2011年11月29日 星期二

while previous restructuringCases

129667786196865392_73Recently restructured to regulation of increasingly strict, "black bone chicken with Phoenix" story seems to die, but there are still some funds betting on restructuring concept stocks. In their eyes, stringent regulations for the restructuring is a good thing, why restructuring unit is technical and does not necessarily rely on message. Look for "clean" threshold for significant reorganization of assets of listed company and IPO convergence, restructuring unit that hit"Seven-inch", a large number of Super hype restructuring share retail has been a lot harder to find. "Zhao Yi" and Zhao's brother Zhang yufu, huaxi district leader xiaohaidong, Super retail Shu Yimin disappear in three of its quarterly bulletin. Sanan optoelectronics stock speculators, such as the past wuqi oil field, and only appeared in the ST unit a suspending. The past, part of these people on the stock market are in place, In particular the "Zhao Yi" can be said that attack gains at a time. At present, the Super in the retail, remains firm representative figure holding a restructuring unit may only Wu Mingxiao, he remains a top number ST stocks tradable shareholders, such as ST in the East China Sea and built ST and ST. Of course, super departure does not mean that restructuring of the retail end of the stock market. Recently, sz largeMr LI's feel good, because the market plunge, stocks just involve restructuring stories he suspension. Earlier in November, Lee bought a cheap agricultural stocks, he thought, Central first, next year is likely to be agriculture, and agriculture stocks is not much lower prices. He positions the variety of tracks for a long time, rumors of reorganization of the Unit continued to spread significantly againstNow. Recently, he has found on agricultural science and technology in Wuhan for a company's Web site, actual control of the unit and Chairman of the Board visited the above Wuhan agricultural seed company, conversation is full of "family" atmosphere. He determines that the unit may transition to the seed industry, this coincides with the expected in the first document in the middle of line, so he determined to buy, did not expect the stock suspension prepared on the issue soon.In his view, the fried restructure shares mainly long track, not miss any details, it's much more important than insider, because a lot of restructuring is not a programme can be successful. Private practices of Mr LAU and Mr LEE some differences. When he fired restructuring concept stocks, will first make a selection. He set the filter parameters are, with a net worth cannot be negative, current stockholders ' funds are notCan too much, cannot have a lot of chain debts or associated guarantees, such as actual controllers are State-owned capital. A reorganization of his investment from the Shandong, before the company was managed for a paper company. Judge Liu, the unit by the paper company's restructuring is unlikely. Sure enough, soon after the paper company, shares began a new round of fall. Once again, he didJudgment, the company is the actual controllers of local government, if either their insolvency, serious consequences. As stock prices fell, he begins to slowly gallon. It was not long before the shares were suspended new is coming home single. Mr Liu said regulators recently stepped up its restructuring to regulation of, this is not necessarily a bad thing for restructuring unit. Because the assets reorganization came in is better, after the reorganization on stockRose's potential was greater, are now important to find a "clean". Dark horse camps as Mr LAU said, fried restructuring doesn't end, important to have a good standard of. From the current situation, in ST stocks, restructure shares a lot of potential, but not much better. Merger specialists, Wanli Alliance investment management limited, Liu guohong revealed that future restructuringDark horse "stocks" will come from small and medium real estate stocks. According to Liu guohong introduction, in real estate before the regulation, the a-share market restructuring in the successful stock, placing assets near 60% are real estate, that is very unusual. With the deepening of real estate regulation, real estate industry will enter the ice age, some real estate near the transformation of small and medium listed companies could face restructuring again. And thisSome property stocks shell clean plate that is unlikely. Most important is that real estate regulation and hit the share price to a very low level, which will greatly reduce the restructuring costs, these popular market favor. It is said that era Heng Wan has recently been targeted because "clean with a market value of low". Liu guohong said, in these real estate companies, some already in the first half of this year into mining, transformationAs the resources companies, such as venture capital investment. Such an enterprise will be more next year, now has a number of real estate companies looking for good assets back involves restructuring of assets such as electronics, new materials, may be more gains quick trades. Among real estate sector, and the reorganization of military-industrial sector still attract large funds. Guangzhou Hao investment-rich General Manager Huang Yong said that the military industry trendsOn behalf of institutional delay, most clear is now CNAC, is in the second half of late course accelerated phase. Markets in 2008 has been handed down, in the capital operation of the air Group subsidiaries listed as a whole the target is 3 years, 5-year goal of the group listed as a whole. Subsidiaries currently listed as a whole is not complete. Huang Yong think, AVIC reorganization of the Department must be completed, and there's opportunity or to moveForce field, because the Chinese military to break the power crisis. Liu guohong said, according to the air group in several business segments integrated to judge progress, CNAC of starting a new round of asset injection is inevitable, "next year is an important year, this matter again and can't do. "Liu said. Huang Yong said, with the exception of navigation Department, aerospace technology group stressed in the relevant document, we must speed up resourcesRestructuring, investment and financing platform, enhance investment and financing capacity and intensity. But strong aerospace science and technology secrecy may first consider the injection of non-core assets, such as information technology section, which may be involved in aerospace information, such as stocks. Industry sources said that the military sector restructuring has been a hot spot in the stock market, but uncertainty is high. Some members of the civil practice is doing with hotspot company closedRelationship between key figures, once the change, and ensure that they are known in advance. These key figures are not necessarily the company Chairman, Mr Tung a secret, but typists, Secretaries, and other basic characters. In addition, is to find leads together with the national capital, reorganization of military enterprises generally have national team member-infested, they occasionally found the mark. "It may be involved in insider trading, certainty is not highSomething or you don't want to touch. As aircraft power October fell so badly, was abruptly terminated restructuring might be a lot of people would not think of. "These people say. Windfall the sun never sets IPO at present significant asset restructuring conditions although convergence, but eliminates the IPO queue suffering; some listed assets also involves trivia such as history, taxes, bills, so restructuring unit is still hotPoint. Across the global capital markets, merger and is eternal topic. A well-known domestic securities chief strategist has said that global capital markets, most people just to make money playing merger. Well, reorganization of profiteering is never disappear? This is not the case. In July this year, textile city to suspend business reorganization, on September 28 on resumption releases restructuring to benefit, but the market does notAppreciate it, the day the unit fell almost 4%. The next few sessions as more decline in a row, beats restructuring funds or even been tied up. Zhonghong shares were originally real estate company, issued gold positive implications in the middle of this year, and changed its name to Hong shares, was also upbeat after the stock prices way down. Also the Chong Hing resource stocks. Industry sources said, while previous restructuringCases, restructuring proceeds mainly from two aspects: first, secondary markets, and second, restructuring proceeds. Common practice is that on the first good, earn enough in the secondary market after the restructuring funds needed; bad depress the share price, revisit restructuring plan, finally achieving restructuring. This practice traces of share price manipulation more obvious, are subjected to strict monitoring. As things stand, the above practices managedSo lower restructuring proceeds. Reorganization of listed companies and to business for a long time, and market bad cases, follow the trend of not too much money. Of course diablo 3 power leveling, restructuring unit is not a charm lost zhe media, ST light are cattle stocks during the year. Only in the context of increasingly poor quality resources diablo 3 gold, many recombinant story will eventually become a tragedy. Therefore, fried restructuring share inside information now seems to changeNot so important, important is the ability to distinguish reorganization in asset quality. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

