2012年1月9日 星期一

swtor credits 129667543283593750_4 SVO

129667543283593750_4Recently, Korea Webzen Inc open 2011 third-quarter earnings. Web Zen 2011 third-quarter revenues of 15.5 billion won (equivalent to about 85 million yuan), game sales of 14.6 billion South Korean won (equivalent to about 80 million yuan) and an operating profit of $ 2.9 billion South Korean won (equivalent of about 16 millionYuan), net profit for the current period was 2.2 billion Korean won (equivalent of about $ 12 million). Compared to the previous quarter, revenue rose 8%, operating profit growth cent, and net profit growth in the period 149%.   Over the same period the year before, it is revenue growth 17%, operating profit increased 67%. The third quarter of this year, the miracle sales rose and the C9The rise in overseas sales, driving the growth of revenue swtor credits, the miracle of the world and the R2 also has a slight growth in sales. At the same time, while overseas sales, subsidiary of Ymir entertainment 55% 's performance, but with the C9 and the flame action operations in mainland China, net Chan in the share of overseas sales will have to enter aSteps to improve.   WEBZEN.com Webzen's Global Games website will start from the end of this year, under the basis of the 3 network games, adding of the fighter rumored swtor credits, the C9, the flames such as action, will increase sales. The other hand, the net retreat held in November in Korea on display in the game show of the Overlord 2 and the MU2, ensuringNew growth momentum. Following are the MU2 related images. (Text: small Korean) presentations of the MU2 >> Note: some pictures, you can view the next picture (click here to see a larger image) on this page read more

