2011年11月29日 星期二

57 in backward 1 minute small Jordan steady two penalties

129667775695615392_85Jordan Director second 20 7 7 17 reverse victory defending champions NetEase sports reported on November 26: the United States on Friday local time, at the NCAA Championships, second son of legendary NBA star Michael Jordan Marcus-Jordan became the audience focus, he cut all the 20 points 7 rebounds 7 assists, helped him to the effect of University of Central Florida in the second half at the beginning of reversal success with as many as 17 points behind, the most68:63 win over the defending champion, United States, fourth seed University of Connecticut. 73 diablo 3 power leveling,329 first half the game, University of Central Florida play very bad, they gradually found State after the beginning of the second half, 10 minutes before the end of the game, they had to score to only 5 points. Subsequently, Marcus-Jordan took control of the game, he was within five minutes to voteOne in three points, twice breaking Layup succeeded get a score of 7, could help them narrow the difference to just 1. 3 minutes 11 seconds before the end of the game, Marcus Jordan-by kangdajierui m-la violations stand on the free throw line, Florida 56:57 in backward 1 minute small Jordan steady two penalties, fanchao helped the team score, then an attack, hePeel fault, assists teammates Sykes Layup score difference has widened to 3 min; the last minute, Jordan small stand on the free throw line four times, four penalties in the final, by virtue of the last 10 minutes the small Jordan Director of 21:11 offensive run, Florida overcame strong rivals with 68:63, and put an end to his rival's 16 consecutive victories. As we all know,Michael Jordan has dominated the NBA, winning six championship rings, but his two sons did not inherit his father's talent diablo 3 power leveling, and the two mediocre skills, spend ability was first class. In August this year, two people have said in the Twitter flaunt, spent $ 56,000 in one day in Las Vegas; in addition, not long ago started a two man named "Jordan heir"Web sites, mainly have their say on how to grow in the Jordan under the shadow and the top of the "Michael Jordan" the father under the title of some interesting life.

