2011年11月29日 星期二

wuliangye rose

129667840507177892_250Most examination time advanced from internal funds companies in November, and this has become an open secret. Due to poor market this year, as of November 23, the first 11 months of stock mutual fund performance is appalling. However, in a stock-type, partial shares and configuring three types of funds, current champion Bauhinia featured resources, Oriental and Teda investment budget will be challenged, which Wang yaweiTwo funds were in the runner-up position, or the star Fund Manager Stockholm Club mix. And the bottom 5 funds, as some of the top holdings fell terribly and wanted to get rid of embarrassing it may be difficult to. Ranked suspense or to save them until the last German fund research center statistics show that as of November 23, this year 237 equity funds averaged losses of up to17.5%. Which Fund at the end of November is likely to head for first five or ten? Subparagraph, temporarily ranking first Bauhinia penghua consumption optimization of resources and ranked second in net difference but 0.05% is not stable sitting champion and its fund with the 5th, the gap is only 1.09%, ranked among the top 5 of the order of seats may reflow. Ranked 6thXinhua e consumption grew and ranked 5th, results only a difference of 0.42%, so Xinhua growth drawing the top five of very large; 7th World-wide loss of 7.13%, but the gap with the top five equally small. Ranked 11th to 23rd of funds are likely to impact the top ten. 11th Central value performance-with-8.41%, andRanked 10th penghua only differ by the value of 0.1%; ranked 23rd of Teda stability and penghua performance difference between the value of 2%. Who are currently bottom of the 10 stock fund, average rate of losses reached 28.69%, the heaviest loss of dealers industry, raising domestic demand and YINHUA decline in domestic demand is more than 30%, in the final sprint in the link, an urgent need to get rid of padEnd of embarrassment. Funds from the partial unit, 80-unit mixed funds averaged losses 16.57%. Number one selection of Oriental income-5.83%, ranked second and 0.66% different from the Chinese market, champions who will win the Laurel House are more suspense. Fifth-ranked Chinese classical and Oriental featured within 2.81%, winning less likely. While the top6th 8.9% Po Ying hung Lee, and the value 2 while Bo and Chinese classical difference is less than 1%, and has the potential to impact the first five. However, 5 funds of the 9th to 13th loss range between 11% per cent, the top 10 competition is very fierce. Bottom 10 partial stocks funds averaged losses of 24.86%, the second, partA combination boom, guangfa market both fell more than 30%, get rid of the bottom will be enough. 73-only configurations mixed funds lost an average of 13.96%, ranking first of Taida just net budget deficit 0.12%, well ahead of second-ranked Chinese policy near 4%, won the possibility is very large. While the gap from 2nd to 5th 1.48%, PaiSame suspense. 6th to 10th 5 funds hit the top five on the possibility of a relatively smaller. But silver optimization and ranked 14th in the 9th heaven only a difference of 1.04% of rich countries, this Fund will become a powerful contender for top ten. Configuration of mixed type Fund average losses of 10-bit 21.54% after the countdown, the bottom 3 but Kim won-growth dynamicSilver theme-22.83% and-22.12%, Wah Fu Estate strategy-24.96%. Champions defending VS runner-up sprints ranking first Bauhinia resources, its top holdings rises since November fell less, as of November 25, in accordance with the stake could fetch funds, largest holdings Chem specialty gases 8.14%. Since February this year kaimeiSpecialty gases since listing, always as Bauhinia resource's largest stocks, with a total 33.3% per cent. And the Chem specialty gases Boldwin how funds hold holding, Bauhinia strategy and Bao Ying Pan coastal holds the unit unit mg and 2.3491 million units. Since November, despite market turbulence fluctuations, but fell less Bauhinia resources holdings rose more. The top five top holdings4 rose, Chem specialty gases, Rui Kang medicine, development thinking, new black material, CNAC photoelectric drop only. Bauhinia resource for top 4 holdings holdings total more than 24.94%. Three quarterly reports show, for which the information technology industry's biggest industries, 18.72%, second largest wholesale zero, than 14.27%. Winner of the equity fundContenders penghua consumption optimization and Bauhinia resource investment styles are completely different. Food diablo 3 gold, beverage, and financial and insurance industries in its silo, top heavy in stocks there is no shortage of wuliangye, Niang, Societe Generale Bank, China Merchants Bank, Bank of Ningbo, people's livelihood diablo 3 power leveling, such as a unit. Bank stocks dragged down in part of its net worth, but consumer industry contribution of wine companies have positive returns. PartialOf the unit Fund champions compete for the same incentive, in particular a star Fund Manager Wang yawei to join, it is even more attention. Current champions are Eastern compilations held by its main industries are food and beverage, retail and wholesale finance and insurance, top ten holdings were mixed. First, the second-largest holdings Luzhou old cellar, wuliangye rose, Yutong Bus up 7.17%;Shares, China Merchants Bank, China construction decreased. Chinese market top holdings since November as mixed, but the price is small. Largest holdings guanghui shares rose 2.2% rose slightly by 0.8% of da-Qin railway, China Unicom rose 0.19%, radio and TV network gained 1.56%, and the rest have been decreasing. This year, Wang yaweiAdherence to production unit is impressive, perhaps the real estate sector trends would largely determine its performance trends. Since November, the real estate sector dropped by 1.34%. In addition it holds more information technology industry and construction. Configure hybrid funds, Teda budget seems to be alone, but since the current runner-up is Wang yawei management policy of the Chinese, so it cannotQingxin. Teda resilient lighter seems to be based on positions of the budget, only 33.68% their positions late in the third quarter. Policy of the Chinese top ten holdings is fully consistent with the Chinese market, two funds late perhaps more consistent. Five funds management of the most competitive Wang Weidong Xinhua to equity fund growth is expected to top five hit. Xinhua growth mainly investment in electricityThe gas industry, as well as the information technology industry, petroleum, chemical, and food and beverages. Largest holdings Queen shares outstanding since November, but the rest of poor performance, or on its Sprint to form obstacles. Although Wang Weidong holds a Golden harvest *ST 75.59% per cent last year, and further increase this year, but they look weak. Xinhua first two quarters of growth, and the first big top holdingsStocks were *ST Golden Horse in the third quarter as the second-largest holdings, but *ST Golden Horse asset restructuring settled this year fell 19.97%. Since the beginning of this year due to "step on mines" event full of concern worldwide, has not went along, it is also possible to move forward impact launched five. Its major investment in food and beverage, petrochemical and machinery industry. Top tenLarge holdings, shuanghui development, kingfa, Changyu A11 up in 5% months or so, but the remaining stocks, in particular the first large holdings southern, a drop of more than 12%. World-wide per cent relative to the total fund independent one, three quarterly, 7 in the top ten holdings, namely Guangzhou Chang Feng, hengyuan coal power, Hua Luheng liters, JackieSouthern steel, kingfa, Taiyuan heavy industry, Changyu, total funds solely appear in full in the world. Shares in the Fund, ranked 6th and 7th of Chinese classical configuration, Bauhinia hongli and ranked 5th Boshi 2 gap is of limited value. Chinese classic top holdings financial, insurance, mechanical equipment and food and beverages. Largest holdings under China hydropower since NovemberFalls over 10%, in part, weighed on the net, ZTE rose 3.59% only. Therefore, the holdings is able to change whether the decline was the rushed the main reason for the top six. Bauhinia hongli cartridge mechanical equipment and food and beverage, top holdings, ping high electrical performance, in November rose 17.41%, laobaigan rose 10.22%. Do notWith five protein in stock, partial shares of fierce contention, ranked fifth after configuring mixed funds rushed the top five possibilities within a short time is relatively small. Changsheng innovation ranks sixth and fifth international growth difference of almost 2%. Absolute top holdings for food and beverage changsheng innovation performance before examination of causes, but success also lies in food and drink industry's tableNow. In their top ten holdings, alcoholic wines since November surged 21.93% Queen shares up 9.79%. Bottom funds who can get rid of embarrassing and now the bottom three stock funds, according to the performance of their holdings and wanted to get rid of the bottom of the embarrassment is difficult. YINHUA currently last domestic demand since November in the top ten holdings only country SouthSwiss micro-rose 3.2%, Hing investment, chopped hot air Black Panther, Shanghai automobile than in the more than 10%, remaining also fell to varying degrees. Likewise fell more than 30% facilities of Chinese industry and domestic demand, according to top ten holdings, facilities demand out of the bottom is very difficult. Since November, in the top ten holdings except for Xishan coal and electricity and CITIC Securities and the remaining 8 only decreasesMore than 10%, that is, pine constructs of panjiang shares, shares of tianshan mountain, yangquan coal industry, the conch cement, GF, huaxin cement and bbmg. Chinese industry top ten holdings without a rise in its top holdings guangfa securities, securities and CITIC Securities net a significant drag of the Yangtze River. Currently bottom of a two-unit mixed-type Fund, guangfa heavy coil cartridge resource stocks, but in NovemberPoor performance, Jiangxi copper, Western mining, Tongling non-ferrous metal, tianshan shares and shares of the Tin industry decreases; holdings only by Guizhou maotai, conch cement difficult to achieve positive returns. Accommodation economy vigorously holding cement stocks, such as conch cement, jidong cement cement, huaxin cement and Jiangxi, November rose slightly, Outlook or have the opportunity to get rid of bottom of doom. By contrast, Wah Fu policy of bottom configuration mixed-type Fund holdings performed better since November, top ten holdings spark electric rose 12%, camel shares, Cheng Yun rising shares, have different levels of agricultural development, emerging from bottom of embarrassment is expected.

