2012年2月23日 星期四

aion kinah Suthran If Yes - ZCR

129731621440315000_38Recently, Premier Wen Jiabao said during a visit enterprises of Guangdong Province, today aion money, after more than 30 years of reform and opening up, we have to continue to make up its mind, working up the courage aion kinah Zikel, unwavering to push forward reform, opening up, and never stopped, especially targeted to do long-term planning of the reform and opening up, continue to try bold, daring to break. As early as last year, Hu Jintao total booksRemember "Beijing," speech, up to 44 "reform" reference full of deep, highlighting aion kinah, unbalanced aion kinah Balder, uncoordinated and unsustainable development problems, restricting the scientific barriers to the development of institutional mechanisms hiding does not turn on and around, however aion kinah Thor, must be addressed through in-depth reform. The 20 anniversary falls on Deng Xiaoping's southern tour speech, Wen Jiabao again insisted on reform and opening up aion kinah Kromede, Demonstrated the Central for the achievements of reform and opening up, and stick to aion kinah Israphel, agreed to deepen reforms. And various local government at all levels in the report, the report of the Working Party, "reforming" the same high frequency appears. From this level, reforms from the consensus for reform, there is no discourse on the expression of dissent. However aion kinah Vaizel, specific to the reform partyTo, programmes to implement reforms aion kinah Urtem, objectively speaking, consensus has been reached, it is difficult to reach. To seek a consensus for reform "starting point" for now, no condensation of "consensus" that "reform" stays on the words of non-contentious aion kinah Spatalos, number sense than substantial progress. Reforms must be premised on consensus? History does not give us a definite answer. Review of reformEarly opening, resistance of not less than the current reforms in the resistance, and now recognized as maximum resistance of vested interests reform also exist at one time. Face great resistance and no precedent of the history of "risk", powerful mobilizing force of reform and open bow does not return is determined to carry forward, opening up a new situation in contemporary China. Turns out, not only the "consensus" in order toPromote reform. Step back and say, focus on reality, is it possible a consensus first and then deepening the reform? Must see aion kinah Siel, on the one hand, after more than 30 years of development, is already showing the diverse structure of society, people had their appeals to the interests of different social strata on the other, different sort of fairness and efficiency in the early reform battle, clearly the next reformTowards social justice, reform is doomed to not-is a universal "dividend", but focus adjustment and transfer of resource allocation. In other words, the differentiation of stakeholders ' interests and the decision of non-shared consensus difficult to form. Reasons for pursuing consensus will become unable to promote the reform aion kinah Perento, even an excuse. In fact, even if the consensus itself, judging consensus standards are notClear. Hope that the formation of public opinion to what was the consensus? If Yes, what to get public opinion to ensure that public opinion in a way one biased; if not, what it needs aion kinah Suthran, which reached a consensus between people. These questions cannot be sure to answer questions is in fact a consensus could become the standard. Judging reform has never been nor to "reach a consensus"As a standard, it should be said that "three favorables" to represent the standard of measuring success and failure is already outlines the impetus for reform and expect to achieve the reform objectives. Since the direction of reform is unshakable, "reform" word that holds infinite capacity for mobilization aion kinah Telemachus, never thought on reform of open questions, but to resolve problems. Is to be completely finishedAn historic change, also was delayed from day avoiding reform, is the core issue of life or death. (Editors: Zhang Renhe) Others:

