2011年11月21日 星期一

as produced by man

129626127639218750_1496Word Chen Kun-Lin Chi-ling to Kevin Tsai invited to sing the happy Declaration Chen Kun, Lin Chi-ling. The Beijing times reported on October 9 (reporter Yi Dongfang) yesterday, the fashion of romance of the line of happiness revealed, second theme song of the happy Declaration by Chen Kun-sung, Taiwan renowned musician Chen Zhongyi music, wits host Kevin Tsai writes the words. The song MV was released the same day, with soda green singing the theme song of the happy lines total Group "Fu chapter. " It is understood that the initiative to invite Chen Kunlai Chen Zhengdao Director singing the happy Declaration, as produced by man, Chen Kun-lien agreeing. Girls starring Lin Chi-ling noted that Chen Kun-lien singing news, immediately to call friend, Kevin Tsai urge in song lyrics diablo 3 power leveling, Kevin Tsai immediately answered. Kevin Tsai said that the colour of love is actually a memorandum of love letter to Chi-ling diablo 3 power leveling, who wishes toWorks to promote a positive view of love, encourage Lin Chi-ling seize love enjoying happiness.

