2011年11月21日 星期一

Sterling plunged after news a short time. Staged again but still buy messages selling operation

129626156590156250_1729HPC Exchange: non-US currency remains strong Friday (October 7) New York, United States non-agricultural data boost risk appetite in the market, British pound/dollar extended gains, although afternoon Fitch cut ratings hit West pounds down, but th United Kingdom QE2 policy support expected United Kingdom economies have long been stimulated, GBP/USD gains on Friday of being. Afternoon New York, Fitch announced lower Italy and SpainSovereign ratings diablo 3 power leveling, has just established risk mood suddenly dissipated. European debt crisis continues to ferment crackdown on GBP/USD intraday high of 1.5644 down to 1.5544 from top to bottom. Resolutions of the European Central Bank and Bank of England's two interest rate in October, two major central banks announced interest rate on the resolution to maintain interest rates unchanged, but the British Central Bank's surprise announcement extend asset purchases to 2750, while United States Bank of England Governor Mervyn King said in his speech do not rule out the possibility of further monetary easing diablo 3 gold, and the European Central Bank announced in a press conference to restart EUR 40 billion covered bond purchase programme, and for 3 months, 12-and 13-month refinancing operations. As the market did not expect the Bank of England moves, Bank of EnglandDecision of the markets by surprise, Sterling plunged after news a short time. Staged again but still buy messages selling operation, while the market analysis, in essence, the two major banks provide liquidity to the market. It will also alleviate market sentiment. European and American equities are rallying, Europe's three major indexes closing up over 3%, and the New York stock market closed up allMore than 1%. United Kingdom's Central Bank on Thursday started the second round of quantitative easing (QE2), an increase of 75 billion pound asset purchases, which has always been considered to be bad on pound, but when the United Kingdom's Central Bank announced after the QE2, Sterling dip to pick up, almost out of v-reversal, United Kingdom stock market also made a positive response.

