2012年2月23日 星期四

aion kinah Vaizel funeral corpse first usher has evolution mode - BVB

129731937136877500_148The absolute fire area absolute fire CGWR score
CGWR:291 CGWR describes 7.2 almost within a short time aion kinah Vaizel, had only come after when the younger brother of FPS games, has become a super predators on the online gaming market, and thin products, in addition to the usual hail of bullets, a
Some important elements, important strength of soul is truly full of FPS games, and there is no doubt that Necros model is the backbone of the force, based on the previous resident evil slot for numerous biochemical powerful mass Foundation for movies, cartoons, games aion kinah Siel, almost launched a biochemical model quickly won everyone's consistent pursuit, biochemical model of FPS aion money, in 2012How to evolve? Let us take a look at network long involved with research and development of the absolute fire (AF) model of how biochemical Necros, rising to a whole new concept! · Necros skill evolution, upgrade if you believe in the absolute sense of suffocation of firepower (AF), the funeral is still have games that will only slow ramp swooped down on your flesh, and canQuiet count walk of took a only points four or five pistol makes it play words, that I'm afraid you in game in the will will ten died no health, in absolute fire under (AF) in, funeral corpse first usher has evolution mode aion kinah Urtem, in hit killed human Hou, funeral corpse will get property and ability Shang of significantly upgrade, course aion kinah Kromede, this also just it most terrible of local, different funeral corpse with of congenital skills: Storm go, and stealth aion kinah Zikel, and windBarrel of the wheel of fire, chemical and biological warheads, radiation aion kinah Telemachus, enough for confident on equipment also drink a pot of humanity aion kinah Suthran, is of the most horrific aion kinah, last minute, Necros will get full screen view, which means that is impossible escape by hiding one. Human living space appears to have been compressed in jeopardy! Hanging on by a thread! So, let us see how do humans have such extreme terrorSurvival. Necros upgrade skills evolved sense of suffocation · key 1 of the survival of mankind: Nifty map balanced strength between the two sides and of course, set against the forces in, cannot allow one party to in the General setting, power of the although the Necros-because it was unable to stop the chain of transmission, as well as crazy craving to devour the biological, occupies a dominant position in the confrontation: imagine aBlood death corpse suddenly rushed out of thick high-proof, your teammates become its accomplices aion kinah Spatalos, then pulled out to you opposite, is how a desperate? However, the absolute fire (AF), and mapping support to the living space of the first human, many in RUSH defense and special maps of the random portal, provided effective support for human survival! SmartBalanced strength between the two sides at the map · human existence of key 2: pick up long heavy weapons BUFF, survival in the funeral tide is the only standard of weapons aion kinah Perento, although the strength of the Necros steep upgrade, but as human weapons to the absolute fire (AF) has to offer upgrades, including Schwarzenegger Queen's Gatling six tube runner of heavy machine guns aion kinah Balder, and Barrett heavyThe attacks, and even rocket launchers to join, undoubtedly made human survival chances better aion kinah Israphel, while the BUFF skills lost to have access in the map, also allow human access to addition, speed and firepower aion kinah Thor, protection cover, extra support such as Photonic sword and more to upgrade the battle to a close! Heavy weapons BUFF pick is King no doubt, of the absolute fire(AF) Necros mode, has taken the lead to FPS games of Necros rise again made a strong push, and more of them, believe that many FPS players, after entering the game, will at a glance! The absolute fire (AF) official website of the absolute fire (AF) Sina weibo Others:

