2011年11月21日 星期一

when father

129626115262187500_1333An interview with Chen Kun-lien of the happy lines: my success beyond your own ideas Interview with the happy line, Chen Kun-lien. Chen Kun-sang the theme song of the colour of love MV. L53709 NetEase entertainment October 7 (goose video/text/and Enterprise Li Daozhong) is Chen Kun-lien from the Group of the happy line "East Shen fairy painting" Studio after the investment of the first film,-Boss and starring Chen Kun-lien also sang for the post of the second movie theme song of the colour of love, "his children" full-time attitude can be seen. Be the boss, be in a movie, singing, doing public good diablo 3 power leveling, when father, Chen Kun-lien felt full force for now, he wanted to use that power to do everything, "when I get to do these things even at ease, it must have itsRighteousness. "On the character: I can understand the pain of infinite card NetEase entertainment: the happy line there is an unlimited card, do you have a card in your life? Chen Kun-lien: I have a card, but there is no infinite cards. NetEase entertainment: in fact, the amount of happiness Zhang Quan and the love with my ex-wife Yong Ma both roles in a little bit like all handsomeGold Diamond men. You feel and the role of correspondence between points where? Chen Kun-lien: my life as a child was very poor, so when my career when I bring wealth and fame and fortune, I have experience in both lives are. When I am rich I will change the values of, is different from original when poor attitude to life, this experience for me to play whether it's happy lineRole of unlimited cards, or go to the speech of the love with my ex-wife Yong Ma would have helped, I understand their feelings of something, is it a good experience, for the role, is a good build up. NetEase entertainment: thing specifically what is inside? Chen Kun: the happy lines inside my unlimited card diamond men, I asked Director saysUnlimited cards, he says that he can buy the island, you to Bank withdrawals can be an unlimited supply of cash, of course, I do not have such a life experience, but I can the illusion it as normal living this dimension of a boy, to imagine his inner world. Say Zhang Quan the role his family life might be unhappy and despite its great wealth but likely parentsFamily ties are not that strong, along with his friends on his relationship to pay may be more of a hope that he, though he also very handsome, but the girl is in love with him might love him more money. Sort of suffering that he himself neglected in this role I play unlimited cards be reflected. NetEase entertainment: do you have encountered such a pain in life?Chen Kun-lien: Fortunately, I, because I am not so rich. Secondly I think of my friends told me about, is very generous, very natural friends. How friend has, rich or no money we are more natural chatting with. So has not been met as I play the role of such a problem. NetEase entertainment: in fact, many people will agree that unlimited card isA successful people, you think? Chen Kun-lien: If a person is self created so much wealth, in a sense he is successful in the community. But I played as a second generation wealthy, he is likely to use is their parents ' money. Although others will think he is a winner, born in this family, but I do not think that a character like himIs nice or like everyone seeing his appearance. NetEase entertainment: what in your opinion the man be considered a success? Chen Kun-lien: do you like to do things, not too poor diablo 3 gold, but not very much money, has a good home, filial piety, care of the children, have a warm home, having a love of our own business, I think it is very successful�� NetEase entertainment: feeling them now you pretty much everything has been reached. Chen Kun-lien: in this sense, I feel quite successful. Now I have more than I thought, because as a child's life is ordinary, or even bias, but now getting more than I had in mind, so I don't have any is not met. Let mePlays a different role and will be capable of doing what I love doing non-commercial projects, then I feel very happy. Talk about love: wealth not the best, love flat best NetEase entertainment: poster on something quite interesting, only can't afford is love. How do you think of this sentence? Chen Kun-lien: love is a feeling, in a sense are all sought after, some people are veryThere is matter, great wealth, there is a position, but he is in love blank, it is not be regarded as a fulfilling life. Talked about in our poster you can use your unlimited wealth, but you could not buy in love, actually is a balance of life. This area is very high, but that there, too. So I believe all of us hope that their wealthHave some benefits, the career success, but they will certainly want to be in love got. NetEase entertainment: How do you to think about money and love? Chen Kun-lien: for example, I want to buy a block of things need 100, my wealth is best only 60 blocks, because not buy so you want to go to work in order to buy the things you love to fight, to create, to work, the mostWhen you buy it must be very happy. Wealth above I think so. Love it I think of that bland love, I was playing too much love roles, each of which has a romantic candlelit dinner, but my own love of the most recognized may be as simple as our parents but there are many details of life, I think this is the pursuit of the familyLove and happiness. NetEase entertainment: did you find links to money and love? Chen Kun-lien: to contact can be completely linked, there is no connection to you can also choose to completely out of touch. But for me, love with wealth or are there certain relations. Of course you want to give their loved one has a better living environment, at least we can not always weekend overtimeYou can accompany your girlfriend to watch a movie, you can go you can do to have a wonderful view of place for a holiday, when your loved one sad you can buy a present for him. This is my idea. NetEase entertainment: unlimited card is not only buy love, in life you can't buy what? Chen Kun-lien: of course, a lot of things I could not buy, First of all, I am not so rich, not as rich as Zhang Quan; the second my life and did not appear as Lin Chi-ling, Miss such a beautiful woman; the third I think I'm very satisfied, because right now I'm in cooperation with all people and do what I want to do things. I'm happy, have enjoyed many things I don't need money. Tan Baijin: I have beenNetEase worshiping stage entertainment: poster also has "worshiping innocent, true love is priceless". "True love is priceless," easy to understand, but you agree with the "-worshiping not guilty": this sentence? Chen Kun-lien: in this development was very fast society, more and more people have actually understood the importance of the material on our lives. Of course, in this "worshiping not guilty" under the premise of ITo add a suffix �C please give yourself positive pursuit of money and material, but enough is enough. They have to work on it. I hope that members will be positive to pursue worshiping. It is without sin, the pursuit of a better life, the pursuit of a better material life, as long as the tool is right there's nothing wrong with. NetEase entertainment: did you worshiping? Chen Kun-lien: I can't say I-worshiping, becauseIn I of wealth over I by to of, I usually also spent can't what money, I also had with had is General of life, I of car also has I of House has over I by demand has, so to now on I, has is not worship does not worshiping of problem, I more of is wants to pursuit I like do of things, do not too more of to do to money and do of things. At this point, I think-worshipingAt this stage for me is not as strong as before. NetEase entertainment: no strong is because the material meets the? Chen Kun-lien: I think that is enough. Because I am the person being God blessed, in a scenery of jobs. Also gets more than friends a lot of wealth, I don't have any qualifications to pursue any more. As a child was very poor, all the other kids what INo, was in the process of growing up on special: If you want to. Like I like a tape recorder, and grew up a lot of tape recorders start making money, in fact, that time is the very act of worshiping. NetEase entertainment: played a pair of twin sisters Lin Chi-ling, worshiping women really favorite daughter Alice and little green. If you choose, which one would you choose? Chen Kun: Alice apparently worshiping the female, butActually I really like the little red this role that she confessed, she frankly I just love your money. I love all the people in front of me is an open heart, tell me what she really needs. I think that in the exchanges among people, when you start to be honest, when you have is a very sincere person. I don't care if this person is worshiping, is not selfish, You just frankly than some people have much higher, I like the natural way. So I play Zhang Quan the rich second-generation with Sean when, I think their choice is also correct. Why you love me is money, but you love me by the money one day to prove that you will fall in love with me. I love your appearance, by the time I see your heart is very simple.NetEase entertainment: in this role I feel little green nearly trivial life. Chen Kun-lien: and that is too trivial, even though you are looking for true love, but you old tangled also no, although the two roles, I liked, but if the two I prefer little red. In the play out of my Fan Liao separated, I like Alice, he likes little green. NetEase entertainment:To people you don't like tangled. Chen Kun-lien: I do not like tangled, is too trivial for me to live is not realistic in daily lives, I am afraid to discuss it with love is youyanchaimi every day, there is no time to think about something high. Was completely tied no, but too not just, preferably two overlapping is the perfect little green with the little red. Talking about electricVideo: the happy lines is their child NetEase entertainment: not only is the happy line starring you but also is one of the film investors, what makes you so much this movie? Chen Kun-lien: because I am sure this film will have a good resonance. When identified in the project, when I saw the script and Chen Zhengdao directors to participate in when IVery happy that I believe that each of the men and women who walked into the cinema, in the appropriate location for the film found. After reading this, you can easily not only love movies, you can also think about their relationship in the love inside, it enriched but not serious, not heavy, it is I like very much. When I saw a play is when Zhang Quan told Alice that a section of lineWait, I have empathy. Such lines are also led me to participate in the film the main reason. Lines let I fiercely to finish when struck me like I completely understand Zhang Quan the role. NetEase entertainment: you got to sing the theme song of the happy line of the Declaration on the happiness, you seem to have very few film starring singing for themselves. Chen Kun-lien:I like it very much. Because when I sing is a sense of images, Kevin Tsai of the words really are very powerful, pragmatic, and cool, great picture. May because I sang very hard, composing music but I found Mr Chen Zhongyi and Kevin Tsai, more authors than I sing, hope likes this song. We all go to Sing. NetEase entertainment: Because she has invested in it, and with a variety of methods to help the film. Chen Kun-lien: the happy lines can be considered my own child. Actors involved in the film is a full-time role to complete it, and after please investors with the issuing company, and Director of their ability. But this time I had a good attempt to participate in the making in the late, formerPeriod of preparation, and to the final release, can I learn more about other things that I learned, in fact, is a learning opportunity. NetEase entertainment: movie box office have some expectations of what? Chen Kun-lien: I had a very good expectations, both as an audience, or as an actor, as a person involved in the film, IExpectation of China film market have more elements, more types, more well-developed belongs to young people's film. Like myself are involved in a lot of investing a lot of filming of the movie, like the happy line, this is an urban love film needs a lot of young people to support, I think this atmosphere of urban love film is full of young people, it is very nice. Me hope thisShadow can have a good box office, so a lot of young directors more creative opportunities for such types of films. About himself: I was full of power NetEase entertainment: have also mentioned yourself playing a lot of romance, now will no longer play romance? Chen Kun-lien: I get it better. I have a standard, I am very pleased that I'm involved in every filmIs my favorite movie, so every love should be me before we look at scripts that have been accepted, so I feel that love is worthy of every section on let me learn. NetEase entertainment: you got flowers movie King said before a Word to me very deeply impressed, after you like is our time. Chen Kun-lien: we want it, but we must notOften work harder, because each time there is a standard and elements of it, I hope that this group of young actors there are already very mature by the young director's efforts to inject some new blood into the Chinese film market, I hope that this age will be more and more people are concerned that these young forces. It belongs to every one of us time, we strive to do more to promote it, Do a bit of good, you feel reasonable thing, is to be sincere. NetEase entertainment: Zhao Wei in an interview when she said live to suddenly feel all powerful, can do anything, thinking what can make it. Have you feeling? Chen Kun-lien: I have been full of that power, I have been full of all forces. OnlyIs said I of forces performance of way does not as, but I is happy in I shooting of role, in future to Shang of other film of role or, I in happiness lines under inside played of Zhang Quan or, also has I by participation film investment or, also has I do of "walking of forces" this public project or, are is in show I heart of forces of external a performance way. NetworkEntertainment: now more hope to make you do what? Chen Kun-lien: selfish to say, first doing something I love to do things. Second I would like to do things I like to do even more focused, be more sincere. Third, I want to do something even more profound, or pragmatic. It's that simple. When I get to do these things even at ease, it mustMeaning of its existence. On son: my son and like brother NetEase entertainment: you now can at some public occasions mentioned son, what makes you think it is now possible to share with you the matter? Chen Kun-lien: first of all because he grew up, the second I think my son made me very proud, I learned a lot of stuff on him, he is like my son and my brother-Like, that's what's not to say it. Before like me afraid to no communication ways, he requested I do cartoons, process of watching a cartoon I get inside a good relaxing way I keep watching a cartoon I watch more cartoons than his. I was able to look at the cartoon inside the process of learning a lot of spirit, a lot of positive forces, andI can also communicate through cartoons with him some of the specific topics of interest to him. He was growing up inside my education is that he has taught me more responsibility, and hope that I'm more positive. Because I think one day he grew up, he laughed at the father, I will be sad. Because I'll have to face him, so invisible after having a baby, I grew up a goodMore. NetEase entertainment: like guy say? Chen Kun-lien: we usually like buddies, as if I buy a cuff with him. Buy a hat we're wearing. We both like twins. He was close to me, I was pleased, because we are getting close to time, not many possible to teens when he would leave me. Of course I'm happy because I play the electricShadow, sing songs, when he went to watch him feel good, it gives me more pleasure. He listens to the song I felt good, I am glad I got his permission. NetEase entertainment: in Japan there is a new Word called parental men themselves can be considered a child-raising men do? Chen Kun-lien: it is not. I may be biased, or do my own thing, because I am fortunately IMother and family to take care of my son, I will take as much time as possible in terms of exchanges with him, I will find a time to play tennis with him, in this way enhance my relationship with him. In my life I feel that I am not a very, very flat, father of the child, parental or read, I seek to do a very good balance.

