2011年11月27日 星期日

we average the total points of analysts. Eventually nearly 9

129668682414062500_115Financial week newspaper reporter/Ni Peng Xiang is one built on 31,870 research based on analysis of evaluation reports. We find the analysts of the King: guotai Junan and South Korea on its success. He was within one year, dug up 12 shares at least doubling the super cow shares. Financial week newspaper 2011 securities analyst research capacity assessment report, to data. WeFirst publish securities analyst top list next issue disclosures and details industry list diablo 3 power leveling, one by one of the strongest teams, as well as the strongest Research Institute. Two index when analysts are increasingly being criticized is out of the market behind closed doors, examined analysts ' ability to grasp market has become the focus of our attention. On the ability of analysts monitoring we have selected two hard targets: first, theStocks gain in 6 months of research and market index (CSI 300) per cent, the stocks of indices can tell analysts study how much excess profits to investors, that reflect the investors real profit opportunities. Second, the study of a unit to a target price and the actual departure degree of the highest price within 6 months. If the brokerage analysts predict target prices andCloser actually reached the highest price, then the analyst for the research industry, and stocks have a superior ability to control, its research capacity and the more strong. We follow the principle of letting the market speak, by the resulting judgement is a cruel thing, it is also the fairest thing. And the list of top analysts is that the marketing people who have the ability to grasp. There are too manyMarket fluctuations of unpredictable factors can affect share prices, however our brokerage analysts forecasts for the stock prices but most of them rely on the fundamentals of valuation system, the system is at rest, history. For this reason we have for stocks, an analyst earnings forecast is not included in the integral system as a whole. Changes in market valuation system as a whole, only with better lettersIncome disclosure system, has a valuation of dynamic systems, analysts predict it's not like guessing. Five steps statistical sample of statistics it is necessary to have enough support, so as to form a unique evaluation system analyst. The system can study has recommended stock market performance to determine and see who is the true hero, to provide really valuable information to investors.This time statistics we 31,870 released 2010 brokerage report on the company for the filter. And then page through them one by one, removed does not expressly give the target prices and new listings before purchase, recommend an inquiry report, remaining 8,680 give clear objectives of research report. The first step, extract a copy of the research involved a share stock code and target price。 The second step, by gathering statistics of the source data, extract each stocks involved in the research industry, every inquiry report published days involving the stock's closing price, CSI 300 index closing price on the day, within 6 months of stocks the highest price and the CSI 300 index, the highest price, and other related data. The third step, research stocks will outperform. By poly-source data for 6 monthsA unit within CSI 300 index and high came after the high of stocks relative to the market's gains. The fourth step, enter a departures from the calculated target price and the actual market. By gather source data to calculate the predicted target price and the unit had reached within 6 months difference between the highest price. The fifth step, calculate the integral of each study, the methods used for relative to the market to riseAmplitude divided by the calculated target price and the actual market price deviation of absolute value. And then will be issued by the same Analyst research report all integrals summed to yield a total points of the analyst. If there are two or more securities analyst research report written by common branding, we average the total points of analysts. Eventually nearly 9,000 this valuable study report, the comprehensiveAnalysts on the value judgment of the company, market analysis, tips, and other factors of risk, unearth a share brokers ' research departments in the top 100 analysts, prepared to announce the list of the top brokerage analysts research capacity. Four found in this list of top lists, we had a few discoveries. First, the second-tier brokerage analysts ' research capabilities are rising。 Large brokerages such as Shen Wan by CITIC, monopoly does not suffice, in recent years the outcome of the efforts of small and medium-sized brokerages, through our brokerage analyst top list compiled by CITIC Securities to 12 analysts can see list of finalists, score topped, EMC Corporation obtained surprising results, with 10 analysts selected the list of achievements on the winning number beyond third Cathay Pacific monarchAnn. And like Bank of China international securities, CIC securities, Hunan finance securities brokerage accounts for the number of even more than peace, CIC, Oriental securities established brokerages. Gold is the old nobles, and CITIC, Shen Wan's position on an equal footing, now aristocratic Fan Er are still there, but has become more and more lonely. Wang Liming only one analyst ranked in the top list. You could say that goldPosition has changed, the service the larger investment banks to become its main work directions of research, but HA jiming, leader barked out his weighty gold in a large number of analysts, such as running away really makes this powerful increasing frailty of the past, market the cruelty of this top-tier investment banks in China are starting to think about the future direction of development. Secondly, in this list, industry analysts research focuses only on buildingBuilding construction materials, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, five large machinery and equipment, food and beverage, chemical industry. Third, the busiest analysts are of the best analysts, he was the analyst of guotai Junan securities, construction and building materials industries and Korea on its success. In 2010, the Korean it published a total of 87 with a clear objective research reports. He published an inquiry report, released April 8, 2010A report titled Longyuan construction: profit model continued in transition, the performance of large elastic space, at the time of the stock is only $ 7.7, the success of the unit within 6 month target price of $ 15.65, forecasts can be described as very accurate. His research covers construction and building materials industries diablo 3 gold, for most companies quote fairly precise, such as the Tower brand group, wideTin stocks, conch cement, jidong cement, Shanghai construction, material in the workers ' international, international, precision steel frame prediction price target, future trends in stock prices is consistent with these listed companies. More best of all, in its 87 research report is published, involved stocks all rose, 28 research reports related to a unit increase in 6 months beyond the marketIndex to more than 100%. Among them, Asian shares (002375 valuation, assessment, quotes, news, the major trading) beyond the market's gains are at 311%. IV, gold analyst is vulnerable to poaching. Liquidity of the securities industry analyst can be seen in the industry. The analyst at the brokerage in the list of the top, there are 19 analysts in lessIn one year's time, job changes occurred. It is understood that when the "research value" after becoming a mainstream consensus in the industry, excellent brokerage analyst price rises. It is reported that "the list" analysts "transfer" is worth douzeng after 3-5. Analysts of "transfer" are two major ways. One is that in all the major brokerage normal flow, the second is aA Securities Institute scores, after becoming a gold analyst, served as Director of the Institute to another securities firms. These representatives are Shiller, in 2010, he had worked at EMC Corporation, and this year he switched to Everbright securities, and before working for EMC Corporation, he has worked in the CITIC building investment. This year, switched to other securities analyst Ji Xuwo, air, And Qiu Xiaofeng. GF absorb elite of two of three from the brokers ' Analyst: really worked for CIC securities before yihe Yuan Haoran and BOC international Han Ling. In recent years new funds of funds and new product launch, "jump" to include public-fund, private equity, asset management, insurance companies and securities firms buyer Agency analyst choiceDirection. Among them, ranked fourth in the list of Hunan finance securities of Li Yuanbo is HSBC Fund poaching; new rich ANDA fund securities admitted love built base; Hunan finance securities Feng Shunzhuan put huatai under Bai Rui Fund. There is also a case is completely to leave analysts in the industry. Of course, you can also see some young analyst just got the analysts, butThey have entered the top list. Prior to that, they name is always in the back.   Expect them to surpass predecessors. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

