2012年6月7日 星期四

regardless of the set from which to look at Diablo 3 CD-KEY regardless of the set from which to lo

129823422105937500_176Interview with Cheng of the ran out of the sky: this role by his father Interview with the ran out of the sky, starring Cheng Chang. NetEase entertainment on May 24 (video/text/Long Xiaotu, 663) on May 23, sponsored by the deerhui of the domestic first physical education motivational public premiere of the film ran out of the sky was held in Beijing, film masterPlay one of Cheng Chang after the end of the Conference accepted the NetEase entertainment in an exclusive interview wow power leveling, Cheng Chang reportedly starred in the film a la sloppy, slovenly but loving son father role, about to shoot the film experience, he admits his speech of non-commercial films are ideal, when at the same time to look at the script was first struck by the image of father in the film. NetEase entertainment: with friendsIntroduce yourself in this role in the film, right? Cheng Chang: I played small day of the ran out of the sky, is the father of our hero, of course, the father is very dirty, don't take care of themselves, he said about his life there is no pursuit, hearts flutter in the son, but his son education method is not correct, and that the woman he lovesCan't keep up with, I think it is such a character, but his love for his son is moving, also let me move myself. NetEase entertainment: you decided to shoot under what conditions such a good movie? Cheng Chang: I think that non-commercial film for me, it is an ideal, especially for small children to see such a public service films for meFor the first time, moreover, the producer told me that, Cheng I there is a non-commercial film scripts, there is a role, all day long on your screen cool, cute or something, for your career, this is an entirely different role, would you like to come? Then I played the belly is big, socks are hole, nasty, is that your mouth is Hu Zha manure the bear.NetEase entertainment: you filming is said to have been a particularly desperate for some time after the injury, but in the end not only out, also for things to encourage victims to their own, how about you step by step to come out, then injuries particularly heavy? Cheng Chang: I was very typical of the kind of healed people forget pain, shooting me left ear hurt, now hearing less than 20%, This is doctor with I said of, does not to 20%, actually Dang I to right ear blocked has yihou, I is full heard does not to sound of, so I has been often said, I full has qualification to participate in disabled games, including left eye is has together is large of scars in eye Shang, body, including finger of fracture and so on are is filming or movement of when caused of, but I think in injured ofThen, pain is must of, but some when, I think good things and bad things not absolute of, these pain on I, is a experience, a reminded, some when I think, may by points small injury will avoid you by more large of hurt, eat points small losses will let you avoid to eat more large of losses, I think life needs of is temper, no people will smooth. And today a sailWind Shun might not be a good thing, in retrospect, a lot of pain, including their physical damage, psychological damage, when relief after time you will think this is a very, very valuable experience in life. NetEase entertainment: have you starred in many TV series, but the film has played very little, will focus on the futureShadow on? Cheng Chang: focus on the script on my own like, either the TV or the movies. But like every year there will be a television series, two special hearts, from before the Pearl to the potential or the pilot of Kanto, including the bright sword, for what? Because it has plot too attractive, there are times when I called back, when late at nightReplay TV, regardless of the set from which to look at, you would then look down, and I think this is a good script, the charm of a good story. Many actors will say, I began to shoot the film, I'll shoot the film, shot down, I feel good movies and of course we are willing to try, but I frankly, may be sometimes very brutal, if you go to buy electricityDVD of the film, bought ten DVD, in the end you might see it again, and sometimes even fast forward, there are a few you will remain to see it again? I really think that there's not much, it is my personal experience, so I think I'm an actor, not just a TV actor, of course, nor is it a movie actor, is important to me is a good play. NetEase entertainment: you actedMany roles, such as Han Xiangzi, military officers, and so on, which role are you most satisfied with? Cheng Chang: frankly speaking, every role I have very great regret, because in the process of filming, in addition to their performances Diablo 3 CD-KEY, under the influence of various environmental, film and TV this is an art, is an art of regret, because you can never be perfect, even theThai Temple Nepal grams, under, may from Director itself view, has many lens Shang he now also may think, Oh, if then more little will good has, we themselves is so wanted to of, dang I see themselves yiqian of works, I will has many unfortunately of, so which works best, I think I forever will looking for that best of that Department works, to currently weizhi I no found. But the runOne day I felt very moved by the father's role, it is actually quite difficult, to move an audience and perhaps is not a difficult thing, but you know, I'm an actor, I really heart touching, actually it's quite not easy, it is a good role. NetEase entertainment: you most want to meet at a later time, want to shape what is a role?Cheng Chang: every type of role I are wanted to attempts to, but I to now also in looking for I what most for what, like members think I speech soldiers, especially country army what, is for, specially of is, I now is Yunnan took with one play, is a country army of General, course many concern I of friends were will see I Festival some, speech had doctor, speech had police, speech hadOrganizers, all kinds, even acted in farmers, some roles and did not attract attention, or without discussion, it is because I feel that my shape well enough, and there is one of the most important reasons is that all actors are the same, you can't play all the roles, you only for a certain type of role. Of course wow cd-key, you can play any role, but you bestMust be only a certain type of role. For example I play I do not fit the role, I stand up and the audience may have does not endorse, not that looked like you. Others:

