2012年1月12日 星期四

star wars the old republic power leveling which is expected to raise funds UKU

129667840421709142_35Yesterday, the real smart, kelun 4 small and new shares, such as online purchase, tomorrow will be 4 new listings to be sent. This month, new share issues frequently encountered under the first-day break, rhythm of the IPO shows no signs of slowing. Popular securities journal statistics found that in May a total of 36 companies to issue new shares, this figure after the IPO in March this year after restart setIssued monthly high. Reporters also noted that as of yesterday, there are still 64 companies are already listed by national development and Reform Commission audits are queued. "New myth of unbeaten while burst star wars the old republic power leveling, some investors new stock did not stop, how to purchase screening new stock investors currently have to do your homework. "Commonwealth Securities analyst Liu Yunfeng to popular newspaper yesterday said,Open of prospectus is priceless information, which is expected to raise funds, investment income cycle of the project is to analyse, gross margins, financial indicators such as current ratio better break probability of new shares will be less published earnings more than the industry average price-earnings ratio of 20% new shares break likely to increase, in the same industry Diablo 3 Gold, circulation equity amount to, The level of earnings growth is very close with the references already listed stock valuations; company management scope truly is in the Chaoyang industry, and the product gross profit margin (more than 30%) and market share are higher after the listing of new shares would be eye-catching. Yesterday, the Joint Board of huatai Street sales professional history of new investors also told reporters that "break will oftenState, playing new skill. "History of analysis, new scale to in conjunction with the market, the market fell in the process to choose strong resilient new shares, fell in the round of bio-medicine industry, strong a Jinhua pharmaceutical; the industry with new industry background, large share of product market share of the new shares break possibilities of small, such as last Tuesday, the same day onlyNo break new shares navinfo, navigation map of the company's market share of more than 60%. Shanghai Securities strategist Qian Weihai to the popular newspaper said shares higher frequencies will persist, successive new shares become damp-breaking for new share purchase, must have professional; in the prospectus of the product, core technologies, market share, profitability, cash flowBe important reference when new shares purchase; industry and industrial policy choice of support is also important basis for the new shares, so play with new ideas to gradually and bought shares in the secondary market is near.

