, Or for a certain level of adjustment, if improper intervention time, equally difficult to achieve a satisfactory income. In theory, not ordinary investors can participate in "strong stocks" operation, especially when the market and stock is a strong case, but the key is to grasp the "strong stocks" to do this. How to performance in terms of mentality, in a calm, seek to doTo "hand unit, unit-free", one must not be side movements led by the nose, affecting operations. Performance at the operational level, must grasp well the following three points: first, to do a "combination of match". In relation to different investors, some suitable for "strong stocks" operation, while others are not suitable for operation. There is a problem of mentality, technique, not suitable for participation in "strong stocks"Action for investors, in principle not to participate in star wars the old republic power leveling, even if belonging to the total amount of investors should in principle suitable for operation control, achieve the "weak" withIn the early Bull, often hot switch, "strong" replacement more quickly, thus, in addition to money appropriate involvement of "strong stocks" actions, for the rest you can choose relatively low valuations, "not strong" moderate positions, so that to avoid either "strong" risk, can effectively play the role of existing funds. Secondly, in order to "buy low sell high". Different investmentWho will have greater sensitivity of language differences. For handicap language is relatively sensitive to faster operation with reaction of investors, "combination match" the old republic power leveling, based on participation in moderation "strong stocks" operation, but only if you want to achieve high parabolic bargain-not the other way around. To do this, you must get into the habit of "rose strikes bold and timid when you fall" used to preventAnti-Dropped "expectations. ����Only in this way, to face various risks that might arise in the operation do so freely, eventual actions "strong stocks" ideal income. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor actions accordingly, and at your own risk.

