2012年6月2日 星期六

�� 1 TERA CD-key �� 1 - OLET

129828545464843750_114Together TV began broadcasting the same episodes viewers complained about the film choose to curtail Legal evening news reported on May 30, May 21, from East, Anhui, Zhejiang, Tianjin, four satellite TV also broadcast TV series indicates that is just hot ' Iceman ', Tianjin, Zhejiang and Jiangxi and Yunnan TV on, began to broadcast new play the fifth agent, for months the Group stealing days (referred to as agents, the fifth group. 22nd, Oriental, together in Anhui and Henan TV sync began broadcasting the songDandan (click Watch Song Dandan television works forest master in Seoul under, and gold too Wolf of happiness life under), and Xiaolu Li (click Watch Xiaolu Li television works beauty world under, and gold too Wolf of happiness life under) starring of hot plays gold too Wolf of happiness life under, this "Union" in the also has a bit weight level partners--Jiangsu TV, which previously once singles alone bucket, aloneBroadcast just the play Xue Rengui and Wang Baochuan ' Iceman ' soon. The day before yesterday, Shaanxi, Jilin, Beijing, Shandong is jointly aired another highly anticipated new play the leaf falls of Changan (Liu Tao (click to watch the film the story of Ah Bao Liu Tao, and the film version of the story of the treasure) (micro-blogging), Ni Dahong (click to see Ni Dahong film and video, and the guns when the leaves fell of Chang anTell Xiaoyi Chen's playing girls without fear or favour with tender) starring), growing momentum in network play. Reporters found, Jiangsu in April 8 ratings rankings into the top ten of the TV, in the past week has a new play ', but in fact, it seems to only 3 play. Looks like the win network play, to the audience, it was lost 5 choices. The industry believes, thisTo it, will result in loss of domestic drama audience. May 27 top ten rating platform name Jiangsu TV ratings Golden Wolf, Zhejiang TV 1.47%, happy life secret service group 1.3% Dragon TV gold Anhui TV gold happy life of Wolf 1.21% Wolf, Tianjin TV 1.21%, happy life secret group 0.Jiangxi TV 92% Yunnan TV agents group, fifth SDTV agents group, fifth leaves fall Changan 0.59% Hunan TV new wulongshan of suppressing bandits in mind cent TV leaves fall in Beijing Chang an 0.52% program from the Cherry to the being the reporter indicates network plays statistics found that from January 1 to May 31st Department of provincial satellite TV has launched the new 73, 49 of them living alone and broadcast play, remaining 24 for network play, average 3 per play synchronized TV broadcasting. Although the number 1 time difference between the two times, but broadcast show's viewing share is fully able to compete alone and broadcast drama. It is worth mentioning that, always maintain independence and planting of traditional Hunan satellite TV, since April, with the Zhen ��, the Convention indicatesHigh quality CCTV drama "encirclement" is clearly weak, Hunan satellite TV ranked only 4th overall rating, the important cause is the Prime television program does not force. In January of the cliff, the village of love Serenade, the I of Natasha's three broadcast plays on any TV ratings than the sword and the love story of Beijing, but overall ratingRate advantage is obvious. In February with the broadcast of the new journey to the West, and the cherry, broadcast plays really beginning to release the energy. Less overall rating can be compared, country rating top ranking is broadcast drama occupy. March program ranked in the top ten in the country, with the exception of Hunan TV broadcast outside of the couples who alone and the remaining 9 seats was the cherry and the green of the blind, the forest DivisionOccupy the Fu in Seoul. In other words, the audience of up to 10, large satellite TV, only played 4 show. April in Anhui and Eastern costume drama of two major TV network of the Zhen �� swept the country, won the rating top two, who will wait on the fireball, and the mother, and the thorn alone and broadcast network such as the mother-child of love drama turns, takes up the advantage. May 3rd,Indicates, Zhejiang in the East, and 4 large synchronized TV broadcasting, broadcast show's popularity has soared, the play, General 1.369% in the average rating ' Iceman ' SWTOR CD-key, after the record of the 5.941% the cherries in March of. And broadcast the indicates 4 big TV, a ranking of 3 rating increase, with Tianjin TV, first half of May compared with AprilRose 3, progress fast. Data analysis network dramas share increased between January to May this year, Star television series broadcast on 73, a total of 2,233 (14.6 per month on average). 24 of them for network play, about 830, the Zhen �� and the new journey to the West is more than 60 sets of (usually a play 30 sets). Last year on starsBroadcast TV series about 180, set of about 5,740 (average 15 per month). Broadcast 23 network play over the same period, a total of 720. Is not difficult to see that broadcast this year further increased as a proportion of the play. No wonder viewers sent this question: "national productions coincidence rate is too high, feeling of watching TV a dozen years ago, did you play didn't play? "From theDrama production, and since 2009 has taken on increasing year by year. But network increased as a proportion of the play, has meant that the audience can choose less and less. Of course, network play all star lineup, often play good quality play, stations and at least one is in an annual rating top strong TV. However, this does not address the audience of "selectThe right ". Nearly 3 years yield General anthologies of 2009 total year 402 12,910 TV set 2010 2011 buses 14,942 436 14,685 set set causes analysis of high quality TV drama too expensive hard for viewers to take exclusive possession of, watching television is more choice and more. Standing at the angle of the TV, pickSelected TV drama is a business operation, a television station could not take exclusive possession of Opera, will be divided equally. "High prices of high quality drama is now well known, select joint purchase between TV dramas are also helpless. "At CCTV SDTV's Deputy Director-General Hu Shao red says, ratings of quality will receive the appropriate and reasonable prices to recover the cost. TV Chief Editor's Office of Tianjin WangDirector has no choice but to say: "as TV prices surge, a high quality drama millions on a single set price at every turn, this is any television too much. If purchased separately, only one or two, and not sustainable. "Of course, on the premise of affordable, no one will refuse to be alone and broadcast drama. Hunan TV deep-pocketed, but it alone is not be sky-high broadcast plays purchasedAnd many of them are produced by its own "private kitchens". Hunan TV Chief Editor's Office-related charge: "buy before the play, buyers will have a pre-sentence (TV series is six months or even a year in advance to purchase), due to the greater TV exposure alone and broadcast drama, will be more cautious. Under the high rating, higher advertising costs can support the independence of broadcasting plays the benign operation of price does notProblematic. "Industry sources, who asked not to be named, self-made drama TV rewind when you can sell others can also sell Internet copyright over the same period, such as the new Princess of Pearl to Sohu was sold for $ 30 million, the Gong Suo drew (view plays) are each set sold for $ 1.5 million to the company. If one made plays in the TV broadcast well, other healthOr you can purchase the rights to broadcast second-round. In this way, self-made drama costs are shared, television stations without spending any money. Actor price producers you moan and groan TV play, are not completely from television producers in mind. Famous scriptwriter, producer Yu Zheng complained that reporters: "though I play I now sell it was approved, but I sleep every nightWell, a lot of pressure. "Yu Zheng said TERA CD-key, now all costs are in price, rising fastest is an actor. The success of Gong Suo heart of jade, because actors then cost is very low. Today is different, as Yang Mi (microblogging), Shaofeng Feng (Twitter) so red star rising fee a dozen times, wanted to make high quality drama, then take off the original capital. Therefore, viewers naturally difficultSeen on TV both big-name stars and pretty new. "This matter, as long as the actor reasonably reduced fee, production costs will be more reasonable. "In appealing, all who have teamed up this boycott actor bid up the price, so as to let TV cheaper down. Stuck cycle hot Daddy the pit research magazine editor in Chief Liu gang described according to the TV series,Two and a half years, part film and television companies to listing, a year will take a dozen movie, "hot money" is entering the television industry. These people often do not understand television actor bid too high, in the manufacture of crude. Television series even though they may not broadcast, but actor price have been fired too high, also had to increase the cost of others. Eventually, pay TVHave to joint action, the result is to make the audience feel "not seen". So TERA Power Leveling, more and more viewers may choose to see us play, English drama, riju, Korean drama, resulting in the development of the domestic drama audience loss. TV industry thus caught in a vicious circle. Link network and one seeding now, broadcast play 4 x is the most common way the way that first round in 4 health videoBroadcasting road, also to be completed with a number of terrestrial channel. Television series particularly investment, high price, 4 satellite TV buyers sharing a single set of conditions, such as single sets up to $ 2.6 million of the new version of the three kingdoms, from 4, Anhui, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Chongqing TV, buy and network. Joint purchase of a TV play, can reduce the cost of television purchased the play andTo reduce the risk rating. Of course, some powerful TV stations will take the form of first-run broadcast exclusive, that is commonly known as 1 x, the most typical is the independence of Hunan TV and broadcast theatre. First half of May, TV top ten-ranked ratings 1, Jiangsu TV, April 1 (flat) 3 0.3162 Zhejiang (�� 1) 6 0.2723 Tianjin (��3) 0.2564 Hunan 2 (class 2) 0.2495 East 4 (class 1) 0.2416 Anhui 5 (�� 1) 8 0.2327 Beijing (�� 1) 0.1878 Shandong 7 (class 1) 0.1829 Jiangxi 9 (flat) 0.15710 10 in Hubei Province (flat) 0.14January-May broadcast drama total rating network ten plays before time peak total TV began broadcasting the program cherry Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Tianjin, February 19 indicates that the East rural love Serenade May 3 Shandong, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Beijing on January 27 goldWolf Oriental happiness life May 22 Zhen ��, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Anhui, the Eastern March 26 blind in Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Tianjin green Eagles flew on March 1 tiger in Heilongjiang, Yunnan, Sichuan, Shandong, on March 9, Agent Group, fifth steal of day-for months, Tianjin, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang Province on May 21 the new journey to the West, East, Tianjin, Yunnan, Zhejiang Province on January 30 emissaries of Zhejiang, Shandong and Guizhou province on March 26 Others:

