2012年2月25日 星期六

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129742938847656250_187The 1th page: Harbin pharmaceutical shares "initiative to report to the Government" exposes unregulated direct sales business is investigation the 2nd page: Harbin pharmaceutical stock which is 3rd page by the trade and Industry Bureau investigation: Harbin pharmaceutical stock direct "die-off" shop mode by the dealer against the 4th page: innovation of the direct sales model? 5th page: Harbin pharmaceutical shares dealers suffer direct loss of business or for return of 2.800 million Editor's Note: on its irregular operation of the company direct sales business "initiative to report to the Government" of Harbin pharmaceutical shares (600 buy runescape items,664) runescape items for sale, until the "official" response. Today revealed that on February 17, the Harbin city industry and Commerce Bureau had informed the two companies, as reflected in the decision on two companies for investigation. As the pharmaceutical sector into a company's first direct sales licence,Harbin pharmaceutical shares had been high hopes of direct sales business at inflection points. Harbin pharmaceutical shares "initiative to report to the Government" exposes nonstandard code for direct selling business is investigation companies do not operate direct sales business "initiative to report to the Government" of Harbin pharmaceutical shares (600,664), until the "official" response. Today revealed that on February 17, the Harbin city industrial and commercial BureauNotice the two companies, as reflected in the decision on two companies for investigation. ����As the pharmaceutical sector into a company's first direct sales licence rs items for sale, Harbin pharmaceutical shares had been high hopes of direct sales business at inflection points. On February 17, Harbin pharmaceutical shares had revealed that on February 14 is a member of the company branch of Harbin pharmaceutical group Heilongjiang sales branch (Heilongjiang pinSales Branch) and its wholly-owned subsidiary of Harbin, Harbin pharmaceutical health industry company limited (health industry) submit the direct sales business inspection report, found the two companies in the direct sales business operations during irregular operations. On February 16, the two companies had submitted to the Harbin municipal administration for industry and Commerce of the self-inspection report on direct selling business, reach out to the Harbin municipal industry and CommerceDescription, business guidance and requests that the industrial and commercial sector. Information display, Harbin pharmaceutical shares in August 2007 the direct sales licence issued by the Ministry of Commerce, was given in November 2008 in Heilongjiang province in the direct sales business. Company established sales company engaged in direct sales business of Heilongjiang province, formally launched in December 2009 and direct sales business�� ����At a number of institutions has published an inquiry reported that the direct marketing model as an innovative, lower cost compared to the traditional sales model, health product sales promotion for the company. But developments in the opposite direction, according to the disclosure of the direct marketing company business self, their impact on performance should not be underestimated. Announcement, original business model for the health industry throughE-commerce systems to registered distributors of health and skin care products, which officially stopped since November 2011 the original business model, implementation of the store business model, the dealer may voluntarily choose to shop or return refund management. Registered during the dealer's intention to review in the near future, most dealers choose to return refund, initial estimates of the return refund lossesLoss of about $ 280 million. According to the company, is engaged in the business of the health industry is not part of the direct marketing, however up to 280 million dollars of return loss, but not the normal operating mode transition can explain. According to the announcement, as further self discovery, the health industry and sales branch in Heilongjiang confuse people and institutions in the process of business operations, using the sameNetwork operating system specification for direct-sales business, which do not. Announcement, the company has recently set up a special working group into two companies, two companies for further verification and investigation, and entrusted the audit body to the two companies carry out special audits, at the same time ordering the internal audit departments for the company and the implementation of the internal control system of enterprisesConduct a comprehensive inspection. Related topics: nuggets 900 billion pharmaceutical industry reshuffle speed-increasing cake Others:

