2012年2月24日 星期五

buy runescape items smartMobile phone sales beyond the personal computer for the first time - QUX

129732029203752500_89Once popular NetBook Tablet under the impact, fate is facing from the stage of history. Yesterday from the market research firm Canalys released the 2011 report on global sales of smartphones and personal computers was informed that global smartphone sales volume of 488 million units last year runescape items for sale, PC 415 million units in sales, smartMobile phone sales beyond the personal computer for the first time rs items for sale, a record.  Shift from PC to Smartphone trend is to a large extent due to declines in the NetBook market, the decline in unit sales of the 32%. Senior Analyst at Canalys dimu·xiefude said: "the Smartphone and Tablet launches NetBook becomes worthless. "MicrosoftReports also show that netbooks accounted for a share of the PC market is about 8% years ago, but now only have 2% the market. It is understood that due to increasing Internet market downturn, including many manufacturers such as Dell has decided to cut off the Internet, stop the NetBook product line update. Tech News said reporters Li Zhongcun, Canalys report shows that pC dominant era is coming to an end. Although the data does not support the Internet has "died" argument buy runescape items, but greatly increases in shipments of the Tablet netbooks in the market being gradually disappeared. "While PC and Pad are two very different products, but also have a same point: for users who already have a PC, they are the second device. You can't put XiaoBoth smartphones and three computers. "(Jin dynasty) Others:

