2012年5月17日 星期四

129809647210836250_453 SWTOR CD-key 129809647210836250_453 - AUZK

129809647210836250_453In the first half of 2005, Mexico is the United States's second-largest source of oil imports, according to United States oil and gas journal, January 1, 2005, Mexico has confirmed to 14.6 billion barrels of oil reserves, is the Western hemisphere's third largest conventional reserves of crude oil. Most of the reserve is made up of a variety of heavy crude, the proportion is less than the API of 25. Mexico left the maximum storageLocated in the southern sea of ink. Ink has proved oil reserves have fallen in recent years, according to Mexico's State-owned oil company Pemex Rift CD-key, Mexico reservoir production rate (based on production levels in previous years) had declined in 2000 from 20 to 10 years in 2005. Managers Pemex and Mexico energy has complained of Pemex does not have sufficient funds for explorationAnalysis and investment, because the Mexican Government on lessons at a high financial burden on the company. However, Mexican President Vicente Fox (Vicente Fox) SWTOR CD-key, under the leadership of Pemex has steadily increased its exploration budget. Mexico is the world's fifth-largest oil producer TERA Gold, this year the country average of 3.78 million barrels of oil per day, representing fell by 2004. ThisYears in July because of Hurricane Emily (Emily) led to oil facilities to close are major causes of decreased oil production this year compared with last year, despite the decline from mature fields is one of the reasons. Mexico's oil production, some 88% of crude oil and condensate, the rest of the natural gas liquids (NGL) and refinery products. The enterprise in 2008Fortune ranks 31st in the ranking of world's top 500 companies. Others:

