2011年11月27日 星期日

and equity to be held by the company 19.835% by Wang Weilin

129667840517021642_274Stock code: 600,503 stock abbreviations: gorgeous family notice number: 2011-047 gorgeous family company limited on the separation of the controlling shareholders informational notice notice board and the Director of the company for ensuring that the content does not exist any false record diablo 3 power leveling, misleading statements or significant omissions, and for its authenticity, accuracy and integrity of contentIndividual and joint and several liability. Company recently received company Shanghai nanjiang (Holdings) limited notice, the company's shareholders held on October 13, 2011, the meeting examined and adopted the Shanghai nanjiang (Holdings) Ltd Division of resolutions diablo 3 gold, as follows: Shanghai nanjiang (Group) limited acquired discrete, discreteShanghai nanjiang (Holdings) Limited (hereinafter referred to as "acquired the company") and the fair-skinned wise investment Corporation (tentative name, the final name is subject to the authority for industry and Commerce approved the name) (hereinafter referred to as "new"). Shanghai before acquired companies retain separate nanjiang (Holdings) Ltd except gorgeous family company limited (hereinafter referred to as "the company") 19.835% equity out of all the assets and liabilities, and equity to be held by the company 19.835% by Wang Weilin, Liu Yajuan two natural persons (that is, original natural person shareholder Wang Weilin, Liu Yajuan nanjiang group couples) holds all shares in fair-skinned wise investment limited (new company). New company ownership proportion consistent with the acquired company, after you complete this time division, Actual control of the company who does not change. Nanjiang before and after the Division of the Group's shareholders and organization charts are as follows: other assets before a change 45.835%10 in nanjiang group huali family 45.83% Wang Weilin Liu Yajuan changes 26.835%45.835%10 other assetsFair-skinned wise investment group Wang Weilin Liu Yajuan nanjiang 45.83% gorgeous family under separation of company shareholder meeting resolutions nanjiang Group organization-specific separation of implementation work, the company will be based on separation of nanjiang group progress in the implementation of the work of information relevant to ongoing disclosure obligations. Is hereby announced. Gorgeous family its Board in 2011 following theThe 25th

